The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 134 Yin Yang Attacks Ink

On the desolate official road, there are some dilapidated houses on the left and right, and the dry tree trunks tell the story of the prosperity of this place.

Da da da. There was a sound of horseshoes, and when I looked around, there was a group of more than a hundred knights.

These knights sat on strong war horses, all of them carried bows and swords, and were dressed in blue-red warrior robes. The fabrics were all made of precious silk, which showed the extraordinary wealth of this pedestrian.

"Yide, hundreds of miles ahead is your hometown, Jicheng, Youzhou, but I don't know how the Jicheng of this world is different from your original world?" Along the way, seeing this dilapidated and desolate place Looking at the scene, Zhong Yu secretly estimated the strength of the Yan Kingdom?

"Compared to my hometown, it should be pretty good! At least there are no barbarians in the north. Although there are wars in the country, it is generally stable, and many people can still live. It's just my hometown..." Said At this point, even Zhang Fei, who has always been a rough mine, was a little sad, obviously remembering that his hometown was gone.

"Don't be afraid, if you lose your hometown, you can look for it again. I will be able to take this place in a short time. By then, Yide can regard this place as his hometown." Seeing Zhang Fei's expression, Zhong Yu quickly changed the subject, It shows that he also knows that Zhang Fei's hometown was destroyed by himself.

"Haha, what I'm talking about is that when the time comes to fight Yan, His Majesty must let me be the vanguard!" Laughed loudly a few times, covering up the slight melancholy in his heart.

"Ha! Yes, I will definitely let you be my vanguard general when the time comes, and don't forget that you are outside now. If you want to call me the lord, your Majesty is too ostentatious!" Seeing that Zhang Fei is not too entangled, at least On the surface, he was not too entangled, and Zhong Yu was a little happy, but he still pointed out his speech problem and gave him a few words.

"Drive!" He yanked the whip, sat down on the steed and galloped forward quickly. Afterwards, many knights followed closely.

He galloped all the way, but within three days, he soon came to fifty miles outside the capital of Yan Kingdom.

This is a canyon, and within the canyon is a remote trail, which only passing business travelers know about. The road in the valley is narrow, and there are only trails where three people can barely pass in parallel, and the road is winding and winding, making it extremely difficult to walk.

Many small businessmen often take this shortcut in order to avoid heavy tariffs and quickly reach the capital of Yan State to do business.

It is not enough to have those big business travellers, they often have dozens or even hundreds of carriages. It is impossible to pass through this kind of small road, and the small road is difficult and dangerous, and there are often bandits.

Even for their own safety, they would choose to avoid this road. After all, the possibility of losing all the goods for a little tariff and risking your own life is really not worth it.

Today, there are no business trips in this canyon, and the economic downturn in Yan Kingdom has become more and more sluggish in recent years. The state of Qin in the west is becoming more and more powerful, plundering Yanzhao from time to time, and the king of Yan state is extremely stupid, and there are treacherous ministers like Yanchun Lord in the country. The whole country can be said to be rotten from top to bottom, and it is hard to get back.

Those ordinary people are overwhelmed by heavy taxes, so how can they have spare money to buy these small goods? In order to avoid taxes, those small traders often abandoned their small businesses and fled to the mountains and forests to live an isolated life.

But this small path that no one has passed by for several months usually has several people coming at this moment, and the noise is not small, it can be heard several miles away.

"Six-fingered black man, you can't escape, you'd better be obedient and catch him!" said a woman in a blue dress, luxuriously dressed, with a face like a fairy.

"Hmph, Yin Yang family, you lackeys of the Qin state, want my life? It's really wishful thinking." said the middle-aged man in black robes, wearing a bamboo hat and black veil to hide his face, and holding a black sword without a front. .

"Six-fingered black man, I know that you are a giant of the Mohist school, with a high position and authority, and your strength has reached the first-class late stage. You can be said to be a top-notch group in the entire arena. It's a pity that our Lord Donghuang wants your life by name. You can't escape no matter what!" said a handsome man in a white shirt on the left of the black-robed man.

"Mr. Yunzhong, don't pretend to be in front of me. With the strength of your first-class juniors, it is arrogant to want to take me down!" The six-fingered black man in black robe said contemptuously.

"Hmph, whether you can hold it or not, you will know after trying it. I am outnumbered and you are outnumbered. You are only one person. First block the combined attack of five of us." A burst of contempt from the enemy in front of him made the always proud Yun Zhongjun feel a little nervous. Ashamed.

"Stop talking nonsense, you and I will do it!" Six Fingers Heixia yelled violently, waving his black eyebrows in his hands, and was stimulated by Six Fingers Heixia's strong internal force, bursts of ink filled the air.

The expressions of the five people in front of them couldn't help but change when they saw the action of the six-fingered black man. There are all kinds of coercion in the air, as well as the feeling of being involuntary at any time, which makes them feel the strength of being the leader of a school.

"Drink, myriad leaves are flying like flowers!" The woman in Tsing Yi shouted coquettishly. Unexpectedly, the leaves gathered from all over the sky suddenly surrounded the woman, as if restrained by an inexplicable law.

"Xiaoxiang tears and rain." Another beautiful woman in a blue shirt behind the six-fingered black man pinched a few seals with both hands, and the sky was suddenly foggy, with a faint drizzle falling.

"Emperor Empress Dowager!"

"Zhaoyun Weiyang beheaded!"

"Yin Yang Ai Qi Mudra!"

There were three more violent shouts behind him, bursts of khaki, golden, and blood filled the air, with a frightening momentum, approaching the Black Man with Six Fingers.

"Mo Mei Wufeng!" Six Fingers Heixia murmured silently in his heart, and black threads rolled towards the five people, seemingly slowly, but actually extremely fast.

For a moment, five people occupied all directions, surrounding the Six Fingers Heixia. And Heixia's black inner strength was released outwards, and he was approaching the fifth elder, and the fifth elders also released their own inner strength to attack Heixia together.

Violent collisions and explosions sounded in the canyon, and rolling stones and smoke flew up and down from time to time, causing bursts of vibration.

Between swords, lights and swords, although the fifth elder has the advantage in life, he is still inferior to Heixia in terms of internal strength and strength. Constantly being repulsed by Hei Xia, every time he flew upside down, his whole body ached, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Half an hour later, the originally high-intensity fighting had gradually subsided. The five elders each retreated to the rear, holding their chests and bending over.

The Black Man with Six Fingers was also having a hard time, with tiny wounds running across his body, and trickles of blood flowed down like streams, but he sealed the wound with his internal force immediately.

But on the whole, it seemed that the six-fingered black man was even better, and his aura was getting stronger and stronger. Obviously, he still had strength to spare, and the injury just now was nothing to him.

Several people looked at each other, and the five elders couldn't help but retreat when they saw that the man in front of them was so tyrannical, and they were no match for them at all.

But at this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes, and hundreds of knights appeared on the canyons on both sides, all of them pointed at the six people in the canyon with their bows and arrows.

This is Zhong Yu who just heard the movement and ran over after investigating.

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