
A burst of laughter came from Zhong Yu's throat.

"Hehehe, you are indeed a black man with six fingers, a majestic fourth-level master, and a first-class existence in the world. He can lead tens of thousands of disciples of the Mohist school, and lead the Mohist school to be one of the three most famous schools in the world. He really has two brushes!" A lot of praise The words come out of Zhong Yu's mouth.

"I don't need to say compliments. Ever since I took over as a giant, I've never stopped complimenting. I'm tired of hearing them. Tell me quickly, who are you? You're more like a woman than a woman!" Six Fingers Hei Xia saw Zhong Yu talking about everything, but he missed the point and revealed his identity, feeling impatient for a while.

"Don't be in a hurry, as a superior person, you must have patience, which is indispensable. Anyway, seeing that you are so anxious, let's talk about the fundamental contradiction between you and me!" Zhong Yu chuckled a few times, watching The six people below were a little impatient, so they didn't want to continue playing.

"I would like to hear the details!" The six people below said together, as if they had a tacit understanding.

"I want to kill Six Fingers Heixia, not because you robbed me of my interests in the Jianghu, nor because of any disputes between your Mo family and my faction. There is only one real reason, and that is that you accepted something that should not be accepted You should be an apprentice. What's more, let this apprentice become your heir, let him take over the Mohist family in the future, this is absolutely unbearable for me." Zhong Yu didn't point it out directly, but said Some plausible words.

"The apprentice who shouldn't be accepted is still the heir. You mean Dan. But where does Dan have any grievances with you? Are you a member of Lord Yanchun of Yan State? You look like you, you are full of nobles. Qi, his demeanor is full of today's arrogance, and his eyes will never look directly at anyone. This kind of temperament does not seem to be subservient to others, let alone just a mere Yanchun Lord of the Yan Kingdom." Six Fingers Heixia thought and thought, and found that everyone he could think of had conflicts with Dan. The enemy who would rather kill himself and the members of the Yinyang family than cut off the wings of Dan Yu, seems to be the only one in the entire Six Kingdoms, Yanchun Jun.

"Yan Dan, that's right, it's this person. Although he doesn't have much talent, he is only superior in military strength, but how can the courage of a man be able to run rampant in the world. But the strange thing is that his status is special. He is the only heir of King Yan, the destined prince, who will inherit the entire Yan Kingdom in the future."

"As for the so-called Lord Yanchun, what is that? He is also worthy to be my master? It is an insult to me to be compared to me. Even if you lift my shoes, you think he is incompetent. How dare you use him to be my master? Contrast!" Zhong Yu said in a fit of arrogance, his tone full of humiliation.

"Is it really Dan? But I still don't understand. Although Dang is the crown prince of Yan Kingdom, King Yan is in his forties. It will be more than ten years, or even longer, before he passes away to Dan. And Dan has been in power for such a long time, and you say that you are not from Yanchun Jun, so why are you so afraid of Dan, or vigilant?" Six Fingers Heixia was still very confused.

"Yan Dan, although he is not yet the king, but he is a crown prince and has his own set of forces. In the country of Yan, although the right to speak is not high, he has also started gradual reforms to gradually improve the national strength of the country. If things go on like this, although the effect is not too great, the strength of Yan State can still be improved. And through the implementation of these good policies, Yan Dan can also gain a huge reputation among the people of Yan State, which is extremely important for my power. disadvantage." Without any concealment, he directly and generously told the six people below why he did this, as if he was not afraid of them escaping and brought the news out.

"Because of what Dan did when he returned to the country of Yan? Are you afraid that his reforms will enhance the strength of the country of Yan, making it more difficult for the power behind you to plot against the country of Yan? Then which power are you? Are you a barbarian?" Six Fingers Heixia talked to himself at first, and at the end he was startled suddenly, and looked at Zhong Yu with murderous eyes.

"Donghu people, hmph, don't compare me with those lowly people who are dirty, ignorant, low-minded, and smell like sheep. They are just a bunch of bereaved dogs!" Zhong Yu said with extreme contempt.

Also, at this moment, the entire Donghu tribe was defeated by Zhong Yu, and the whole tribe became his slaves. It is an insult to compare slaves with their masters. And how could the slave owner think highly of his subordinates, a group of slaves who were killed and slaughtered.

"This..." The Black Man with Six Fingers really couldn't figure it out. After much deliberation, he had plans against the Yan State and had the strength to start a war. Besides Donghu people, who else is there?

"Please also tell your Excellency, don't be so hesitant, you lose your identity!" The others watched for a long time, and then heard the six-fingered black man and the mysterious man with extraordinary arrogance, and the five elders of the Yin-Yang family who had been talking for a long time, couldn't help it. Speak up.

"Forget it, you don't need to know my identity, I'm going to die anyway. You just need to remember one thing, that is the country of Yan, which will be destroyed by me in the near future. The country of Qin will also have An extremely powerful opponent appeared. The ownership of this world, who it belongs to, has to be measured with the sword again!" Although the tone was flat and somewhat helpless, but the domineering words leaked from Zhong Yu's mouth, It flowed out so plainly.

"Who are you? It's really arrogance to speak so arrogantly that the country of Yan was destroyed in your hands. A big country that has been passed down for 800 years, has a territory of two thousand miles, and 300,000 armors. How can you destroy it as soon as you say it? Even if It's the state of Qin, and it doesn't dare to say such words lightly." Hearing the arrogant words of the person in front of him, Six Fingers Heixia felt disdainful at the same time, and at the same time flew into a rage.

"That's right, your Excellency's arrogant words, don't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue! Our Great Qin has a territory of tens of thousands of miles, with millions of armors, and countless people who dare to fight. How can you say that the enemy is the enemy? For more than a hundred years Since the reform of Shang Yang and the great increase in national power, it has always been after the six countries have united, so I dare to say this." Yun Zhongjun next to him was also disgusted by the arrogant words.

"Hmph, I knew that you don't really believe what I said, and you don't need to believe it. After a few years, the facts will prove everything. As for you, you will be here as dry bones, waiting to be trampled by my army !” With a sneer, Zhong Yu said directly.

The faces of the six people below changed, and the arrogant tone of the person in front of them didn't sound like they were joking.

Could it be that outside of these six countries, there is really a powerful force comparable to Qin, hiding in the dark and watching?

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