The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 178 The Kingdom Will Fall

In Zilanxuan, the customers who were playing with the girls at the moment all stood up quickly and looked at the purple figure who was walking in with a serious face.

Don't get me wrong, what they were looking at was not Zi Nu in a purple dress, but Zhong Yu in a purple robe.

The Imperial Kingdom respects purple, and those who can wear purple clothes are either servants in the palace or children of the royal family. And Yuguo now has no one else except Zhong Yu, the royal family.

"I've seen His Highness Prince Jing, but I didn't know His Highness came, so please forgive me for not being able to greet you!" These high-ranking officials and nobles hurriedly bowed and apologized.

It's not that they didn't want to go out to greet them, but just when they wanted to go out, they were stopped by the guards who came and rushed back to their original positions.

This was for the sake of Zhong Yu's safety, and these people had no choice but to sit in their seats depressedly, enduring the torment in their hearts, and waiting for Prince Jing to arrive.

"Where? I took the liberty to come here. I have bothered you a lot. I hope you don't mind!" Zhong Yu smiled and explained a little to these people.

After exchanging greetings, they finally dealt with each other, and when they were done, Zhong Yu followed Zi Nu to a VIP room that she hastily prepared, and welcomed him in.

In the room, sandalwood has been lit, hot tea has been brewed, and some refreshments have also been served. Although there are not many, they are extremely delicate.

"Your Highness Prince Jing, you can only go to a small place first, and you don't have much food, and the many enjoyments are quite simple. Please forgive me for your negligence!" Zi Nu looked at Prince Jing in front of her, a little curious. .

Ordinary guests come to Zilanxuan to have fun, and they always drink and eat meat, but this person only wants some desserts and tea, but nothing else, it's really strange.

"It's okay, it's all difficult for some strong people in this king, no wonder you!" Waving his hand, Zhong Yu said he didn't care.

"Your Highness can understand the hardships of me and other little people, it is really kind and magnanimous, it is admirable!" Zi Nu patted a little flatter at the right time.

"I heard that the Ninth Prince, Han Fei, who just came back from Korea, has been lingering in Zilanxuan day and night since he almost came back. I don't know if he is here tonight?" Zhong Yu pointed out after taking a sip of hot tea.

"Mr. Han Fei, he does come to Zilanxuan often, and he is currently in an inner room on the second floor. I don't know what to do with him?" Zi Nu was startled when she heard the question from Prince Jing in front of her. , some tentatively said.

"What to ask, what not to ask, Miss Zi Nu, as the boss of Zi Lan Xuan, don't you understand?" Zhong Yu looked directly into Zi Nu's eyes, which hurt her heart.

"Yes, Your Highness, it was Zi Nu who made a slip of the tongue!" Zi Nu panicked in her heart, her originally incomparably strong mind was broken by the man in front of her.

This made Zi Nu feel unbelievable for a while. He is a first-class master. Basically, it is impossible for someone to panic her just by looking at him.

"Since Mr. Han Fei is here, please trouble Miss Zi Nu to invite him here, and say that the king has something to do with him!" He retracted his gaze, closed his eyes, and when he looked at Zi Nu again, it was very normal. It almost makes the children think that the feeling just now is wrong.

"Your Highness, Zi Nu is going to invite Mr. Han Fei right now, Your Highness, wait a moment!" Yingying gave her a hand, and Zi Nu walked out of the room and walked in the direction of Han Fei.

Walking in the somewhat noisy corridor, the customers who were just disturbed by the sudden arrival of tonight have already started their drunken dreams again. As for Zi Nu, she was thinking about the experience just now.

"This King Jing seems to be really not simple. He is indeed a person who can command an army of 300,000 and defeat the country of Yan in one fell swoop. His strength seems a little unfathomable." His body seemed to sink into the endless sea without a trace of waves.

He also thought of the piercing gaze just now, which broke through his original round and flawless defenses at once, it was really extremely sharp.

"Is this a warning to me? Remind yourself not to be too presumptuous with him!" Putting her mind away, Zi Nu walked quickly to Han Fei's room.

There was a beeping sound, and the thick wooden door, under the knocking of Zi Nu's slender hands, made a rhythmic sound.

"Your Highness, Your Highness Prince Jing, please go to his room to talk!" Opening the door, Zi Nu walked into the room, facing Han who was embracing left and right, drinking and having fun while being accompanied by two beautiful women. non said.

"Oh, King Jing!" The wine he was drinking flowed down, and Han Fei's eyes were slightly surprised.

"Yes, sir!" Zi Nu nodded.

"Do you know what he wants from me?" Han Fei said.

"I don't know very well. Just now I tried something, but Prince Jing easily counterattacked him. His strength is unfathomable, much stronger than ordinary first-class masters!" After two people, Zi Nu said softly.

"The strength is high, but the position is high. It seems that this Prince Jing is really unpredictable. I have to be careful when I go to the meeting this time. I am really tired!" Standing up and stretching, Han Fei was a little depressed Said.

"Hehe, my lord, maybe there will be no surprises!" Zi Nu covered her mouth with a chuckle and persuaded Han Fei.

"It's hard to say. You'll have to see it with your own eyes and experience it yourself. Maybe South Korea will have some new changes because of it!" Han Fei waved his hand, as if he didn't care, but the look in his eyes In the midst of it, there are also some expectant fireworks flickering.

As a son of South Korea, he studied under the great Confucian Xunzi all over the world. He is talented and talented. There are few people in the world who can match him, so he naturally has his own ambitions.

But after returning to China, within a few days, the phenomenon of corruption in South Korea chilled his heart.

His father, the power for many years has already corroded his original courage, and he will never see him kill his brother for the sake of supremacy, and bloodbath the courage of the court.

And there are treacherous ministers like Ji Wuye in the court, causing troubles and causing troubles to the court, making South Korea's already lost national power even more decadent.

According to the past, the destruction of South Korea has only happened in the past few years. This makes him, the young man of South Korea, not anxious!

It's just that he couldn't find an opportunity before, but seeing the case of ghost soldiers robbing wages in the past few days, his heart that had been gradually quiet suddenly became alive, and he saw an opportunity for himself to intervene in the Korean court and involve power.

And before he intervened, he got the news that Prince Jing wanted to summon him, which made him even more delighted. This was a more important opportunity than breaking the ghost soldiers' robbery.

"South Korea will definitely not be destroyed by my hands!" Looking at the direction where King Jing was, Han Fei said these words in his heart.

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