The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 177 Purple Orchid Pavilion

Xinzheng City at night is bustling. Although it does not have the hustle and bustle of people during the day, it has a fun that belongs only to those dignitaries.

The endless stream of people, the crowds of people jostling each other, have all disappeared, replaced by a rush of traffic, luxuriously decorated luxury cars, running everywhere on the street.

For these wealthy nobles, evening is their real activity time. Although the daytime is lively and there are many gadgets, for them, they are all lowly things that they will never touch.

And at night, most of the civilians have already gone back, and those who can continue to open are shops with background and backstage, and most of them are for enjoyment, among which is the place of romance like Zilanxuan.

At the entrance of Zilanxuan, a six-horse-drawn Kowloon cart stopped, attracting the attention of the surrounding people.

"Who is it? You dare to take the Kowloon car with such a grand style? Could it be that our king is here?" A man in green clothes exclaimed after seeing it.

"Yes, the ritual system says: the emperor drives six, the princes drive five, the ministers drive four, the doctor three, the scholar two, and the common people one. Although the rituals and music have collapsed now, and many places in the world have violated the Zhou ritual, but dare to drive the six Except for the great kings of all countries, have you never seen a horse?" A person next to him also answered the question after hearing it.

"The two of you are really ignorant. Haven't you heard that we have a North King Jing who recently came to Korea?" Behind the two, a man was full of disdain and sneered.

"Prince Jing, could it be..." Although the green-clothed scholar was ridiculed and felt a little dissatisfied, he was still curious about the identity of the person in front of him.

"That's right, it's this guy. Now he's in South Korea, and his status is no lower than our king's. The officials from top to bottom are always trying to curry favor. What's the point of riding six horses?" Satisfied, he felt an inexplicable sense of superiority towards these two people who were late in the news and had no winks.

"Hush, you two stop arguing, look, someone got off the carriage!" The other person saw that the two of them seemed to want to continue talking, pointed to the front, and interrupted hastily.

The two people who heard the sound turned their heads to look in front of them, only to find that a group of warriors suddenly rushed up from behind the carriage. Everyone was dressed in blue warrior uniforms, with a red robe on their shoulders, and a large red robe on their waists. The handle was a sharp sword that looked like a murderous weapon, and he scanned the surroundings sharply.

The three of them counted the number of people, and found that there were about a hundred warriors in this group.

"Your Highness, Zilanxuan has arrived!" Zhao Yun rode a white horse, drove to the side of the carriage, leaned on the window and asked gently into the carriage.

"Really? Have you checked the surrounding situation?" A quiet voice came from inside the car.

"I've checked, tonight's Zilanxuan, all the regulars from the past are here, and the only ones who are a threat to His Highness are the proprietress of Zilanxuan and a young man with white hair!" Zhao Yun replied softly. road.

"These two people actually let you say that they are a threat to me? Could it be that they all have the strength of first-class masters?" Zhong Yu asked, tapping lightly on the armrest in the car.

"Yes, Your Highness, the strength of these two people makes the general a little confused. He faintly feels that they seem to be better than the general, but he feels that there is not much left!" Zhao Yun hesitated, and said hesitantly own observation.

"Oh, you are stronger than Zilong, and you can be called such an evaluation? Zilong, you are the most outstanding group of generals in our imperial kingdom, and you are the first to break through to the fourth-ranking first-class person with a few people. Are they really that powerful?" Of course Zhong Yu understood who Zhao Yun was talking about.

Wei Zhuang, Zi Nu, and the main protagonists in Nine Songs of the Sky, their strength should not be underestimated.

"However, are some of the generals and top experts trained by the Yu Kingdom with all their strength really so bad?" While thinking, fireworks flashed in Zhong Yu's eyes!

"Your Highness, these people are so dangerous, why don't you..." As he said that, a trace of murderous intent appeared on Zhao Yun's face.

"No, although these people are dangerous, they will not cause any harm to us. Their purpose does not conflict with ours." Zhong Yu stopped Zhao Yun's decision with a voice.

"Yes, this subordinate understands, but the necessary safety must be done. I will arrange some guards to inspect everywhere in Zilanxuan!" Zhao Yun gave up his thoughts and turned back when he heard his master's words. A few words.

"Well, you're right, send a few people to look around, safety is the most important thing!" Cherishing one's life is a common problem of every superior, and Zhong Yu is no exception.

Outside the car, Zhao Yunfei waved his hand, and more than 20 warriors in green suits nodded. With a touch of their legs, they leaped towards the Zilan Pavilion, and disappeared in the darkness in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, after sitting in the car for so long, this big car has blocked so many customers who wanted to come. Zilanxuan's business has been affected by us. If we continue, the proprietress will blame me!" Smiling, Zhong Yu stepped down from his carriage and looked up at the brightly lit Zilan Pavilion.

In front of the door, a long road had been cleared, and dozens of warriors stood on both sides, separating the distance between Zhong Yu and those customers.

At the door, there was already a graceful purple woman standing there, wearing a purple-red skirt, her white and tender snow-like skin was exposed on her back, attracting people around to keep focusing on him.

Smiling, he walked up with Zhao Yun and others. This woman is also one of his goals today.

"His Royal Highness Prince Jing, you came here suddenly. I, Zilanxuan, really make my Zilanxuan flourish, and I am so flattered!" Far away, there is still a long distance from the door, and the voice of the purple girl came. In Zhong Yu's ears, it was extremely clear.

"Where, the sudden visit made such a big show that it disturbed the customers of Zilanxuan a lot, and I hope Miss Zinu doesn't care!" Hearing the voice in his ear, Zhong Yu was a little surprised , this purple girl knew that she was powerful, but she never thought that his skill was so profound.

"Where? It's my blessing that Your Highness can come to Zilanxuan. There is no such thing as a surprise. These guests must be very happy to see His Highness Prince Jing!" Zi Nu smiled, not really Mind, what she said is also true, people who can come to Zilanxuan are either rich or expensive, and they are all well-informed people, so they naturally understand how honorable and important this King Jing is in today's South Korea.

"After talking for so long, won't Miss Zi Nu invite me in?" Zhong Yu's eyes had some smiles

"It's the little girl who is stupid, let His Royal Highness Prince Jing stand here for so long, don't blame your Highness, please come in!" Zi Nu also pretended to be flustered.

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