Zhong Yu had already led an army to conquer the 30,000 coalition forces of the tribal alliance of the Edel patriarch, and was preparing to reorganize the army and attack Edel City, the center of the Edel tribal alliance, which had no longer the power to resist.

To completely replace the position and hegemony of the Edel tribe in this plain, and become a new overlord force in the Lost Plain, step up to a higher level, and embark on a more magnificent journey of conquest!

Looking back at the Southwest Theater, the army led by Sun Jian confronted the Vogo tribe in the southwest. Although many large and small tribes in the Southwest Theater had defected to Sun Jian, there were still some tribes who were loyal to the lord or Wogo firmly. Reunited around the Vogo tribe, I would rather die than surrender!

These small tribes, together with the population of the Vogo tribe, numbered about 20,000. Among them, all the men who could take up arms were barely taken out to form a motley army of 5,000 people.

Relying on the fourth-level strength of Patriarch Vogo, leading a group of extraordinary people, he barely fought with Sun Jian's 45,000 Imperial Army and the 8,000 servants drawn from the more than 30,000 barbarians who had taken refuge in him. The confrontation under the city of Vogo.

Sun Jian also sent his army out at the beginning, and fought a tough battle with the 5,000 people of the Patriarch Wo Ge, but found that Wo Ge's inhuman combat power was so strong that he was so inhuman that he directly blew up his army!

Sun Jian, who originally wanted to use his superiority in military strength to easily crush this mere 5,000 miscellaneous troops, was shocked and lost all face.

Afterwards, ignoring the soldiers' morale of being terrified because of Worf's strong combat power, they forced the soldiers to go up and fought several times with Wolf in tens of thousands of battles.

However, after losing 10,000 of his main imperial army and 5,000 barbarian servants, he had to slow down his attack and instead fight with On the opposite side, Patriarch Vogo, who had only 2,000 people left, confronted each other.

However, just as the war seems to be going on like this, until the arrival of reinforcements from the rear, a greater breakthrough can be made, but this situation has changed now.

All of this came from a piece of news, the news that the leader of Edel in the north was defeated and killed, like a stone, stirred up thousands of waves on the calm water, and rippled layer after layer.

Sun Jian was not happy about this news, but rather worried. As for why he was worried, no one knew, and Sun Jian never showed it to others.

And this news, for the enemy facing Sun Jian, Patriarch Wolf was like a lightning strike, and he was stunned in an instant, not knowing what to do next?

Even the leader of the alliance who was more than ten times stronger than himself was defeated. With the remaining 3,000 people in his area, could it really be possible to block the enemy army on the opposite side and the continuous reinforcements behind him?

If he was defeated, what would be the fate of his tribe? Whether the whole family was killed like those recalcitrants in the city of Tours, or they were all demoted to slaves. From then on, they lived a life worse than pigs and dogs, and they would never recover.

Thinking of this consequence, Worf felt shuddering all over his body, and cold sweat fell down. But at this moment, a voice came, breaking his fearful thoughts and bringing a glimmer of hope and joy.

"Wolf, my loyal descendant, I know what you are worrying about right now? For the survival of the tribe, and for the eternity of my divine name, I decided to take action myself to help you pacify these enemies in front of you!" A sacred and majestic The voice came from somewhere.

"Yes, the great and noble clan god, with your action, you will definitely be able to wipe out those ants with ease, and once again bring honor and supreme status to our tribe. You will last forever, and your reputation will spread across the continent!" Hearing Worf didn't even think about this kind of voice, and instantly understood that their ancestor gods were talking to him, and knowing the reason why their gods communicated with him was even more joyful!

"It's just your Highness, isn't it that you can't just shoot at mortals? You will be punished by the will of the world. What should you do if you hurt a great man like you for us mortals? We really can't atone for our sins! "

Although he is very happy about the help of the clan gods, he is still a little worried about the actions of the clan gods about the will of the world he knows, the restrictions and punishments of those superior gods?

"You don't have to worry about this. I'm just in charge of taking care of the 40,000 to 50,000 people in the opposite area! The enemy armies in other areas have the gods from those areas. Let's share it, and the punishment of the world's will on us can also be taken care of. We are bearing it, and there is no serious problem, just take a little rest and recuperate for a while!"

Hearing this explanation, Luo Fu was even more ecstatic. It turned out that not only our gods took action, but also the gods in several other regions. How powerful the power of the four gods will be, Wu Fu felt deeply in his heart. understandable.

Those ordinary troops on the opposite side who don't even have supernatural power are absolutely powerless like ants, and will be easily crushed to pieces and disappear in the dust of history.

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel full of confidence in the fate of the next war. However, it suddenly occurred to him that because of this war, his tribe lost a large number of males and its strength was greatly reduced.

And it is impossible for the gods to take action at any time to protect us humble believers. Then the strength of our tribe in the future will not be enough to maintain our hegemony in this area. The weakness of one's own tribe sent troops to destroy one's own tribe.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, I quickly came up with a solution. "Great clan god, I wonder if you can force their commander-in-chief to surrender to our clan when you are taking care of those ants? Now that the strength of the tribe has been seriously depleted, if we can get a powerful army from the enemy to join us, then we The tribe will leap to become a tribe stronger than the leader tribe of the tribal alliance, and your glory will spread throughout the entire Edel alliance!"

Hearing the suggestion of his subordinate patriarch, the god of the Woge tribe couldn't help but feel his heart pounding. He was also very greedy for the belief of these 40,000 people. If he could use 40,000 people to send troops to unify the southwest and southeast area, then the number of believers under his command can increase to 100,000. With this power, it is not impossible to unify the entire Edel Tribal Alliance.

It's just that the god of the annoying Edel tribe has already ignited the fire, which is much stronger than the godly self. He is not an opponent and cannot directly unify the entire alliance. But as long as he has more than 100,000 happiness, it is only a few years of accumulation to the extent of igniting the fire, so how can this not make him tempted?

"Okay, I agree to your request, and then I will have a good talk with that leader, so that he can understand my greatness and holiness!" A meaningful and majestic words came, making everyone in front of me Patriarch Wolf felt a heartbeat, and he didn't need to lower his head and kneel down deeply.

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