The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 313 The World of Demigods

However, as time went by, the chaotic torrent became more and more violent, and the energy and power it brought became more and more turbulent.

Although this spatial supernatural power is tightly resisted, the coercion emanating from the confrontation between such a large and irresistible existence cannot be resisted by a mere sixth-order existence like Zhong Yu.

After doing this, Zhong Yu's face gradually turned pale, the bones and flesh all over his body creaked, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, under the oppression of the power of this fight, although Zhong Yu's strength is strong, he can't resist the aftermath of their fight.

As time slowly passed, the bones of Zhong Yu's body slowly shattered, turning into pieces of bone, piercing into flesh and blood, causing him even more pain.

The flesh and blood all over his body had been cracked, and under the opened skin, there was a mess of rotten flesh, with broken meridians mixed with the rotten flesh, and pale golden blood dripped down.

It seems that if this fight is not over, even if Zhong Yu has not been washed away by the chaos, he will be shocked to death because the power of the fight is too strong.

However, although the torrent of chaos is powerful, it is mobile and not fixed in one place.

As the time of the fight slowly passed, the center of the chaotic torrent slowly approached Zhong Yu, and the power changed from being weak at the beginning to becoming stronger. Then, as the center gradually moves away, the pressure brought by it gradually decreases and gradually disappears.

And Zhong Yu finally endured until the torrent of chaos left. Before his body was about to collapse and completely dissipated under the pressure, the torrent of chaos finally left, and he also survived a small life.

"Damn it, my strength...Although I have known it for a long time. But my strength is so weak that I even have a slight contact with two natural creations that have no consciousness at all. Can't they survive the little bit of power that overflows from them?"

Zhong Yu's mouth was extremely bitter. Obviously, for this blow, his self-satisfied self suffered a great setback in his confidence.

It also made him understand for the first time that even if he had an extraordinary background, he was still an insignificant ant in the endless heavens and worlds.

His strength is so weak that even a gust of wind in the void of the universe can blow it into nothingness.

This sense of powerlessness that could not control his own life and death made him deeply hate it.

However, Zhong Yu is an emperor after all, and the trials and tricks he has faced have given him a heart strong enough to bear anything.

After several time travels, the things he encountered deeply tempered his heart.

Now facing this little setback, Zhong Yu quickly recovered.

Isn't it just a little Chaos Storm? When you become stronger in the future, not to mention the torrent of chaos, even the legendary Return to the Ruins, the dead zone where countless worlds and powerful people are buried, you can go for a break.

"The chaotic storm has finally passed, and I don't know what the situation is like outside. The torrent just now was extremely powerful. I am afraid that many worlds cannot survive it, so they will be wiped out!"

Taking a long breath, Zhong Yu felt a little emotional.

A world that I need to spend countless efforts and time to conquer. In this powerful torrent, like grass in the wind, it may be broken at any time.

However, when he raised his eyes and glanced around, his complexion changed, and the originally happy expression turned into a gloomy expression.

"What's going on? I was clearly on the outskirts of that fairy world just now. It didn't take long to step into that fairy world. But now why is there darkness around me, only a few stars are twinkling, sending out The light is far inferior to that world of immortals and gods."

Zhong Yu's mouth was extremely horrified, and he couldn't help roaring what he said. It was obvious that he had lost his composure in his heart, and couldn't even maintain his superficial composure.

This cannot be blamed on him, it is really lost in the cosmic starry sky, and the consequences are too serious.

If there is no star map to guide the direction, or there are other stars to guide, it is difficult to find a star to settle down by yourself.

Even though Zhong Yu saw a few stars twinkling now, he didn't feel the slightest joy in his heart, instead he felt even more desolate.

As I said before, the stars seen in the world may not necessarily be real. They may be projections of stars, which are similar to mirages and do not exist.

If you can't be sure that it is true, but foolishly pursue the past along the bright stars, then the only ending is to exhaust your energy.

In the end, due to exhaustion of energy, his whole body decayed, and he died extremely aggrieved in this endless void.

Finally, it was turned into nothingness by the gas of chaos, and returned to the embrace of chaos.

So even if he saw a few stars, Zhong Yu didn't feel happy at all.

The starlight is sparse, counting the void, there are only seven or eight bright stars.

Such rare stars can only explain one problem, that is, in this void, the worlds born and possessed are extremely rare.

Moreover, the distance between the stars is extremely far, and it seems to be extremely close, but in fact, if you really walk, it is difficult to cover half of the distance in a lifetime.

With desperation in his heart, Zhong Yu could only use his newly recovered divine power to give instructions to his own small world following the intuition.

Finally, after a long time, feeling the true spirit originating from the deepest part of his soul, which has been entrusted to the heavenly way of the world, Zhong Yu finally re-established contact with his own small world.

And through the urging of the true spirit, the space magic power of the small world was activated again, guiding Zhong Yu to a new starry sky trajectory in this strange void.

Suddenly, a not-so-thick light appeared in the originally dark void. The light bends and follows an indescribable trajectory, as if the avenue is regular, guiding Zhong Yu's way forward.

And Zhong Yu was also under the protection of the space supernatural power, and quickly moved forward along the trajectory, and quickly approached one of the seven or eight stars in the distance.

Time passed slowly, and Zhong Yu also approached the target star.

I saw that the star is extremely small, but it has a powerful force that cannot be ignored. Through the information emanating from this powerful force, one can faintly make a judgment.

This is a world with more than demigod powers.

After getting this news, Zhong Yu couldn't help but look happy.

"Great, I was worried that this is a small world, and the gains I can bring to myself are extremely weak, far from enough to make up for my consumption. Now it is actually a third-level world with the existence of demigods. If you can If you conquer and control it, you will definitely be able to recover from your injuries, and even going one step further, it is not impossible to reach the seventh level."

Zhong Yu couldn't help but secretly pleasantly surprised in his heart, extremely grateful for his luck.

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