The rise of a country requires accumulation, and Zhong Yu's Royal Kingdom is no exception.

Ever since he lost the system, many problems that were usually hidden in the corners of the empire have popped up one after another at this moment.

For example, some rare materials, some development of the empire needs some unique materials to support. Just like the special bows and crossbows before, they must be made with special materials provided by the system, and the crossbows also need special materials to be processed in order to be more powerful.

But these materials are not available in Yuguo today, and those who want to find substitutes don’t know where to look. Those materials are special products of other worlds, even in that world, they can be said to be very precious.

But now that the system is lost, there is no source of raw materials for all weapons, and the production of many powerful weapons and siege equipment has all stopped. Moreover, the population and troops that are in short supply cannot be quickly exchanged through the system, and can only be accumulated slowly by themselves.

All the foundations need to be built from scratch, step by step, talents must be cultivated by themselves, and soldiers and horses must be trained by themselves. Once there is any dispute with other countries, the fortune is bad, the loss is too great, and you can't breathe all of a sudden, your own imperial country may be over like this.

So now I have been cautious, facing any forces in this world, I have to test slowly, and try out those hidden dangers step by step.

Otherwise, with my previous temper, when facing several countries in the south, I didn't care about the casualties, and just pushed them all the way regardless of the casualties. Relying on the advantages of having a system, you can exchange soldiers without limit, provided you have enough luck points.

At that time, let's directly use cannon fodder tactics. I don't believe that the seven heroes of the Warring States Period have limited population. It takes time for soldiers to train, and it takes a lot of foundation and energy to cultivate a talent. As for a transcendent who has achieved success in martial arts, he has to know how much resources he will spend and whether he will be able to succeed. After all, martial arts is a status quo that pays attention to talent. It can stop its seemingly endless soldiers, and consume them to death.

Just like the Changping War between Qin and Zhao, Zhao died 400,000 strong men, and his strength was greatly damaged, and he still hadn't recovered until the time of Zhao's demise. The whole country had more women than men. The Battle of Changping has been going on for thirty or forty years.

The same is true for Qin, which lost more than 200,000 soldiers in that battle, so although it won, it still suffered a great loss of national power. After that, there was no big move for nearly ten years, and he had been secretly licking his wounds in his own pass. It was not until Qin Shihuang ascended the throne that the unification war began.

It is the same in Yuguo now, when facing the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period in the south, they are very cautious. I'm afraid that if one is not good, it will ruin my army and damage the background I have cultivated so hard.

At that time, your own country will be damaged. If you are unlucky, you may be wiped out directly. If you are lucky, you will be able to hide in the northeast corner and survive.

Everything depends on Zhong Yu of his own country, how to survive in this world is hard to say.

Yes, Zhong Yu has a small world, but don't forget, he also has a fatal restriction. That is, if he cannot make his country powerful enough, then he will definitely not live to be a hundred years old, and this is the most fatal blow to him.

But now, he destroyed Donghu and Jizi North Korea, and got the vast Northeast and Korean Peninsula. These lands are enough to settle all the people on their own, and even seem a little empty and sparse.

The only fly in the ointment is that it has not been developed and needs to be operated step by step by itself. As long as it can be initially developed and fully utilized by its own population, then its strength can definitely match that of Qin.

When the Qin State unified the world, the population of the country was only 5 million, and the maximum military strength was 1 million. And now I have 4.5 million people, but there are a few strong men in it, and most of them have been consumed by me unrestrainedly before.

But if he manages him for five years, or even ten years, and waits until he recovers, it is not impossible for him to have millions of troops.

By that time, those extraordinary soldiers under his command will also begin to grow up. Five or ten years is enough for them to practice the military skills that were originally quick success methods to the second-level advanced level.

As for the talent reserve, it has the background of the Three Kingdoms world, and it is not inferior to other countries at all. As for the competition at the master level, I have some background. Compared with South Korea, the weakest of the six countries, it should be barely comparable, or a little weaker, but not too much.

Coupled with the fact that the ministers and generals under him have the skills that I have bestowed on them, and the addition of the cultivation method unique to their own empire, their strength progress is also extremely fast. It took five or ten years to cultivate to the third level, and even some It is normal to cultivate talent to the fourth level.

At that time, his master background will be able to rank among the world's top powers.

So Zhong Yu is now accumulating and waiting, when he has enough strength background. Then send troops to the south to compete with all countries in the world.

However, the waiting time was too long, and with Zhong Yu's impatient temper, it was really difficult for him to wait slowly.

So he had an idea in his head, but the implementation of the idea had to be arranged.


In the imperial study room, Zhong Yu was summoning his ministers and arranging some important instructions.

"So? Is Your Majesty planning to leave Yu Guo alone and go on a dangerous trip to the south?" Tian Feng, who has always been upright, looked angrily at the emperor in his eyes.

"Well, you're right. I want to see how my future enemy is going to be. Know yourself and know your enemy, and you can win every battle!" He said the reason he had thought up before making this decision.

"Then how to deal with His Majesty's safety? The southern countries are full of experts, and there are countless dangers hidden in unknown places. If you are not careful, it will be difficult to guarantee your Majesty's safety!" Ju Shou, who was more tactful, tried to make a detour.

"When I go south this time, I will leave a hidden guard of one hundred households in each of the three states in the north to monitor the place. There will be two more hundred households left. Take it to the south, and search for news and accompanying guards along the way." First, he explained the arrangement of the extraordinary power in the country after he left, and then continued.

"In addition, it has been a year since the south, and the initial establishment of the intelligence base is not considered to be blind, without any local foundation. My safety is basically guaranteed enough. Don't forget, I am also a four-year-old Super strong!"

"Your Majesty, even so, your safety cannot be absolutely guaranteed. The white dragon fish suit is a bit unreliable. I hope that your Majesty will think twice for the sake of the country!" Zhang Zhao, who is somewhat rigid, listened After Zhong Yu's explanation, he still didn't let go of the idea of ​​persuasion.

"Okay, don't say any more. I've made up my mind. No matter what you say, I won't change my mind." Hearing Zhang Zhao's advice, even though he knew from the bottom of his heart that what he said was not wrong, he also appreciated his words. Loyal, but still a little impatient.

"Since Your Majesty has made a decision, and the ministers can't dissuade you, then please Your Majesty must agree to one condition, that is, you must inform the ministers every ten days, so that we can know your Majesty's safety!" Finally, among the ministers Xun Yu, who was the most knowledgeable and flexible, said.

"Yes, your condition is also what you should mean, I agree!"

With the final sound, Zhong Yu's decision to go south was unchangeable.

This is the first time I recommend a book "Crossing the World of Mythology". After reading it, I feel pretty good. Everyone can take a look and support the seedlings.

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