After finishing the last sentence, Zhong Yu was not in the mood to play some language games with a few people. He turned around, waved his hand, and ordered the surrounding knights to start attacking.

Several generals and secret guards who received the signal from their emperor set up their bows one after another, raised their arrows to the string, and aimed at the six people below, looking for their openings, so as to wait for the opportunity to move.

Pointing at him one after another with sharp and cold sharp arrows, the six people who were receiving countless malice below couldn't help trembling in their hearts.

If it's just ordinary people's bows and arrows, which are weak and unable to see the aim at a long distance, they will naturally have no threat to these fourth-order powerhouses.

But if it is replaced by each one with deep internal strength, who has practiced killing skills for an unknown period of time, each of them will treat killing as if it is eating and drinking, and they are very familiar with each other, and they have already become instinctive martial arts masters.

Then they can't underestimate them no matter what, not to mention there are masters who are at the same level as them, and they can't relax.

At this moment, there are more than a hundred archers on the cliff, and they are no longer simply harassing from a distance. Instead, they were arrows of death, hiding in the dark, waiting for their own negligence to take their lives away.

"Tick tock, tick tock."

Drops of sweat fell from the foreheads of these six people, passing through their eyes, sore and unbearable. The drops of sweat that still contained salt were constantly stimulating them, telling them how tired their bodies were and how tense their spirits were at the moment.

However, despite being so unbearable, their bodies remained motionless, not moving at all.

That's because they know that at this moment, countless cold arrows around them are pointing at them, just waiting for them to show a slight flaw. With a little movement, what awaits them is a swarm of arrows, arrows that may shoot them into a hornet's nest.

The whole air froze, and the atmosphere of stalemate lingered in everyone's heart, lingering.

Finally, the six-fingered black man who had just been seriously injured and hadn't recovered yet. Before getting a good rest, and going through some confrontation, his body finally couldn't bear it, so he moved a little.

At this moment, several flaws appeared. Zhao Yun and others who had been staring at him for a long time loosened the iron bows that had been bent for a long time.


The sound of several arrows leaving the bowstring sounded, and one by one the exquisitely crafted crossbow arrows flew away from the bowstring, rushing towards Six Fingers Heixia. The sharp arrows pierced the air, and the rain of arrows at the tail trembled slightly, as if giving it more power.

Six Fingers Heixia watched helplessly as these several arrows struck him, and the arrows seemed to become extremely slow in his eyes, and he could clearly see them every time he cut through the air barrier. Time seems to stop at this moment and slow down.

It is said that before facing an inevitable danger, the brain will run fast, the vision will be extremely slow, and everything seems to slow down.

But the body, because the mind knows all this is happening, but can't keep up, can only accept this fate helplessly, making every common sense person's eyes wide open, eyeballs protruding, and he looks like he is dead.

The six-fingered black man in front of him was like this. He saw it with his eyes and sensed the threat coming. Everything was clearly reflected in his mind, forming a subtle picture.

But that exhausted body is like a broken car, it is difficult to continue to run at full power. Although he tried his best to dodge, his speed was not slow compared to ordinary people, but very fast. In modern society, he is definitely at the superhuman level.

And he also tried his best to release the little internal energy left in his body. The surroundings of his body were painted as black as ink by the black internal force, like a night, and it was difficult to see the scene inside the black mist.

But a brilliant archery master never aims only with his eyes. They know how to judge by sound, through changes in wind direction, and various factors that are difficult for ordinary people to observe, to target the enemies they need to deal with.

Not to mention, Zhao Yun and the others had clearly seen the exact location of Six Fingers Heixia before. He already had a clear image in his mind, and he also had a prediction about the next action of the Black Man with Six Fingers.

That's enough for them to take one, brilliant and accurate shot, and it's time to perform the real art!

Although Six Fingers Heixia tried his best to avoid the incoming arrows as much as possible. But the body that was slowed down due to pain and fatigue could not completely escape after all.

The ruthless arrows still pierced his body and penetrated into his body. The cold and sharp arrows kept cutting the tender muscles in his wound under his movements.

What made him even more unbearable was that these arrows were not ordinary arrows, but specially made ones. After shooting into his body, the arrow shaft in the middle burst violently, split into countless thin strands, and firmly pierced into every muscle of his body.

Every time I move, it feels like there are countless thin needles pricking in my body. The sour and refreshing taste, not to mention enduring it, experiencing it for myself, even telling others to hear it, makes my teeth sore and I shiver.

But at this moment, Six Fingers Heixia easily experienced this feeling that others would be afraid of when he thought of it, and he was extremely thoughtful.

Fearing that one arrow would not be enough, those people on the cliff gave him a few more. A total of six arrows were stuck in his body, which didn't seem like a big deal to the tall figure of the six-fingered black man in black robe.

But what the specific situation is, only the benevolent see benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.

Anyway, Six Fingers Heixia, he felt very uncomfortable at the moment, the situation was very bad. Pain, unstoppable pain, as if the whole body is not his own, and it feels unbearable to move even a little bit.

The kind of flesh and blood, meridians that pervade every thread of his body, with filaments lightly drawing on his bones, bringing out waves of tremors that go deep into the soul.

At this moment, even he, a man who has always been known for his toughness, couldn't bear it. He hummed softly in his throat, but then stopped. Because an arrow was inserted into his lung, and the entire lung was controlled by countless filaments. Every breath, every sound was a kind of torture.

And the arrow that had been coated with the secret poison long before it was shot, also began to play its due role, and stepped onto the stage for the second time at this moment.

The wound around the arrowhead, the originally tender and bright red muscle, became pitch black under the pollution of the arrowhead, the muscle also became swollen, and yellow-white pus gradually formed around it.

And the arrows shot above the meridians are even more difficult to deal with. The blood flows along the meridians, and the arrows that flow through bring the venom on the arrows to all parts of the body, corroding the whole body.

Seen from the outside, Six Fingers Heixia's entire body was covered in poison, turning blue from the poison, his body was swollen, and his movements became more rigid, as if he was dying soon.

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