The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 192 South Korea's Dilemma

Xinzheng City, at its current state, has reached an extremely critical moment.

The defenders at the top of the city, under half a month of guarding, have already consumed more than half of them. Every soldier, what they think in their hearts at this moment, is probably fear and numbness.

The string in their hearts has already been stretched to the limit, and if there is a slight movement that is too violent, it may completely collapse and trigger a large-scale escape.

The reason why they persisted without any accidents is probably because these soldiers understand that their home is behind them, and the Qin army is all around outside the city. Even if they escape, they will not be able to escape anywhere!

For this reason, although the South Korean army knew that the defenders suffered heavy casualties, they still managed to survive.

But this situation is difficult to maintain for a long time. If it takes another ten days, at most ten days, the hope in their hearts, that is, the reinforcements their king told them, does not appear outside Xinzheng City.

I'm afraid that an unpredictable change will happen to this completely crazy army.


The South Korean army inside the city is already like this, so outside the city, what is the status quo of Qin, which has suffered more casualties because of the attack on the tall city?

At this time, due to the attacks of Qin State for many days without counting losses, the number of casualties is difficult to calculate. All we know is that the military camp that stretched for ten miles in the past is now only a mere five miles.

And the smoke and fire that was originally lit had also been reduced by half.

It is unbelievable that the entire Qin army has lost 100,000 troops under these days of attacks.

You know, since the reform of Qin Jun by Shang Yang, the people of Qin, who were originally warlike and bloodthirsty, have become even crazier.

Their fighting will has long been known and deeply feared throughout the six kingdoms of Shandong.

Now under the small city of Xinzheng, under the insistence of South Korea, a weak country, 100,000 people have been injured. This really made everyone in the Qin Kingdom who originally thought that South Korea could be overthrown and Xinzheng City could be broken with a snap of a finger, feel a burst of amazement and disbelief.

While unbelievable, it was even more embarrassing.

This South Korea, because of his persistence, led to the failure of Qin's goal. He couldn't break through South Korea in a short period of time, so how could he deter other countries by breaking through South Korea's record.

Without this power to destroy the city and destroy the country, the fear of the Qin country in the six Shandong countries will be greatly reduced.

They will say, look, a small South Korea is the weakest in the world. With a small Xinzheng City, a mere 100,000 army can withstand the attack of Qin State's 200,000 to 300,000 people for such a long time without falling.

So Qin, is it not as powerful as he imagined?

The biggest weakness of the six kingdoms of Shandong against Qin is not that Qin is too strong, but the fear of Qin in the hearts of the six kingdoms of Shandong. Before going to the battlefield, they are already afraid of the enemy. Can they expect such an army to win any battles? ?

On the top of the city, looking at the soldiers of the Qin army rushing towards them like a tidal wave once again covering the sky outside the city, King Han asked Ji Wuye beside him.

"General, when will Yuguo's reinforcements come? Can Korea really last until then?" In his tone, King Han was full of fear and apprehension.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I, South Korea, will definitely be able to persevere. Take a closer look, Your Majesty. Although the Qin army outside the city is still attacking fiercely, in fact, it has slowed down a lot compared to the previous few days!" Ji Wuye clapped Patting his chest, he assured King Han, and asked King Han to carefully observe the current appearance of Qin Jun.

When Han Wang heard the words, he also followed his gaze and looked carefully.

As a first-class master, Han Wang, even though he is old, his foundation is still there. Although he is far away from the Qin army, looking around, he really can see some clues.

The enemy army outside the city in front of them, although the charge is still turbulent, but every soldier's face has shown some tiredness, and even some soldiers have shown some fearful expressions.

This was an extremely important discovery, which made King Han firmly determined to resist.

"Yes! I, South Korea, will be exhausted by the Qin army's offensive. As the attacking party, wouldn't the Qin army be more tired than South Korea? Worse?" King Han said in his heart.

With some confidence in his heart, King Han's face calmed down, and he became the magnificent king of South Korea again.

"Then general, when will the reinforcements from the imperial kingdom arrive, and where are they already?" Han Wang turned to Ji Wuye and asked.

"Your Majesty, according to the minister's news, the army of Yuguo has arrived in the north of Dongjun County, and is about to break through the only barrier going south. Presumably, within five or six days, we will be able to see the first Yuguo's army outside the city." The army is here!" Ji Wuye's face was heavy, and he told the news he had found out.

"It will take five or six days. With the power of the whole country, South Korea has recruited all the men who can go to the battlefield, and only then has 100,000 troops guarding the city. Now half a month has passed, and most of the 100,000 men have been lost. , only the current 40,000 is left, and in five or six days, I am afraid that even 20,000 will not be available? At that time, South Korea, whose strength has been so severely compromised, still has the qualifications to join the joint vertical alliance, and Don't have the ability to survive?" Han Wang said, his tone became more angry, as if there was a fire burning in his chest.

Thinking of his own South Korea, because of this war, its strength was weakened by less than 1/10 before the war, and King Han felt a burst of anger and deep fear.

Today's South Korea is like Zhao Guo, which just finished a battle of Changping.

No, even today's South Korea is not as good.

Because, after Zhao Guo fought the Battle of Changping, the power of the whole country was still able to bring out his army of nearly 200,000.

Although these large armies are composed of teenagers and elderly people in their fifties and sixties, among them there are very few young adults in their twenties and thirties, but it is also an army that can kill people, and it still has a deterrent effect on all countries in the world. .

Just like Yan State, who wanted to take advantage of the great loss of Zhao State's strength, came to pick up cheap, sent him hundreds of thousands of troops, but before entering Zhao State's territory, he was beaten by tens of thousands of remnant troops led by Lian Po He threw away his helmet and armor, and fled back to the country of Yan in a state of embarrassment.

This kind of strength is already enough for the vassal states in the world to face up to it.

As for South Korea, after the war, he estimated that there were only 20,000 to 30,000 people left in Xinzheng City, and all the men in the city had been recruited.

No, you can't say that, there are still thousands of his noble children in the city who have not been conscripted to the battlefield, but does King Qin dare to conscript?

These aristocratic children are in charge of all rights in South Korea, and they are the foundation for the King of Han to rule South Korea.

Letting them go to the battlefield as cannon fodder, not to mention doing so, will greatly damage the foundation of South Korea's rule and it will be difficult to maintain it. If you say these noble children, they will not agree to rebel.

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