"Ha... this..." Yun Zhongjun and the others beside Six Fingers Heixia exclaimed.

They were extremely terrified in their hearts, the five of them could never have imagined that the six-fingered black man who was rampant for a while, the giant of the Mo family. Dare to bring disciples and the most powerful country in the world, the hard-working existence of Qin, just died in front of them without causing any disturbance.

Although the goal of their trip was to kill this man, although they were confident in their hearts that they could succeed, they were somewhat uncertain.

After some fights, he even discovered that this man was much stronger than himself. With his own strength, he repelled the attack of the five of him, and he was not seriously injured, as if he still had strength to spare.

Who knew that he died so easily, just by a few arrows. It is really a great irony that a generation of heroes in the world cannot die under the sword of the enemy with dignity. Instead, he died under random arrows, but it was a naked satire and slap in the face of all the knights in the rivers and lakes.

The Black Man with Six Fingers is dead, so the five people from the Yin Yang family will be next!


As the bowstring was pulled again, the taut bow squeaked.

One sharp arrow after another, this time they all pointed at the five elders of the Yin Yang family. The cold sharp arrows gleamed under the sunlight, stinging all the archers who were staring into the distance.

Zhao Yun stared slowly with his breath held, the internal force in his body was flowing rapidly, following his mind in each meridian, moving forward along a special trajectory.

The body is warm, and all the places that have been swam by the internal force feel relaxed for a while. The body that was a little stiff after a continuous movement has become relieved, and the sore muscles are numb for a while, full of refreshment.

The silver-white internal force slowly covered the arrows through Zhao Yun's hands, and the bow body and bowstring had even more internal force, which was continuously strengthened and vibrated at this special frequency.

This is accumulating momentum, the object vibrating at the same frequency at high speed will bring huge kinetic energy, and then an extremely powerful explosive force will follow.

After shooting the arrow in Zhao Yun's hand, he can guarantee that if he can hit it, it will definitely penetrate the internal force barrier of the five people below. Break their protective qi and penetrate directly into their chests, allowing them to experience the treatment of the six-fingered black man just now.

However, Zhao Yun was waiting, and just like him, several people with excellent bow and arrow skills around him were also waiting. They need an opportunity, a flaw, so that the deadly weapon they have been preparing for a long time can be sent into the body of the enemy below.

After waiting for so long, the opportunity still hasn't come.

The five people below formed a formation, echoing each other, and there was a faint cooperation and connection. It would be difficult to break through with one blow, without any special circumstances.

Time passed slowly, and the atmosphere became more and more dignified.

"The dark guard listens to the order, aim at the five people below, and fire the bow and crossbow after ten breaths!" After waiting for so long, the five people below can't wait for their flaws. Then Zhong Yu can only artificially create it!

After hearing the order, more than a hundred hidden guards slammed into their own bowstrings with a squeak, and held the tail of the arrow tightly with three fingers, and carried it on the thin bowstring. The arrow aimed at the arrow below. One of five people.

Eight breaths, five breaths, three breaths, one breath, time slowly came to an end, and when their emperor gave an order, following the order of their respective chiefs, there was a whistling sound.

More than a hundred arrows rushed towards them, and around the five people at the bottom of the cliff, densely packed arrows poured down on the five people like a torrential rain.

The five elders of the Yin-Yang family were not waiting to be caught, although the four of them together seemed to be no match for the Six-fingered Heixia, and they looked quite weak. But these are all superficial phenomena. They seem to be weak against a person, especially a strong one. This is nothing, but against dark guards who are weaker than them, and the arrows shot by those dark guards, the effect will be It's completely different.

All the five people's hands burst out with various kinds of brilliance, and each group of brilliance was shining with its own style. The surrounding air also twisted and swayed slightly with the flickering brilliance.

"Myriad Leaves Flying Flower Flow!"

Finally, Shao Siming, who was better at team battles, made a move.

Pieces of green leaves condensed into a long green dragon under Shao Siming's control, circling in mid-air around the five of them.

The green dragon vibrated slightly, and continuously absorbed more green leaves into it, and then grew bigger and bigger, finally becoming a 30-meter-long dragon, but it seemed that the green dragon had reached its limit at this point.

With a buzzing sound, the entire body of the long dragon vibrated violently, forming various strange frequencies. Finally, following Shao Si Ming's hands pinched a seal formula, the whole green dragon howled and charged ferociously at Zhong Yu's side.

The dense sharp arrows, the long green dragon, and the two murderous weapons full of death breath looked at each other in mid-air.

Sharp arrows with various colors of brilliance, under the blessing of internal strength, headed towards the green light without any hesitation. The air in front was cut open by the sharp arrow at that incomparable speed, and even the surrounding air formed a semi-arc that could be seen by the naked eye.


As the two powerful attacks collided together, there was a loud noise in the midair, and an astonishing wave of air swept away, shaking the cliffs on both sides slightly.

The green brilliance on the long dragon decreased rapidly, and one after another green leaves were cut and crushed by the sharp arrows, and turned into dust and carried away by the air waves.

And those sharp arrows were also continuously wrapped and strangled by the green brilliance, breaking off in mid-air again and again, breaking into several pieces, and then falling powerlessly to the ground.

But in the end, it was Lu Guanghua who lost a lot, after losing nearly eighty of his one hundred and eighty sharp arrows. Finally smashed the green dragon, and the dragon was broken into several pieces. The few parts of the body that had lost the internal energy supply of Shao Siming buzzed in the air, the body shook violently, and finally turned into leaves all over the sky with a bang, fluttering in the wind.

The remaining hundreds of sharp arrows continued to shoot at the five people below unabated. At this time, Yun Zhongjun and the others had also accumulated their unique moves, and they all burst out in the direction of the sharp arrow.

A sound of collision resounded in the air, and sharp arrows were constantly being knocked into the air or directly shattered. And the moves of Yun Zhongjun and others are also constantly being canceled out, becoming weaker and weaker, and their brilliance is getting dimmer.

Finally, there was a bang. The two sides, which were colliding with each other in the air, suddenly dissipated, and all the hundreds of sharp arrows were destroyed, completing their mission.

As for Yun Zhongjun and the others, their few internal strengths were exhausted, and their physical strength was also severely depleted.

Now, they who had just withdrawn their internal strength, hadn't had a good rest and breathed a sigh of relief, and they ushered in a more deadly attack.

On the cliff, Zhao Yun and others, who had found their flaws, loosened the bowstring in their hands one after another, and with more powerful arrows, they left the bowstring in response to the sound and shot out.

The target is obviously Yun Zhongjun and others.

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