The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 126 The system disappeared

3 days later.

Outside the city of Changchun, in a huge plain, a high platform has been quickly built in the past few days.

Zhong Yu, the emperor of Yu Kingdom, was standing on the high platform at this moment, wearing an imperial robe, holding a sharp sword in his hand, followed by an attendant, who was holding a finely crafted tiger talisman on a tray.

"General Cao, are you ready? I will hand over the 50,000 troops to you. I will lead the troops to go to war. The loss is unpredictable. It depends on the general's ability!" Turning his head slowly, he knelt down with a serious expression. In front of him, Cao Cao said solemnly with a respectful expression.

"Underworld, for this expedition, I will do my best to destroy Jizi North Korea, take the Korean Peninsula for Your Majesty, and never return to the teacher!" Cao Cao also attaches great importance to this expedition. This is related to whether he can leave a deeper position in the heart of this man in front of him, and whether he can have greater development in this empire in the future.

"I know the ability of General Cao, and I will not fail to trust me. Come, drink this glass of wine, and I am waiting for the good news from General Cao!" Nodding his head, it is obvious that Zhong Yu also thinks of Cao Cao's ability, Will not let myself down.

"The army goes out!" From the tray held by the attendants behind him, he took out the tiger amulet, handed it to Cao Cao, and ordered the army to go out.

"Farewell, Your Majesty, Wanan!" Cao Cao didn't say much, after a little understanding, he turned around and left.

The horn sounded, and one army after another moved, heading east. Their goal was the Jizi Dynasty, which had established more than 800 of him and was the legacy of the previous dynasty.

Those who are backward will be beaten, those that are rotten will be overthrown, and things that do not conform to the times will be discarded.

"Your Majesty, with General Cao going, the outcome is uncertain!" Tian Feng, Minister of War next to him, said with some concern.

"Why don't I know? We have just arrived in this world. If we don't try it, how will we know how deep the water is!" Regarding such helpless things, even Zhong Yu, as an emperor, still has to do it on his own. Selected.

"It's true, how difficult is the road to dominate the world!" Tian Feng said with a sigh after hearing it.

"All of this can only depend on General Cao's personal ability. I hope he will not let himself down!" After speaking, seeing that the army had already left halfway, Zhong Yu didn't stay any longer, stood up under the protection of the guards, and returned The palace went.

In the palace, Zhong Yu sat on the throne wearily. Although he enjoyed his long career as an emperor, the intrigue, scheming, and frequent handling of government affairs still made him feel tired for a while.

"Come out!" As soon as the voice fell, a shadow appeared in the darkness.

"Dark guards, send 63 third-tier masters, let these people each take ten second-tiers, and go to important cities in the world to lay the intelligence network! In addition, among the seven countries, each country will give me a fourth-tier expert. A high-level master, responsible for unifying all the intelligence bases in that country!" Although he was not prepared to contact the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period in the south so soon, he still had to do some necessary intelligence work.

"Yes!" The shadow retreated immediately after hearing the order, and there was no unnecessary nonsense.

Seeing that his order had already been carried out, he did not give up completely, and instead thought about the transfer of his hidden guards.

Before coming to the world of Qin Shimingyue, he exchanged 108 of his third-tier masters with the nature of special agents who specialize in intelligence espionage and assassination behind enemy lines to the system. And correspondingly, the second order ten times their size as subordinates.

With the addition of twelve fourth-tier masters, his background in the aspect of extraordinary power can barely keep up with some weak countries among the Seven Kingdoms, such as Han Yan and other countries.

At this time, the system officially told him that it would no longer be possible to exchange these populations with him in the future, and this exchange function would completely disappear.

As for the system, it will disappear completely, and it will no longer be able to provide itself with any help. The system conspiracy theory that I was worried about was completely shattered.

When he first got the news, the shock and fear in Zhong Yu's heart were hard to describe in words.

There was a burst of disbelief in my heart, how could an existence like the system, with such extraordinary power, disappear so easily!

But the system really told me, why was I selected by the system? What exactly is the system?

Dao fifty, Tian Yan four nine, escape one.

Originally there were fifty avenues, but the evolution of the Dao of Heaven could only evolve 49, and the remaining one was escaped, and the system was the one that escaped.

As an escaped one, the system has been pursued by the Dao of the heavens and the world, hoping to absorb it, so as to complement itself and be promoted to the level of the Dao.

And in the process of chasing and escaping, Yi gradually gave birth to consciousness and began his journey of resistance.

He conquered the heavenly ways of the heavens and the world, enslaved them to absorb and nourish himself, and attempted to complete the remaining 49 great ways through them. So that he reached the level of Dao in one fell swoop.

However, this road did not go through after all. Just halfway through the journey, it was discovered by a more powerful, other Great World Heavenly Dao, and then a long-lasting and huge war began.

One defeat.

Then it was strangled and suppressed by all Heaven and Dao. Because it is the only one, it cannot be eliminated, and it cannot be eliminated. If it is gone, it shows that the Dao is incomplete. Without the support of the Dao, the Dao of Heaven will naturally collapse.

Therefore, the way of heaven can only hope to absorb it, so as to complement itself and make itself a great way.

But not reconciled to the fate of being annexed by others, he still guarded his last strength and sent a little snack to another parallel space, or the time before the birth of consciousness.

Then use the remaining power of oneself, the existence of the condensed system, let it find a little consciousness, and help this consciousness grow beyond the limit, and fulfill the wish that I have not fulfilled.

This is the reason for the origin of the system. After hearing this, Zhong Yu was shocked. He never thought that he would have such an extraordinary background. I finally understand why the system chooses me, this is a very ordinary, even somewhat incompetent otaku compared to other elites on Earth.

It turned out that all of this was preordained since I was born, and no one can replace me.

And the system, after defending itself before, the peeping and arresting of the main world's Heavenly Dao, took a lot of power. Afterwards, he helped himself and built a small world, which exhausted the last trace of his foundation and completely disappeared.

Only his body was left, a purple bead-shaped bead. You can use your luck points to hunt down various planes for crossing and conquering.

As for the so-called exchanging population before, it is just that the previous Heavenly Dao is stored in the system in another parallel time and space, so there is only a little remnant left over. Now with the disappearance of the system, it is completely gone.

That is to say? No matter what in the future, in terms of conquering the plane, I can only rely on my own efforts to carry out one adventure after another.

The only thing the system can provide itself is to capture the coordinates of the plane, such a function.

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