As Zhao Yun and the others let go, several powerful arrows struck Yun Zhongjun and the others, and the sound of the sharp sword piercing the sky was heard. Yun Zhongjun and the others, who had just breathed a sigh of relief and could not react in time, felt cold and their expressions changed.

Just wanted to lift up his energy, let his internal force run through his body, performed lightness kung fu and jumped a few times, but he already dodged these arrows.

But he was horrified to find that just after his internal force had traveled a certain distance, he suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen, the internal force also dissipated, and his whole body convulsed.

This is because the internal energy in the body is seriously exhausted and it is difficult to continue. After several battles, the body was unusable, and it automatically protected itself.

But this self-protection of the body will kill Yun Zhongjun and others.

Yun Zhongjun and the others just wanted to raise their energy to escape, but they never expected to encounter such an accident, the internal strength was gone, and the body stopped working. This is a fatal thing.

In the blink of an eye, he didn't have time to think about it, so he could only rely on his instinct and previous experience to move his body a little, trying to avoid the arrow's attack as much as possible.

Puchi, the sound of a sharp arrow cutting through flesh and blood rang in Jinan's ears.

The five of Yunzhongjun were stabbed by ten arrows, and their heavy bodies were lifted up by the arrow's huge force, and they flew backwards. After a few bangs, it rolled several times on the ground, drawing a long sidewalk, and then stopped with the help of the resistance of the ground.


Holding the wound pierced by the sharp arrow with their hands, bursts of pain hit, and the body was greatly damaged. The bursts of pain were transmitted to their brains through the pain nerves, causing them to groan.

The first person to react was Yun Zhongjun, who was the most powerful. He raised his head, endured the pain in his abdomen, and looked around.

But they found that the young and the young were in command, but at this moment they were holding their own chests, their eyes were wide open, and a trace of blood flowed from the corners of their mouths. The chest was even more rotten, the whole bulge turned into rotten flesh, exposing the white bones, the heart inside the bones was completely rotten, it could be said that it was too dead to die.

He sighed in his heart, it's really unlucky, these two elders were just promoted last year, breaking through to the first-class realm in Jianghu. Before he had time to consolidate his cultivation, he carried out the orders of the Yin-Yang family everywhere, helping the empire suppress various opposition forces on the lake, and expanding the strength of the Yin-Yang family by the way.

Therefore, the background of these two people is the weakest, and their strength is only hovering in the first-class early stage. And this realm is not very stable, it belongs to the strength that has just reached the first-class, and it belongs to the newcomers, and it can be regarded as the weakest group among the first-class.

Unlike people like myself, who have already reached the first-class initial stage of minor success or great achievement, and even themselves have reached the peak of the first-class early stage, and are about to break through the first-class mid-stage.

This also brought a glimmer of chance for him to survive this time. Resisting the countless tingling sensations in his abdomen, he took out a delicate jade bottle from his chest with trembling hands.

Yun Zhongjun is the elder of the Jin Department of the Yin Yang family, especially good at alchemy, and the various pills he made are of extraordinary effect. In front of Qin Wang Yingzheng, an emperor who is trying to live forever, he is more favored than anyone in the Yin Yang family.

He opened the stopper of the jade bottle, poured out a few pills from it, and poured it into his mouth suddenly, ignoring the dryness of his throat, and directly swallowed it with pain.

The elixir melts in the mouth, and within a few breaths, it turns into mellow medicinal power, nourishing the wounds all over the body and the broken meridians.

In the originally dry dantian, within the sluggish meridians, a trace of internal force appeared again, and it continued to gather and grow, and some small wounds on the body also quickly healed. The strength and aura of Yun Zhongjun slowly became stronger again. strong.

Feeling better, he stuffed the stopper of the jade bottle into the mouth of the bottle again, threw it with a little force, and sent it to the far away, the elder of the water and soil who was worse than himself, Mrs. Xiangjun Xiang.

The two people who got the jade bottle hurriedly ignored everything. The pain on their bodies was selectively forgotten by them. They opened the jade bottle, each took out the elixir, and quickly put it into their own mouths.

With a burst of nourishment from the elixir, the physical strength of the two also recovered a little, and their internal strength began to recover. They also had a certain amount of strength to fight again, and their confidence in self-protection was also greater.

All this seems very cumbersome, but it is just a process of counting breaths, five or six seconds. But this time is enough for these experienced and powerful fighters to complete all their actions.

And they, after the sneak attack of the cold arrow just now, although they were hit, they each found a safe place and a place to hide.

That's why there is enough time to complete all this. Otherwise, although they moved quickly, the unscathed Zhao Yun and others moved faster. For powerful archers like Zhao Yun, it is enough to shoot more than ten arrows in one second, and the power is not weak.

Therefore, when Yun Zhongjun and the others each swallowed the elixir and hid in a bunker, preparing for An'an's respite and recovery of strength, Zhong Yu and the others were ready to move again.

"Pass the order, those above the fourth rank go down the cliff, and slowly wrap up towards the three of them, and the other dark guards below the fourth rank, provide long-distance fire support on the cliff, and make sure to completely leave the three elders of the Yin Yang family behind. "Seeing that the result of the battle just now was not very good, and three people survived, Zhong Yu ordered again.

"Yes, this subordinate is going to arrange it now!" A hidden guard Baihu beside him responded.

But the hidden guard just turned around, ready to give the order to arrange for his subordinates. And Zhao Yun and others also wanted to get up and go down the cliff to clean up these places.

There was a vibration and sound from the far horizon, and a place about ten miles away from him.

Hearing these movements, Zhong Yu listened carefully, and found that a large number of people were coming not far to the west of him. Hearing the movements they caused, there must be hundreds of people.

"Damn, why are these people here at this time?"

At this moment, Zhong Yu also felt the feelings of the six-fingered black man just now. He was about to pick up the fruit of his own victory, but suddenly such an accident happened, and he insisted on eating as disgusting as a fly when he insisted on eating, which made people want to stop.

"Forget it, everyone gather together, let's evacuate this place, take a detour, and then go to the capital of Yan Kingdom!" Gritting his teeth, his complexion kept changing, Zhong Yu finally made up his mind and prepared to evacuate.

At this moment, he already vaguely understood that those people who came from a distance should be the disciples of the Mohist family, and their giants were being attacked and besieged under his nose. Even if they didn't get the news at the beginning, they accidentally let the giant fall into the enemy's way.

But at this moment, with the deep-rooted influence of the disciples of the Mo family all over the country of Yan, no matter how inefficient and slow-moving, they should know that their giants are in danger by now.

At this moment, these Mohist people should be bursting with anger and murderous intent. It is too unwise to stay by themselves. You must know that he just ordered his subordinates to kill other giants.

Could it be that after such deep enmity has been formed, can he still count on the people of the Mohist family to calm down calmly, have a good talk with him, and then give up making peace?

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