In the vast starry sky, every twinkling star represents a world. The endless starry sky represents the heavens and the world.

These nebulae seem to be layered on top of each other, as if as long as they volley across the endless darkness and fly through the void of the universe, they can reach another planet.

But in fact, there is an invisible barrier between the stars that blocks the communication between them. And the stars in the void seen by people above each star are just projections from another world.

Except for those really powerful worlds, there are countless stars gathered, and the stars can communicate with each other, and they can also cross the void to reach another star.

Some other small worlds have only one star, and the starry sky they see is just the space where the rest of the stars project their own world.

That small world has no other planets other than its own planet, and everything it hears and sees is false.

If someone wants to break through the shackles of their own world and reach a more powerful world, there is only one way to go.

It is to break through the blockade of heaven and the barrier of space with extremely strong strength, and punch a hole in this small world, so as to cross to other worlds.

Every strong man is the wealth of a world. In order to support the growth of these strong men, a world can be said to have paid a lot of resources.

If these strong men want to leave without saying a word, and let the world's investment go to waste, how can the heaven of that world agree.

What's more, breaking the space barrier and traveling to another world will do great harm to the world itself.

The existence of the space barrier is to block the invasion of the chaotic air of the universe, which is equivalent to the existence of a filter.

It is heard that the air of chaos is filtered through the space barrier, thereby absorbing the air of chaos that has been diluted and weakened, and then handed over to humanity to transform into luck, and then the way of heaven is slowly growing by plundering luck.

Now some people want to break the barrier, but Tiandao directly faces the terrifying torrent of chaos, how can Tiandao be willing to face it, how dare he face it.

Chaos torrent is not just a joke, if it is not for the extremely powerful heavenly dao, the ordinary small world heaven will be seriously injured if it comes into contact with chaotic torrent, and if it is not careful, it will completely collapse and perish, and the whole small world will completely return to nothingness.

Of course Tiandao doesn't want to take such a big risk.

Ever since, there was a so-called catastrophe.

Anyone who wants to leave this world and reach a higher world must first experience the obstacles of heaven, that is, the coming of catastrophe.

You can make it through, all right.

The way of heaven can't make you hard, you can leave if you want, even if the way of heaven has to face the torrent of chaos, no matter how unwilling it is, it will admit it.

But if you can't make it through, then I'm sorry. The tribulation and thunder of the Heavenly Dao will completely turn you into ashes, and the essence of your life will be turned into the original source, nourishing the Heavenly Dao again.

Now that Zhong Yu left Qin Shimingyue's world, he naturally didn't need to be so troublesome.

The small world that Zhong Yu owns is a higher existence than Qin Shimingyue's world.

After all, it was scavenged from the world of gods and demons in the west, and its background is very strong. It is estimated to be a world personality above level 4, that is, a world personality with the power of gods and demons.

The high-level world takes the initiative to contact the low-level world, and it is the person who can avoid breaking the space barrier of the low-level world and perfectly guide that world to ascend.

This is also the reason why those big worlds in the legend have the so-called Huaxian Pond, or the Golden Pond of Merit, and the reason why there are special places such as the Divine Light.

Because the existence of these special textures is what those big worlds use to attract the powerhouses of the small worlds under his control to ascend.

Therefore, the high-level world itself has the ability to welcome the powerhouses of the small world without barriers.

Not to mention that after the destruction of the system, the small world still left behind some kind of powerful space magic power. It is possible to smuggle directly into various worlds, and it will not break the barrier of the world, causing the resistance and attention of the Heavenly Dao of that world.

Now, with the help of the small world, Zhong Yu used the space magic power of the small world itself, crossed the endless starry sky of the universe, and rushed towards the world that received his message and faintly sensed it.

At the end of the starry sky track that Zhong Yu was walking on, there was a huge world that was as big as a whole sun emitting a faint light, pulling Zhong Yu's starry sky track, and flying towards him.

This world should be the world that Zhong Yu sensed in his heart countless times before, and it is also the end of his goal this time.

This is a world of immortals and gods above level 4 with the existence of immortals.

The journey was very smooth, and it didn't take long for Zhong Yu to cross countless galaxies, and at an incredible speed, or directly jumped into the space, and quickly approached the world of immortals and gods.

But at this moment, when Zhong Yu was about to reach the world of immortals and gods, an invisible storm suddenly rolled up in front of him, causing the surrounding starry sky to tremble faintly.

The power of this storm is indescribable, it only makes people feel a sense of infinite fear and infinite crisis.

This is the legendary torrent of chaos.

I don't know how the chaotic torrent came into being, only that countless chaotic qi suddenly became violent, turning into streams of air and sweeping towards it.

As long as the strength is slightly weak along the way, or the world with not very stable space barriers, it will all be destroyed by it.

In the end, it turned into the primordial chaotic air and returned to nothingness.

That's why countless worlds have all turned pale in horror upon hearing the torrent of chaos.

Where is this storm? It is clearly a catastrophe that destroys all things, and all living beings, including the powerful and unrivaled Heavenly Dao, fear the existence together.

Any strong man who intends to cross the starry sky to reach another world will panic and flee when he hears the news of the chaotic torrent.

If you accidentally get involved in it, nine out of ten it will be a fate of life and death, how can you not let them be afraid.

As for Zhong Yu, when the chaotic storm suddenly blew up, he had no time to react, and bumped into it along the trajectory of the starry sky.

Then the storm completely turned into a torrent, washing past Zhong Yu's side.

Fortunately, an invisible barrier suddenly appeared around Zhong Yu, separating these storms tightly.

Under the protection of this barrier, there was not even a single trace of Chaos Qi that could cross the barrier and sweep towards Zhong Yu.

Seeing this, Zhong Yu's original expression of panic subsided immediately, and his face became calm.

"Sure enough, no matter how you say it, it is the spatial supernatural power left by the Dao level in the previous life. Even after countless times of washing and tempering and encountering various disasters, the power of this supernatural power is more than one in a hundred, and it cannot be broken by this chaotic torrent. "

Zhong Yu said secretly in his heart, the evaluation of the power of this space supernatural power in his heart couldn't help but go up to a higher level.

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