The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 125 The World of Great Controversy

2,700 years ago, the Chinese nation entered a world of great struggles where all blood and spirit were contending. The Spring and Autumn Period of the ancient nobles and gentlemen came to an end.

Up to now, this great battle has lasted for hundreds of years and is about to come to an end.

In the west of the whole world, an empire named Qin has gradually risen. A barbarian who was originally looked down upon by the six kingdoms of the Kanto, with the determination to continue to change, he was the survivor of the six generations of monarchs. By persistently adhering to Shang Yang's reform, he finally accumulated enough strength to start his grand goal of destroying the six kingdoms and unifying the world.

Under the unstoppable iron hooves, the six kingdoms of the Guandong trembled under the feet of the Qin army, without the courage to face them directly, and they were completely declining.

And under such a situation, the north of the whole world is located in the Ji province in the northeast of China in later generations. At this time, the southern part of Kyrgyzstan is close to Liaodong County in the northern Yan State. In an unknown plain, a master who will change the fate of the world is ushered in.

At this time, it is the cold winter, the wind is mournful, the ice and snow are flying, and the sky and the earth are white and chilling.

Zhong Yu took his 50,000 troops and stood on the plain in this plain. And in the distance of them is an ordinary nomadic tribe with bonfires everywhere.

At this moment, his goal is to conquer this tribe, seize its territory, serve as his own country, and serve as the foundation for himself to conquer the world.

The long sword was slowly pulled out from his waist, and he looked into the distance with firm and indifferent eyes. "The time has come, all the generals obey the order, target the enemy camp in front, kill the enemy army, the Great Yu Kingdom will win, attack!"

The thick and shrill ox horns sounded for a long time, Zhong Yu took the lead, and the blue-red cavalry behind him swept past like waves. In a moment, before the group of barbarians could react, they broke through the camp.

What followed was a scene of inhuman massacres. After Zhong Yu's strict training, all soldiers practiced an elite army of internal strength and mental methods.

And how could these savages, who were still in the age of ignorance and didn't even have sound iron tools, be able to resist.

The army rushed from left to right, specifically to kill some of the barbarians who had gathered. Prevent them from being able to muster strength and carry out a certain degree of organized resistance.

As the barbarians fell one by one, the war came to an end. All those who dared to resist were killed by the horses, leaving the cowards trembling under the horseshoes.

Seeing that the war has subsided in front of us, it is time to enjoy the fruits of our victory. The soldiers under his opponent ordered that the whole tribe was allowed to be taken by them, and he would not interfere.

Amid the wailing, the entire tribe ushered in their greatest disaster, just like when they conquered other tribes or the common people of Yan Kingdom, they also ushered in the same fate.

Zhong Yu stared at the distance, it was dark, and under the moonlight, many crystal white snows glistened, forming a vast expanse of whiteness.

As for the wailing and screaming around him, he didn't care about it at all. This is the seventh tribe, and he led an army of 50,000, without stopping on one horse. Conquering all the way, searching for gathering points of various nomadic tribes. Then break them, capture them, bully them, and finally slaughter those who are useless to you.

Just like those nomadic peoples in history, they have always gone south to conquer the middle land, with various tricks and various names. Come to practice their cruelty and inhumane deeds that are only carried out for the desire in their hearts.

At this moment, I am just doing it all over again.

In the early morning, after the ravages of his own army at this moment. Entire tribes are in dire straits, with mutilated corpses everywhere, or survivors with lifeless faces strewn about.

Order the army to deal with them, and then clean up a little bit. Zhong Yu began to implement him, and the domination of this world was carried out.

One after another, people were summoned by him. These people were all the people he recruited in the Three Kingdoms world. They had never been released from the system space in that western world before.

It was because of the continuous war that he did not dare to neglect. The power of that kind of god and demon can easily destroy these hard-earned foundations of oneself.

Now, there are no gods and demons in this world, or there are, but they are not born. All the rampant powers in the world are nothing more than mortals, and the strongest is no more than the fifth level.

Letting them out just makes up for my own disadvantages in this world without the slightest foundation and unstable background.

As batches of people continued to appear in the vast expanse of whiteness, the place that had become sparsely populated due to self-killing became bustling again. The whole process lasted him for dozens of minutes, and a total of about 10,000 people appeared here.

These 10,000 people will establish a county here, and spread it around, establishing villages and towns one after another, so as to stabilize their rule in this place.

Appearing with them, there were also the 150,000 veterans who could not cultivate internal force left behind after a conquest in the main world.

In each county-level area, there will be 300 elite guards left, which is enough to resist the nomadic tribal militia who have no discipline, backward weapons, and low fighting will.

Batch after batch of materials prepared in the Three Kingdoms world and the main world were all carried out. The food supplies enough for these 10,000 people to use it for half a year have already appeared on the plain and are piled up neatly.

After confirming that there are no omissions, all officials, defenders, and material reserves are complete, and Zhong Yu is ready to go out again.

A burst of bugles sounded, and soldiers one after another quickly returned to the team, lined up neatly. Following Zhong Yu's order, His Majesty the Emperor who followed them started their journey again.

Three months later, Zhong Yu's horseshoes ran across the entire Kyrgyz province, and all the small tribes were wiped out under his iron hooves. Tribes that lasted decades and hundreds of years one after another became history in an instant.

Correspondingly, more than 60 counties were established. The entire Kyrgyz province has started a large-scale development, and a scene of new homes has appeared in full swing in this bitter cold place in the north. It has brought the fire of civilization to this area that has always been ignorant.

At this time, the march of the army began to stop. The heavy snow melts, everything returns to spring, the green grass is new and tender, and wild animals are looking for food. A vibrant scene appears in the north.

Donghu, a nomadic tribe that has lived for a winter, finally started their hunting trip.

Naturally, they also discovered that a powerful force appeared in the southeast of themselves, swallowing up all the tribes in their area, stepping on their own bones, sucking their own bone marrow and growing up.

The entire Donghu tribe was naturally furious, clamoring to recruit warriors and gather an army. Let them have an upright duel with the villain in the south who only knows about sneak attacks, and let them understand the bravery of the grassland warriors.

However, because spring just started, all the cattle, sheep and horses who had been hungry for a winter all lost weight severely, losing fat one after another, making it difficult to continue fighting.

So he had to endure it, and planned to wait until summer, when the cattle, sheep and horses were fat and strong, before coming to fight again. King Donghu even ordered many tribes to secretly guard and actively prepare for a big battle in the summer.

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