Half a year later, the remaining Donghu people were completely pacified, and new counties and counties were established on the original territory of all Donghu people, and batch after batch of people were taken to various places by Zhong Yu for resettlement.

And the Jizi North Korea in the southeast has also completely settled down, and the slight resistance has been calmed down in an instant. And Cao Cao left 30,000 people behind after stationing in place. He took the remaining 10,000 people and 50,000 servants prepared from Jizi North Korea. The barbarians who were still in the tribal era in the south attacked the past.

He intends to obey Zhong Yu's order, to pacify the entire peninsula in one fell swoop, and bring it under Yu Guo's command.


Inside the Changchun City Imperial Palace, at this time, the entire imperial palace was full of joy, and the maids and eunuchs coming and going were also full of motivation when they started working.

All this is because of the current Yu Kingdom, the two battlefields are reporting frequent successes, and the national power is becoming stronger and stronger. As members of this country, they are naturally honored, not to mention that they can still get close to the emperor at any time, and they belong to the servants of the emperor's servants!

Walking on the path in the palace garden, Zhong Yu paced slowly, scanning the exquisite scenery around him from time to time.

"Ju Shou Xun Yu, how are your household and official departments' arrangements for immigration and officials' recruitment? Has the local area stabilized, and people's livelihood has been restored and production construction started?" Regarding the war between Donghu and Jizi in Korea, although It's over. But how to get more benefits from the war is the key.

"Your Majesty, the two sides have roughly settled the situation. This war has plundered a total of more than 500,000 people in Donghu. After the surrender of Jizi Korea, the population has been more than 600,000. If you add the population obtained by Your Majesty in Jizhou before, we will come In the past year, the population has reached about 1.5 million.” As the Minister of the Ministry of Households, Ju Shou described the population statistics of his duties.

"Your Majesty, officials from all over the country have been selected and appointed, and under the command of these officials, the production recovery work will resume quickly. I believe that after two or three years, the situation in the entire barren land in Northeast China will be greatly improved." Ministry of Officials Shang Shu Xun Yu also quickly replied.

"Well, it's good to have resumed production. According to the current momentum, the entire Northeast will be initially developed in five years. Every place will also be on the right track. Instead of exporting from our imperial court, we can also provide taxes. Feed back!"

Afterwards, with many ministers around him, they discussed how to divide the administration at all levels in the Northeast and how many states, counties and counties should be established.

Finally, after deliberation, it was decided that the entire Korean peninsula was divided into one state, Pingzhou. Then, the northern part of the original area of ​​the Donghu people and most of the original HLJ province are a state, Hanzhou. In addition, based on the current Jizhou, some surrounding counties will be expanded to increase the area of ​​Jizhou.

Then in this world, Yuguo has three states. And the population plus the conquered ones, and the original ones, is about 4.5 million people.

The background can be said to be greatly enhanced, but these cannot be immediately turned into strength. Not to mention anything else, let's just say that most of the population in my country are women, old and weak, and there is a serious shortage of young people.

The total number of men who can be used to join the army is less than 400,000. As for some other men, it cannot be said that there are no such men, but most of them are old people under the age of 16 and over 45 years old. Let these people all go to the battlefield, other than serving as cannon fodder, delaying the enemy's strength and time, what use is there!

So I need time to let the domestic children grow up. Only ten years later, when the new generation grows up, there will be millions of people who can join the army. Even if the time is shorter, it only takes five years, and there are 600,000 people who can put on armor for themselves.

So all of this will take time. If you use your current strength, you can go south and compete with the Seven Kingdoms. With his 400,000 troops, even if 100,000 were left to stay in the mainland and suppress the rebellion, there would still be 300,000.

Such a huge army is already equivalent to the total army of Yan State in the south. It is not impossible to fight a war of annihilation with Yan State.

But this is destined to suffer heavy losses. Yan Guo, as a country that has been passed down to the present for 800 years since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty. The background strength is unfathomable, and the number of masters is even more unfathomable.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about their Prince Dan, who has close contacts with the Mohists at this moment, and has received the full support of the Mohists, one of the three prominent schools in the Warring States Period.

With the assistance of this school, among other things, the military technology of Yan Kingdom alone is like black technology, which has directly risen to an unattainable level, let alone a large number of masters of the Mohist school.

Mohism, along with Confucianism and Legalism, can be called the three major schools of thought in the world, and its strength overwhelms many other schools of thought. In addition to the major factor of organ skills, it also depends on their many disciples all over the world, as well as batches of masters at the top and middle levels. This kind of strength is one of the fundamental reasons for supporting them and enjoying this reputation.

And their leader, Six Fingers Heixia is a master of Tier 4. There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that the five elders of the Yin Yang family used to attack together to besiege the Six-fingered Heixia and lost. His strength can be seen from this, and Zhong Yu suspects that the six-fingered black man is probably in the top group among the fourth ranks.

And in the Yan Kingdom, there are still a group of unpredictable masters lurking, who should be specially used to protect the Yan royal family.

And among his folk and army, there are also some masters like Big Hammer, Gao Jianli, and Xue Nu. Although their strength is not very strong, they have just broken through the fourth level, and are even breaking through the fourth level. But when there are too many people, it will add up to be terrifying.

So after such a comparison and analysis, I found that if I really want to forcibly take down the country of Yan and annex it completely, it is possible, but I will also suffer heavy losses at that time. Can the 300,000 expedition army survive 100,000? , or an unknown thing?

After all, my own Jade Country is not Qin Country, it has the great reputation of Qin Country in the six countries of Kanto for hundreds of years. Being able to let Yan Guo hear the news that he was coming to attack, he trembled in fright. He only knew how to cede territory for peace, but did not know how to resist.

In their eyes, their own country is likely to be nothing more than a tribal alliance formed by some barbarians. Not being accepted and recognized by them at all is extremely contemptuous in my heart, and resistance is inevitable.

And when the time comes, I will go through untold hardships and finally take down the country of Yan. But suddenly he found himself, Qi Guo, Wei Guo and Zhao Guo, who are farther away, what should they do if they want to come to take advantage of it?

How can the 100,000 remnant army, whose numbers have decreased sharply after a great battle, and their morale is exhausted, resist their hundreds of thousands of troops!

So now I can only wait, wait for my country's heritage to strengthen, and wait for my 50,000 extraordinary troops who have cultivated internal strength to produce some results. It's best to be able to reach the strength that a normal second-tier master should have. By then, with these troops, it will be enough to sweep the world.

Everything takes time.

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