The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 164: A Deep Palace Conspiracy

Sitting in his seat, Jun Yanchun tapped the armchair with his fingers, and the sound of heavy breathing became the only voice in the silent hall.

"Plunder the population and enrich yourself. It seems that the purpose of these people who control the country seems to be as you said, so what should we do?" With a calm voice, Lord Yanchun asked Yan Yi.

"My humble opinion is that since Yuguo wants a population, then I, Yanguo, can just give it to them. There are only a few untouchables in Yanguo, and even if they lose some, it won't affect the survival of Yanguo!" Yan Yi thought for a long time. words, said it.

"Give it to them. It's not just giving it. What Yuguo thinks is not the tens of thousands of people, but hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands. My country of Yan, after losing the three counties in Liaodong, how can there be so many people? Give it to them. If you really want to give it, my country of Yan can almost be said to be a barbarian land with a small population!" Yanchun Jun shouted angrily, obviously, he was also very angry at Yuguo's big appetite.

"However, my lord, based on my humble position, the population that the Imperial Kingdom wants is only two to three hundred thousand, while the three counties in the west of my Yan Kingdom have a population of more than one million. Even if he is given this little population, there is still There are millions of people, this is better than my country of Yan being destroyed!" Yan Yi was not too scared when he heard Yan Chunjun's questioning in front of him, he knew that the person in front of him just couldn't accept it for the time being.

"Well, after the loss of these populations in the three eastern counties of my country of Yan, is there really no big obstacle? Can my country of Yan really continue to survive?" Hearing Yan Yi's persuasion, Lord Yanchun hesitated After a while, he asked hesitantly.

"It's natural, without its population of 200,000 to 300,000 people, among the remaining three counties of my Yan Kingdom, there are still millions of people from him, and there are 200,000 people from him when recruiting soldiers and horses. This power is among the countries in the world. Although it is considered weak, it is enough to protect the three counties of my country of Yan and stand proudly in the world!" Yan Yi was overjoyed, knowing that Yan Chunjun had been moved by his words, and slowly leaned towards his own. proposal.

"A 200,000 army? This strength? It's an extremely large army. It's barely enough to protect the country of Yan and not to attack!" Jun Yanchun asked himself and answered, muttering to himself for a while, Then he said again.

"In this case, then you follow me to meet the king, and persuade the king to agree to this condition of the army outside the city for the sake of the country of Yan!"

As soon as he said it, Lord Yanchun got up from his seat and walked out of the hall. He had already ordered his subordinates to prepare chariots and horses to go to the palace.

"Today's wise men, with holy candlelight, are really a role model for our country of Yan to care about the country and the people!" Yan Yi flattered shamelessly, and came from behind Yanchun Lord.


Inside the royal palace, in the solemn and solemn meeting hall.

"What? You actually asked the widow to bow his knees to the barbarian of the royal country, and ceded to him the people of Yan, the people of the widow, to please them! What a bastard, trash, I raised you to the widow, saying that these traitors Asking for glory?" Yan Wangxi sat on his throne, grabbed the bamboo slips on the desk, and threw them at Yanchun Jun, scolding angrily.

"Your Majesty calm down, and your subjects are also thinking about the country of Yan. At this moment, there are only a mere 100,000 troops in the city, which is far inferior to the 300,000 troops of the Yu Kingdom outside the city. And because of the disastrous defeat of His Royal Highness Prince Dan, the morale of the army is fluctuating. They are all distracted by the view of the capital outside the city gate, and they have no heart to fight against the fear of the imperial army. Under this situation, how can they deal with the tiger and wolf division outside the city!" Yan Chun Jun didn't feel angry because of his injustice, but calmly said these words from his mouth.

He knew that the situation of the man in front of him at this moment was just that he couldn't let go of his arrogance as a king, but deep down in his heart, it was still difficult to get rid of his true nature as a coward.

Sure enough, upon hearing Yan Chunjun's analysis and the comparison with the two armies, King Yan panicked for a while, the original angry expression on his face eased, and instead turned pale.

"The lonely king said long ago, don't go out to fight, don't go out to fight, and it's true, with the most elite 30,000 fine armored cavalry in Yan Kingdom. After leaving the city, in less than a day, the entire army was wiped out Not to mention the damage to the strength of the Yan Kingdom, his whereabouts are unknown, his life and death are unknown, he is really young and reckless, and he does not know how to advance or retreat!" The cruel reality scared the king of Yan. Now, Prince Dan, his son.

"My Majesty, I have persuaded Perfection at the beginning, don't trust the Crown Prince Pill, His Royal Highness has lived in other countries for a long time, living a life under the fence of others, and now returning to the Kingdom of Yan, without the slightest foundation. , I just want to take this opportunity to establish achievements, so that I can achieve great things in the future!" Hearing King Yan's complaint, Lord Yanchun naturally would not give up, and instead complained to King Yan when it was an excellent opportunity to attack his political opponent the crown prince.

"To make great achievements, to achieve big things, what big things does he want to do? In this country of Yan?" Regarding Yan Chunjun's previous complaints, King Yan just had a flash of embarrassment on his face, and didn't pay too much attention to it. In the last few sentences, I instinctively felt the crisis.

"Think about it tonight, how old is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and how old is the King? As an ambitious His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who is in the prime of his life, with this condition, why wouldn't he go further to a greater age?" What about Wild Hope?" Jun Yanchun inadvertently stirred it a few times, but he didn't point it out directly, but let King Yan think for himself.

"Age, Dan is almost 30 years old now, and this king is about 50 years old now, which is the time when he is in the prime of life. Could it be that he can't wait for this matter? For the position under the lonely throne, he..." Yan Wangxi muttered to himself, asking and answering himself, and in the end, he stopped and couldn't continue, obviously he also realized what Yan Dan was plotting.

"Your Majesty, I don't dare to say that. Maybe His Highness the Crown Prince really wants to contribute to the country of Yan and benefit the country?" Lord Yanchun quickly interrupted King Yan's speculation, pretending to be loyal, and just said it out. The tone of voice is so full of different meanings.

"Okay, this is the end of these words. You and I have never said or heard of it. Nothing has happened. Let's discuss how to deal with the imperial kingdom outside the city!" Yan Wangxi was interrupted His own words also changed his face, but he refused to think about it any more.

That possibility made him feel a chill, and he began to change the subject to talk about the most urgent task now.

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