The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 314 Small Mountain Village in the Island Country

After the baptism of the chaotic torrent just now, I myself have suffered extremely serious injuries, and I need a long time to recuperate, and I need a lot of luck to nourish me halfway, so that I can recover.

And later, in order to find a way to the starry sky, he had to suppress his injuries and use his space magic again, which made his injuries worse and his whole body was on the verge of collapse.

What's more, the soul has suffered some damage and is sluggish.

Such a serious injury finally urgently needs a world where he can recover. Only then can he have enough time to reach the immortal level before his life span is exhausted.

And in this demigod-level world in front of him, even if he was injured as a demigod himself, as long as he could plunder the luck of the clan there, he could recover quickly.

For Zhong Yu, the difficulty of this strategy is neither high nor low, just right.

How can this kind of god-given opportunity not make him feel happy? Invisibly, he has some good feelings for his original enemy, the secret Dao.

Stimulating mana, he slowly came to the outside of the barrier of this world, relying on the magical power of space, there is now a gap there.

When Zhong Yu moved forward a little, he had already crossed the space barrier that was difficult for others to cross, and entered a world.

After entering the barrier, looking down from the sky above the stars, I realized that this world is really small.

The whole world looks down and finds that the area is very small, probably no more than the size of a province in China before crossing the earth.

And looking at the shape of this world, it seems somewhat familiar.

Zhong Yu recognized it, and finally came to his senses, the long shape was intermittently divided into four pieces and scattered in all directions, surrounded by sea water.

Isn't this kind of poop terrain like a cesspit the same as the island country on the earth?

"It seems that I should have come to a certain world similar to the myth of the island country." Zhong Yu muttered to himself, a strange smile appeared on his face, and there was a trace of coldness in the smile.

An island country, a country that is good at learning.

The country is inherently narrow and small, and geological volcanoes occur frequently in the country. Surrounded by sea water, it often submerges the land. The domestic land is barren and hilly, which is quite unfavorable for farming food.

It has always been a country full of disasters, which has cultivated their sense of tension about crises. At the same time, because of the small size of the country, they have a kind of arrogance and arrogance.

And because of perennial crises and frequent domestic wars, there is a wolfishness in the bones of every islander who chooses and devours.

This is a very dangerous country, but if it can be suppressed by a stronger force than him, this nation will become the most loyal and powerful dog of its master.

Zhong Yu thought of the national characteristics of the islanders in his impression, introduced the general terrain of the country, and gradually became clear in his mind about how to conquer the world.

At the same time, I thought of the 8 million gods in the mythology of this island country, a very scary number, but I also wanted to get the ignorance and arrogance of the Chinese people.

Islanders, adore anything with a little bit of mystery. Maybe there is a bowl at home, because of a special time and a special environment, it shows a little bit of mystery, and it may be worshiped as a god by that island family.

But it is more likely that the bowl is just an ordinary bowl, and there is nothing special about it.

Similarly, the islanders worship the wild mountain monsters, monsters and monsters as gods.

In fact, these ghosts and ghosts are nothing but weak goblins whose strength is so weak that an ordinary middle-aged man or even a child can kill them.

This is why in the legends of the island country, there are often some powerful warriors who beheaded the gods and demons that caused harm to the world, and they boasted as if that warrior was so powerful and terrifying.

Then all kinds of exaggerated titles given to those warriors, and the weapons used by warriors to kill demons are also called magical weapons. In fact, they are nothing but ignorance and arrogance of the islanders.

In China, not to mention beheading monsters that ordinary people can kill, let alone beheading a thousand-year-old monster or ten thousand-year-old evil spirit with overwhelming strength and similar to gods and demons.

That would be nothing more than being amazed by others, it turns out that his cultivation base is so advanced, and after that, there is no other.

The legends of those powerful monks slaying demons and killing demons will be gradually forgotten after being circulated for a while at most.

Unless they are killing real gods, just like the battle between Chi You and the Yellow Emperor, the gods and demons of the heavens took turns to fight, and the scale of the war reached an incredible level. The names and deeds of the characters appearing in it will be deeply engraved in the blood of the nation and passed down forever.

In almost every small village with dozens of people like the islanders, there is a legend of a warrior beheading gods and demons, and it is so boastful that it is really unflattering.

"However, this kind of deformed hero worship, on the contrary, also confirms the fact that the island people worship the strong!"

Zhong Yu looked back at his previous understanding of the islanders, and at the same time secretly felt contempt, he also found the key point for him to enter this world.

With a movement in my heart, the scene in front of me quickly changed, and countless things kept changing in front of my eyes. In the blink of an eye, Zhong Yu came to the northernmost part of the long island of the island country, which was the location of Deyu Kingdom in the Warring States Period.

The island country is small in size, and the lord who often passes through the territory of a former Chinese township is a big figure who can influence a region in the island country, and is called a daimyo.

The lord of a county is someone who can affect the world affairs of the island country. The territory of that county is also called the country, and the lord is called the lord.

As for Zhong Yu, he came to the island country of Deyu, but he didn't know exactly where.

A small village in Dewa country.

The scenery around the village is quite beautiful, with lush forests all over the village, backed by a hill, which is a small hill that is not very high, only tens of meters.

However, at this time, fireworks were lit in the village, and the black smoke that went straight into the sky could be seen for more than ten miles.

Zhong Yu was standing on the hill, looking down from the hill, he could vaguely see a small mountain village with more than 20 houses.

The house is quite simple, it looks like some ordinary wooden boards are piled up, the roof is covered with some hay, it looks like a house in a pigsty.

In front of the mountain village gate, there were more than 30 people gathered, all of whom were young and middle-aged people, holding some agricultural tools for work, and only a few of them held a samurai sword.

Seeing how the people around them vaguely regarded them as the center, it should be the warrior leader of this small village.

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