With the rapid evacuation of Zhong Yu and the others, within a few minutes, the canyon, which was still very lively and where several extremely fierce battles took place, became completely silent, without a single sound.

Yun Zhongjun and others under the cliff heard the sound of footsteps on the cliff, and their hearts tightened, thinking that they were going to come down to find people like themselves and engage in close combat.

Now in the state of people like myself, there are wounds all over their bodies, and most of their internal strength is lost. It is really difficult to survive in close combat with the enemy.

But they waited quietly for a long time with their hearts in mind, like ants on a hot pan, suffering extremely.

But even if no one came down, there was no sound from the cliff, as if everyone had suddenly evaporated and disappeared.

How is this going? It shouldn't be, now is a great opportunity to kill people like me, and with the determination of those people just now to kill me, it is impossible to let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Yun Zhongjun thought secretly in his heart, at this time he was very confused, proficient in all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, he was fighting in the rivers and lakes, it was difficult for him to understand his current situation.

Could it be that they wanted to take advantage of this dignified atmosphere, but thought they had already evacuated, came out after relaxing their vigilance, and launched another sneak attack with cold arrows.

Thinking about it this way, Yun Zhongjun's heart is full of instincts. It is very possible that those people on the cliff are planning to do so. But he made up his mind in his heart, and he refused to go out no matter what, just wasted with them like this, and hinted to Mrs. Xiangjun Xiang, who was opposite, to stick with him and not to act rashly.

The three of Yunzhongjun who were seriously injured did not have extra internal strength and vigilance to observe the Mo family and others ten miles away, approaching at a high speed. Their enemies on the cliff were also because of the arrival of the Mo family. Just retreated.

At this moment, they still thought in their hearts that the enemy on the cliff was playing a confrontation game with them!

Finally, when the people from the Mo family arrived and they were several miles away, the faces of Yun Zhongjun and others under the cliff changed, and they realized what happened now!

"Damn it, I was tricked by those people!" Yun Zhongjun and the others gritted their teeth and cursed inwardly.

Then he got up quickly, came to the side of the two commanders, the elder and the younger, stretched out his hands to lift their bodies, used the unique lightness kung fu of the Yin Yang family, and quickly fled to the distance.

They dare not stay where they are, even though it is said that the Six Fingers Heixia was not killed by the Yin Yang family, but by another group of mysterious enemies.

But if you believe this explanation, not to mention that the Mohists don't believe it, even the Yin-Yang family who don't know the inside story will scoff at it.

After all, everyone who knew about this siege knew that the five elders of the Yin Yang family were dispatched to besiege Six Fingers Heixia, planning to kill the leader of the Mo family.

Now you suddenly say that the six-fingered black man who was besieged by you is dead, but he was not killed by you people, who would believe it? Suddenly some enemies appeared and attacked you and Heixia Sixfingers indiscriminately. However, Heixia Sixfingers died, but three of the five of you survived.

No matter how it sounds, it sounds like the five of you are struggling to wear and tear, fighting to the death with the six-fingered black man. After two of you died, you achieved your mission and goal. It seems that a normal person would think so!

Given the truth, even if Yun Zhongjun's people could speak out, no one would believe it. Now, before the Mo family's people arrive, run away quickly. After the people from the Mo family came, how could the three of them, who were seriously injured and at the end of their strength, beat the hundreds of elders and disciples of the Mo family!

Therefore, even though they were extremely unwilling to take the blame, Yun Zhongjun and the others could only leave in great indignation. And at their fastest speed, they performed lightness skills and rushed to other places.

Three or four minutes after Yun Zhongjun and the others left, people from the Mo family came to the scene, looking at the densely packed arrows at the bottom of the cliff, and the dilapidated scene after the battle.

All the disciples of the Mohist school couldn't help feeling tense, and they were extremely worried about the safety of the giant. This kind of tragic battle, not to mention the experience, the scene after the war was very cruel.

There is only one Juzi, but judging from the situation at the scene, the enemy must have hundreds of people, and there are several first-class masters, otherwise this kind of scene would not be possible.

"Can the giant really survive? This level of siege!"

This question emerged in the minds of the disciples of the owner, the Mo family.

"Damn it, these bastards from the Yin-Yang family are so bold. If the giant really makes a mistake, my Mo family and his Yin-Yang family will never end!" He has just joined the Mo family for a few years, but he has already relied on his lightness skills and outstanding abilities. Robber Zhi, who is the leader, said with hatred in his mouth.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this, little Zhi, take a few people down the cliff to find the leader and see if he is there." The class master with a white beard and white hair asked Robber Zhi. As a veteran of the Mohist school, Master Ban still has great prestige.

"Yes, I know, let's go down now, no matter what, we must find the whereabouts of the giant!" Nodding in response, Robber Zhi turned his head and faced the Mohist disciples behind him, "You, you, and you A few, come down with me, let's find the whereabouts of the giant together."

Robber Zhi ordered more than 20 disciples and went down the cliff with him.

"And you guys, let's go down and help find them together. You need to see people in life, and you need to see corpses in death. Do you understand?" Feeling that more than 20 people are a bit small, Master Ban called hundreds of people down again, hoping to find them as soon as possible. giant.

"Tutor, don't let anything happen to you. The Mo family is the weakest right now. What happened to you? Then there will be no leader, and it may fall apart at any time!" Master Ban prayed secretly in his heart.

The current Mo family is not like when Qin Shimingyue's plot just started, it has countless leaders. Now there is only one giant in the Mohist family, and his strength can still be seen, and he is a first-class mid-term. The only one left is Robber Zhi, the rookie leader who just joined the Mohist school a few years ago, and his strength has reached a first-class level.

As for some other leaders, such as Duanmu Rong, who is only second-rate, but has outstanding medical skills. He knows many friends of the Mohists in the Jianghu, and has great prestige and influence, so he became a leader.

And like Master Xu, with his superb sword casting skills, he has forged countless magical weapons. I don’t know how many brilliant swordsmen in the world are proud to own a sword he made, so his influence is also great. , also became a leader.

As for Master Ban, what he relies on is his superb mechanism technique, which is the Mohist's janitorial skill and the core inheritance of the Mohist school, so he has the highest status among many leaders, because he has inherited the Mohism's mechanism technique inheritance .

As for the later Xue Nu, Xiao Gao, and Big Iron Hammer, they were all recruited by the second giant of the Mo family, Prince Dan of the Yan Kingdom.

That is to say, if the Juzi, the one who alone bears the banner, is lost, then the Mo family will fall into the most depressed moment, and the strength will be the weakest, and their destruction is not impossible.

Master Ban didn't want to entrust everything in the hands of Prince Dan, the successor of Yan, who had Yan as his first goal, because all he valued was Yan.

This is why Zhong Yu must kill the Black Man with Six Fingers!

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