The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 127 - First Battle Victory

The 50,000-strong army is mighty, stretching for more than ten miles.


With a shout from the driver, the chariot pulled by four horses rolled quickly. The chariot was rattled by the bumpy road.

Cao Cao sat in the chariot, followed by his general Xia Houyuan.

"General, in front of you is Stone City, an important town in the north of Jizi North Korea. This city has a permanent population of 20,000 and 5,000 permanent troops. It has always been an important place to defend against the invasion of the Donghu people in the north. Therefore, it is heavily guarded and the soldiers in the city are skilled. Soldiers, it's extremely difficult to deal with!" Xia Houyuan said with some seriousness.

"Hehe, although there are many soldiers, the training is backward. Although the city is high, there are few defensive methods. In addition, it is now winter and spring. When everything is resurrected, there are basically no barbarians going south. Presumably the defense of this city is extremely loose now. Let it go! How difficult is it for me to break it!" Cao Cao sneered.

Now he is extremely confident. Ever since he was rewarded by His Majesty the Emperor, bestowed with a trace of internal energy, and practiced internal energy exercises, his progress in cultivation has been extremely fast. In just a few months, he has reached the late stage of the second level and is about to break through the third level. I can't help but make him, who dreams of immortality, so happy.

After all, I stopped talking and focused on ordering the troops to march!

When he came to the stone city, it was already around five o'clock in the morning, and it was still early spring, and the sky was still dark in the early morning, and the sun would not come out until six or seven o'clock.

Those defenders who had guarded the city overnight, were all sleepy at the moment, breathing heavily, looking extremely sleepy!

Cao Cao was overjoyed to see such a relaxed defense. Turning his mind, he suddenly thought of a plan. He turned his head and said to Yuan An, the leader of the hidden guards sent by the emperor to assist him, protect him and resist the enemy's masters.

"Master Yuan, I wonder if you can ask your master to take the top of this city for me, open the city, and let my army enter the city!"

"What's so difficult about this? I have nine third-tier soldiers under my command, ten times the second-tier soldiers. It's easy to deal with these mere ordinary soldiers!" Yuan An replied proudly.

It was impossible for him not to be arrogant, there were a total of twelve fourth ranks in the secret guards directly under the emperor of Yuguo. As one of them, he was directly in charge of one of the twelve hundred households of the dark guards. He was an official of the fifth rank. Although his position was humble, his power was high.

In this barracks, you can monitor and control Cao Cao, the second-rank hussar general in front of you. How to prevent him from being secretly complacent, with a feeling of elation and excellence.

Cao Cao was a little displeased when he saw Yuan An's arrogant attitude, but he didn't show it because he was old and cunning. Instead, his tone was flattering.

"Since this is the case, please Master Yuan take action and kill all the defenders without alarming the defenders at the top of the city. Then open the top of the city, so that I will be caught off guard by killing the defenders and steal the city. "

"Don't worry, my lord will come back as soon as I go!" Yuan An responded, and then he rode his horse to recruit the masters under his command.

Under the head of the city, black shadows approached quickly one by one, jumping continuously, people could not see clearly, and thought they were tree shadows.

The group of black shadows jumped for a while, and finally stopped at the foot of the city wall. After that, they didn't act immediately, but every five or ten people got together and discussed with gestures for a while.

It seemed that there was a result. All the black shadows pulled out the two weapons at their waists, and then used the blades in their hands together. One blade was placed on the city wall and inserted deeply, and then the hand that grabbed the dagger was pulled hard. With the support of the dagger, Li leaped upwards, then flew into the mid-air of the city wall, and inserted a dagger into the city wall again. After going back and forth like this several times, the group of black shadows climbed up to the top of the city wall.

Looking for a gap, taking advantage of the unpreparedness of these defenders, flying up the city wall from a place they did not see, and then slowly walking behind the defenders, suddenly stretched out his hand to cover the mouths of the defenders to prevent them from making a sound, and then The other hand touched their necks with a dagger, and a defender fell slowly like this.

According to his own example, the guards at the gates of the entire city wall fell one after another without making any sound on the way, which alarmed the soldiers who were patrolling.

When the entire city was cleared, there was no one alive except for the shadows. Yuan An looked around, no one of his men was injured, and nodded in satisfaction. Yes, these bastards did not shame themselves.

"Captain of the first team, take your people to open the city gate, I will go to guard around, be sure to be quick!" Said to the third-rank captain who was in charge of ten people under him, and then watched him take the order and leave, Only then did the soldiers under his command spread slowly, looking for the missing person.

At the same time, he ordered several soldiers to light torches at the top of the city and dangle them around. This was the secret signal he had agreed with Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was outside the city, looking at the torches that were going to light up on the top of the city, he couldn't help being overjoyed, but the caution in his heart still made him resist the idea of ​​attacking the city immediately, and observed it first. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, he ordered the army to advance quietly, and after trying to enter the city, he gave the defenders a surprise.

Of course, there was a creaking sound. When the gate of Stone City opened, it meant that Jizi, an important town in the north of North Korea, fell into the hands of Cao Cao's army. Yuguo's strategy against Jizi North Korea will also have a door open to him at any time.

When Cao Cao's vanguard had already entered the city, and he was also at the gate of the city, he completely let go of the confusion and uneasiness in his heart, turned to pull out the sword in his hand, and said to the surrounding soldiers: "The power to break the city lies in At this moment, all the officers and men will follow me to kill, and Feng Wife Yinzi is here!" After speaking, he pulled the horse's head, whipped the horse's whip, and rushed forward quickly.

"Kill!" The surrounding soldiers responded in unison, and rushed towards the city with Cao Cao excitedly. After a while, the city was on fire, and the sound of fighting shook the sky and the earth.

After January, when Zhong Yu was still in the palace, handling government affairs. He received a battle report that Cao Cao's army had broken through the northern border of Jizi North Korea.

"Report, there is an urgent military situation, congratulations, congratulations, Your Majesty! General Cao has broken through Jizi, an important town in the north of North Korea, and then the cities along the way have changed their flags and surrendered. At this moment, our army is heading for its capital. The loss of this battle is not large. There are more than a thousand soldiers, but Jizi lost 20,000 soldiers in North Korea, and its strength has been greatly damaged. At this moment, the whole country is only 30,000 soldiers, and our army is in a good situation, only thanks to your majesty's blessing!" Following his military report, a servant said and laughed There was joy, a smile all over his face.

"Oh, if that's the case, Cao Cao is worthy of being the general I value, and he has lived up to my expectations!" Zhong Yu's face was also full of joy when he heard it.

"Such a great achievement must be rewarded, um, what should I reward? By the way, I heard that Cao Aiqing likes to practice, and I just got a batch of treasures from heaven and earth, which are very beneficial to cultivation. Send me to hurry up and send them to Cao Aiqing. So as not to blow away the loyal heart of Aiqing!" After being happy, he did not forget the principle of reward for meritorious service, and immediately reminded his subordinates.

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