The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 163 Surging in the City

"Report, General, His Majesty has the latest order!" Several people dressed as envoys rushed towards the place where Zhang Liao and others were, and the soldiers along the way gave way one after another.

Zhang Liao and the others looked at each other, apparently not knowing what the order was from His Majesty at this moment, after all, the battle had been completed and the enemy army had been wiped out, it seemed that there was nothing important for them to do.

Ten meters in front of Zhang Liao, the loyal bodyguards stopped him even though the envoys in front of him said that they had orders from the emperor.

For them, protecting the general's safety and searching for potential dangers are their highest orders and responsibilities.

"Let him come up!" Zhang Liao's voice fell, and several guards obeyed the order and moved out of the way.

"What's your Majesty's order for you to come here?" Zhang Liao looked at the envoys in front of him, all dressed in light clothes, they were not formal orders, it seemed that they were just conveying some oral orders.

"Your Majesty has an order to command Zhang Liao to cut off all the corpses of the enemies on the battlefield, bring them back to the capital of the Yan Kingdom, and build them into a Jingguan to deter the defenders! After the order is passed on, it will be executed immediately without any mistakes!" Among the envoys, the leader announced the order with a serious face, and took out a few seals from his arms as proof of his identity.

After receiving the certificate from the envoy, Zhang Liao verified it carefully, and found that it was indeed a common seal within his own empire. It was impossible for ordinary people to understand it. Only senior officials of the third rank and above in the imperial court could see this seal. It is impossible for several people to cheat.

"I'm still bothering the emissary to go back and report, saying that Liao and the others will definitely carry out the order and dare not disobey it!" Zhang Liao's tone softened, and he said to the emissary.

"Okay, let's talk about it. Your Majesty has made such a contribution. After going back now, His Majesty will definitely reward you. I am really envious. Now that the order has been conveyed, I will take my leave. I wish the general more contributions!" After finishing speaking After these words, the envoy turned around and left, heading towards Zhong Yu's camp. !

"It seems that it is really His Majesty's order. Sure enough, anyone who dares to offend and insult His Majesty will have a hard time ending well. After death..." Xu Huang sighed.

"Okay, everyone, as a courtier, criticizing your majesty is not what you should do. Let's hurry up and carry out the task!" Zhang Liao interrupted immediately when he heard this sentence.

"That's right, that's right, I made a slip of the tongue!" Xu Huang also came to his senses, sweating on his back.

"Order to order the soldiers to cut off the enemy's head and bring it back to the camp!" Zhang Liao said to the guards beside him.

After the personal guard received the order, he immediately went to convey it. As the order had been passed on to the soldiers, the calm plain was filled with popping sounds again, endlessly!

When Zhang Liao and others returned to the camp, it was already dark, but they had no time to rest, and they still had a task to complete.

Taking the heads that had been marinated on the way, he threw them one by one in front of the gate of Yan Kingdom. There are eight gates in Jiji, and thousands of them were thrown in front of each gate. first level.

Although a single head is small, when it is piled up in thousands, it is more than ten meters high, like a small mountain.

These are not the main ones. What's more important is that the most elite 30,000 troops in the city of Yan Kingdom were all beheaded within less than a day after they went out. He also brought the head back and put it at his door to demonstrate. This was an extremely serious blow to the morale of the soldiers in the capital of the Yan Kingdom.

And I'm afraid it's not just the low-level soldiers who will feel fear in Yuguo's heart. I'm afraid the upper-level people of Yanguo will also tremble in their hearts at this moment after receiving the news!

Just like the current Lord Yanchun, after he received the news, he was so frightened that he, who was enjoying the singing and dancing in the mansion, shrank directly, and the cold sweat poured down his back.

Hastily sent an order to his subordinates to find General Yan Yi to come over and discuss countermeasures. But before the order was sent out, he received a report saying that the general had arrived and wanted to discuss important matters with him.

"Hurry up, pass it on!" Yan Chunjun waved his hand to repel the group of dancers and kabukis, and sent an order to the guard to bring Yan Yi over quickly.

The doorman leaves.

After a while, Lord Yanchun and Yan Yi sat down in the lobby, their expressions serious and flustered.

"Have you heard the news! This idiot, Yandan, has already been defeated, and the 30,000 army has had their heads cut off and delivered to our door!" Jun Yanchun spoke first, explaining the point directly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I have already received the news, that's why I came here to discuss with you!" Yan Yi replied with a solemn face and a trembling tone.

"The 30,000 army, and all of them are cavalry, the most elite troops in my country of Yan, were defeated just like this, so quickly!" Speaking of this, Lord Yanchun felt both angry and deeply terrified. .

"That's right, the strength of the enemy troops outside the city is far beyond our imagination. They are already unbelievably strong!" General Yan Yi, although fatuous, still has a certain understanding of basic military common sense. of.

"Then what do you think we should do? If things go on like this, I'm afraid this city won't be able to hold on any longer!" Regarding this point, Lord Yanchun was extremely terrified. If he lost the Kingdom of Yan, he would have nothing.

"Your Majesty, from my humble opinion, it is time to negotiate a peace. From my humble opinion, the large army outside the city does not seem to want to destroy our country of Yan, otherwise they would not stop attacking for nothing, and even send people to plunder the people of our country of Yan!" For villains, observing the situation and protecting themselves wisely are their necessary means.

Yan Yi was keenly aware that the imperial army outside the city didn't really want to fight against Yan, but wanted to destroy Yan.

"Oh, is that really the case? Then tell me, what is the purpose of those people outside the city? If you have any demands, tell them. As long as you don't destroy the Yan Kingdom, I will definitely agree, and I will persuade the king to agree!" Hearing Yan Yi's words, Mr. Yanchun seemed to grasp a life-saving straw, and refused to let it go no matter what.

"I see that the enemies outside the city have two main purposes for this attack on the Yan Kingdom. First, to expand the territory and capture the three eastern counties of our Yan Kingdom. They have already achieved this goal, so they did not continue westward. March to my three counties in the west of England!" After expressing her point of view, Yan Yi looked at Lord Yanchun.

"You're right, what about the second point?" Yan Chunjun nodded, obviously he thought so too.

"The second point is what they are doing now, plundering the population. The three counties in Liaodong are vast and sparsely populated, and the places outside the three counties are probably even more so. So they want to plunder the population of my country Yan to enrich the population. Those places!" Yan Yi expressed his second point of view.

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