The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 105 Returning to the teacher to suppress the rebellion

The name of this one is wrong, I hope everyone will forgive me.


Finally, Patriarch Edel, who had been surrounded by thousands of soldiers, was exhausted and could no longer swing the two-handed epee in his hand.

The whole person stopped there, holding the epee with both hands, his chest heaved violently, and the sound of each other's breathing became heavier, looking extremely tired.

But even so, the surrounding soldiers saw that he couldn't do it, and no one rushed forward. Their order was only to prevent him from going to Zhong Yu's direction. Now that he has stopped his movements, those soldiers naturally wouldn't In vain to use his own life to test that, whether the powerful enemy still has the power to resist!

They didn't move, but their emperor did. Zhong Yu stood up slowly, sat on the carriage for two hours, was a little tired, stretched his waist, opened his hands, and moved his body.

After a few minutes, feeling a little more comfortable, he finally raised his head and looked at the frightening man in front of him. His breathtaking ferocity still deters the soldiers under his command from standing up. in front of him!

Even if this man is exhausted, exhausted the last trace of strength in his body, he even finds it very difficult to lift his hand!

"Surrender, leader Edel, you have no power to fight back, and look at the soldiers behind you. At this moment, there are 20,000 people and there are no five thousand of him. Surrender, as long as you surrender, I guarantee your life Safety and the survival of your tribe!" This is Zhong Yu's appreciation of this man's bravery and his love for talents, which is why he gave such a special treatment!

"Hmph, you want me to surrender, dreaming, as the patriarch of the Edel tribe, since I have inherited such a name, I will never let it be ashamed! If you want to win this war, you must start from my body Step up and take my head to win your glory and victory as the winner!" Some impassioned words popped out from the mouth of the patriarch Edel, full of heroism, which made people unable to help A sense of admiration.

Zhong Yu looked at the strong and tenacious man in front of him, a look of admiration flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help feeling very fond of this man who would fight to the death.

However, since he would rather die than surrender, and chose the path of fighting against himself to the end, then Zhong Yu would not be so stupid as to let him go.

Just like the brain-dead protagonist in some brain-dead novels in the previous life, because he likes someone to the point of madness, no matter how much damage that person has caused to his subordinates and eyesight, or unconditional forgiveness and connivance, he just wants to put That talent was convinced and accepted under his command.

The real emperor always considers only his own interests and the interests of the country, and weighs the benefits he can bring to himself after doing everything, and will not influence his judgment on things because of personal feelings, and give himself national power to bring hidden dangers and damage.

Therefore, Zhong Yu waved his hand directly and told those soldiers who had been killed to retreat, and let a pair of crossbowmen come forward instead. In the blink of an eye, three hundred continuous crossbows pointed at Patriarch Edel.

The reason why Zhong Yu didn't allow the crossbowmen to play just now was because Patriarch Edel's level of condensed grudge was as high as the fourth level, which was enough to form a harder membrane than the third level to protect his body.

It was also this membrane that made Patriarch Edel not have the slightest scar on his body after going through such a fierce battle just now. All the knives and guns that those soldiers cut on him were blocked by that membrane, and could not harm his body at all.

However, at this moment, his fighting spirit was completely exhausted, and his physical strength was also exhausted. He asked those soldiers to retreat, but he just wanted to reduce some losses!

After all, those are all living luck points, and it hurts him to lose 3,000 people like this. Now, how can he be willing to let those soldiers sacrifice their lives to fill the possible outbreak of Patriarch Edel!

Just let the crossbowmen who were not used before come up. Now that there is no fighting spirit for body protection, the specially made arrows can directly pass through his strong body and stay in his body, causing diffuse damage .

After the crossbowmen set up their formation, they confirmed that all the escape positions around them were blocked, and under the order of their commander, they pulled the trigger in their hands.

Whoosh whoosh! With the sound of arrows piercing the air, Patriarch Edel's ears had just received the sound of arrows firing, and his body suffered damage from hundreds of arrows in an instant.

Clap clap! With every sound in his body, the hundreds of arrows directly shattered and spread in his body, and countless filaments pierced into his muscles, piercing his whole body from the inside out. Holes, blood flowed out from those wounds as thin as pores, and the whole body was stained with blood!

"Ho... ho... ho..."

There was an indistinct sound from the throat, the entire lungs and throat were pierced by those thin threads, densely running through the whole body, even if he wanted to move, he felt that there were countless thorns piercing the internal organs and organs in his body. Muscles, a little breath is unimaginable torture.

Patriarch Edel's eyes closed slowly, and a smile appeared on his face. He was very satisfied with the result that he was able to die on the battlefield and fulfilled his glory as a soldier. A slight smile before death.

In the eyes of the soldiers under Zhong Yu's command, this man, who was like a god and demon, was taken away by a group of crossbowmen who could only hide in the distance and shoot arrows, and ended his life as the leader of the Edel Alliance. A glorious and magnificent life.

The next battlefield is not unexpected. With the death of their last spiritual leader, the last remnant army of the barbarians began an unprecedented rout, but they were caught up by the surrounding cavalry who had been prepared for a long time. , They fired the bows and crossbows in their hands from a distance, and carried out the kite-flying tactic.

Following the chasing and killing that one party loved to see, the mere 5,000 remnant soldiers quickly disappeared, and the corpses were scattered all over the road, waiting to be cleaned up by other wild animals. Only a few dozen lucky ones were able to escape to their respective villages. The tribe sent back the news of the defeat of the coalition forces.

And Zhong Yu also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was very confident about the victory of this war, he was always a little nervous until the last moment. Now that he saw himself and won the final victory, he also felt nervous. I completely relaxed.

Ordering the rest of the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, and then sending a partial army to take over the city that the barbarians were holding on to, Zhong Yu even returned to the barracks with his personal guards. After a day of tense mind, he dealt with all the troubles and difficulties Finally, now finally have time to rest!

However, Zhong Yu thought in his heart that he was safe and sound now, and then he just needed to lead the army to push over and wait for his last enemy, the barbarian's divine residence!

But he didn't expect that inside him, there was an undercurrent accumulating strength, gathering all support, and preparing for an unprecedented heinous conspiracy!

The chapter name of this chapter is wrong, I hope everyone will forgive me.

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