Xinzheng City is now under the attack of the Qin State. Although it is not crumbling and breakable, in general, it is not much better.

After all, South Korea's background is too little. Although he is also known as the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, after all, it was a title brought by the glory of his ancestors a long time ago.

In today's South Korea, there are only a dozen cities left, with less than a million people!

This kind of strength can be said to be the weakest among the six nations.

Even sixty years ago, Song, Zhongshan, and Yue, which had not yet been destroyed, were no less powerful than South Korea, and even some countries were even better. From the perspective of other countries in the world, compared with South Korea is even trickier.

The reason why such a weak South Korea can stand proudly in the world is that apart from the game between countries, South Korea is needed as a buffer point.

There are also some factors of South Korea itself. Most of the areas in South Korea are hills, which are extremely difficult to walk. The armies of other countries want to attack South Korea, and these geographical factors are a major obstacle.

At the same time, the country is mountainous, which means that it is rich in numerous minerals, copper ore and iron ore, which occupy a very important position.

Relying on the mountain to eat the mountain to rely on the water to drink water? With so many iron mines, many people earn their living by forging iron, so Korean bows and crossbow weapons are very famous in all countries in the world.

The name "All Kingdoms and Banxing" is used to show the sharpness of Korean weapons, especially bows and crossbows, which are the best in the world and make the princes fear.

In addition, in the history of South Korea, one or two wise kings emerged. They reformed the bad governance in the country and appointed good ministers, which greatly revitalized the state affairs of South Korea.

During Han Zhaohou's period, he appointed Shen Buhui as his prime minister, and carried out a not-so-successful reform.

This reform has enhanced South Korea's national strength and redistributed interests, thereby strengthening South Korea's middle-level stakeholders, and South Korea's originally turbulent national situation has stabilized.

As a result, South Korea has expanded its soldiers and horses to 150,000, and these soldiers and horses are equipped with the most advanced weapons in the world. In addition, they have just received a large amount of benefits from distribution at this moment, their morale is high, and their combat effectiveness is extremely impressive.

The first target of this new army is Zheng Guo next to South Korea.

The state of Zheng is weak, worse than South Korea. It only has half the land of South Korea. Although the population is 2/3 of South Korea, everyone in the country likes to be a businessman.

So such a country, although the domestic wealth is extremely strong, if all of it is turned into military power, it will be a force that is enough to make a country as powerful as Chu State pay attention.

However, under the attack of the 150,000 new troops from South Korea, they were destroyed in just one or two years. The speed shocked the whole world.

In this way, South Korea has established his majesty, and is called a bully by people all over the world!

But after all, it happened a long time ago. Xinzheng, the capital of Zheng State, has now become the capital of South Korea for nearly a hundred years, and the shadow of Zheng State can no longer be seen.

As for Han Zhaohou's Yu Ze, although he is still playing an extremely important role, there are not many of them.

In today's South Korea, more than 90% of the land has been lost, and the population has also been weakened extremely fast, leaving only less than 1 million people.

This kind of strength, although it can be considered a country with a little weight among the countries in the world, it is really nothing at all.

It is worse than Yan State, at least the current territory of Yan State, from the map, is still seven or eight times that of South Korea.

This kind of strategic depth, in the eyes of the people at the time, was very important.

At least for a country with a large area, there is no need to worry about the loss of a few cities, and the worry of restoration and destruction. You can use the vast territory to delay the enemy's attack, and then secretly accumulate strength to prepare for a counterattack.

South Korea is in such an embarrassing situation now, being easily beaten, as long as the border is lost, it is the situation of being besieged in the capital.

This is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened. Ever since South Korea was beaten to the ground by Qin, how many times have the capital been surrounded by people when there are only a dozen cities?

Now the turbulent attack of the army outside the city has made the Korean monarchs and ministers who were originally calm become panicked.

In the past, the capital city was surrounded by people, except for a little bit of fear once or twice at the beginning, everyone in South Korea gradually got used to it.

They have learned one thing from these wars, that is, South Korea will never be destroyed.

Because the six kingdoms of Kanto want to keep South Korea to resist Qin's attack, and South Korea has the same name as the six kingdoms, Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period.

This is admitted by the parties involved. If one of the countries perishes, it means that one country will rise and unify the world. This is absolutely not allowed by every country.

Therefore, every time Qin State attacked South Korea, it often returned after a few more cities, and did not dare to make too many moves, for fear of arousing the fear of the six kingdoms of Shandong, and thus raised troops to fight against Qin, and would never stop dying.

But today's South Korea is not so lucky, dare to join the alliance against Qin and try to destroy Qin, how can this be allowed by Qin?

Then, more than 200,000 troops came, and overwhelmingly pressed South Korea. Qin's soldiers who were good at fighting, and the extremely sophisticated weapons with the help of the Gongshu family, were not something that a weak country like South Korea could stop.

Today's Xinzheng City has been surrounded by the Qin army for fifteen days. The impact of the war can be seen everywhere in the city. Every household has hung white cloths. Their relatives are members of the city guards.

In order to protect the safety of their relatives, under the call of the king's order, they had to catch up with the city wall and guard their home.

The original thick city wall, under the endless siege equipment of the Gongshu family, also suffered a lot of damage, and it is hard to see the grandeur of the past.

As for the defenders, there are even fewer.

There were originally 80,000 defenders left, but under the attack of more than ten days, only half of them remained, that is, 40,000.

Women and old men have already appeared on the top of the city, and they are helping to carry some military supplies.

This discovery undoubtedly made the Qin army outside the city even more excited, and once again increased their attack strength, making the already exhausted South Korean army even more miserable.

The king of Han is coming to the top of the city at this moment. Although it is very dangerous, as the owner of this city and the king of this country, he still wants to see with his own eyes what is going on in this war that will determine the fate of South Korea.

However, the reality frightened him extremely. South Korea, under the attack of the Qin army regardless of cost, was really already on the verge of collapse and could not sustain it.

And the only spiritual pillar that allowed King Han to continue to persevere and swear not to surrender was the 200,000 cavalry reinforcements from the Imperial Kingdom that Ji Wuye said would arrive in a few days.

But when will the reinforcements come!

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