The proposal to use smoke quickly passed the resolution.

Even if the two out-of-town warriors didn't want to fight, with the support of the two local warriors and their loyalty to this noble man, they had no choice but to agree.

Soon, several noble samurai adults had to go to the surrounding woods to pick up some dry and wet wood like farmers, and then piled the wood at the entrance of the cave.

But Zhong Yu stood at the same place, with the same elegant demeanor as before, as if he always had a noble temperament.

As for helping to lift the wood, don't be kidding.

How can such an honorable adult do such rough work?

That should be done by these humble warriors. If these warriors dare to let Zhong Yu carry the wood, let alone they will be condemned in their hearts.

Even their lord, that is, the head of the Dongping family, will punish them after hearing about it.

This is the deformed worship of noble blood in the Warring States Period.

His blood is noble, and he is a full court official who is a descendant of the gods.

Even if they are so poor that they have to ask those big names for food, their clothes are in tatters, and they have no rights in their hands.

But the blood flowing in their bodies has divided them into two classes from the other commoners from the moment they were born.

The daimyo ruler ruled the power of the mortal world, and the court ministers controlled the people's beliefs. This is the unique cultural custom of the Warring States Period in Japan.

After a while, the entrance of the cave was densely packed with logs half the height of a human wall, and there was a huge pile.

Putting it at the entrance of the cave, it immediately blocked the way out of the cave entrance and half closed the cave entrance.

"Okay, now that the wood has been picked up, you go look for the vent around the top of the mountain. When you find it, block it, and then we will catch a turtle in an urn."

Seeing the wood he picked up in front of him, Zhong Yu nodded in satisfaction, and continued to give instructions to the four warriors beside him.

The warriors felt a little helpless and indignant when they heard the words, but thinking of the huge disparity in their identities, they could only nod their heads and searched for the air vent feebly.

Seeing the backs of several warriors leaving, Zhong Yu smiled. Didn't he agree to the warrior leader to let them follow him because he expected to do some hard work?

Now these warriors follow suit, saving themselves the trouble of doing these jobs.

"Fortunately, I brought them here, otherwise, how could I have watched them busy so easily!"

Zhong Yu couldn't help sighing in his heart.

This is the right of being a high-ranking person. If you move your mouth, countless people below will sacrifice their lives for you, saving you countless tedious things. This is the reason why Zhong Yu follows the way of the emperor of heaven.

There is a big difference in the treatment enjoyed by a lord of power and a lone ranger.

Soon after, the four samurai who went to the mountain to explore came back soon.

As I said before, this mountain bag is not big, only about 30 meters high, covering an area of ​​one mile around. With the ability of four people and a little searching, it is easy to find the vent of the cave.

No, these four people quickly found three vents, and quickly blocked the vents. They also distributed several hard stones to the vents, which can be said to be firmly blocked.

Then Zhong Yu waved his finger directly, and a flame appeared on his fingertips. With a light flick, the flame rushed to the top just now, and with a bang, it burned quickly.

The complexions of the surrounding warriors couldn't help but change when they saw it. Regarding the strength of this noble man in front of him, his inner evaluation couldn't help but increase.

At the same time, a sense of reverence for the strong came from the bottom of their hearts, which was difficult to shake off.

The fire quickly ignited, and the pungent smell of smoke quickly permeated the surroundings, and the black smoke also spread to the surroundings, causing everyone to feel uncomfortable, and tears seemed to flow out.

"What are you waiting for, act quickly!"

Zhong Yu shouted loudly to the four warriors who were seriously watching the fire, and ordered.

Several warriors came back to their senses, quickly raised the broad banana leaf in their hands, and then deleted it towards the entrance of the cave. The movement is quick, and he can swing under the banana leaf tree within a second, which makes people sigh that he is indeed a trained samurai.

The thick smoke quickly drifted towards the entrance of the cave under the samurai's business, and the whistling sound had already filled the entire cave entrance, and diffused along the corridor at the cave entrance to the entire cave, making the already dark cave even darker.

However, inside the cave, there was no movement for the time being, it was still as quiet as usual, as if the wine-swallowing boy didn't care at all.

But Zhong Yu didn't care, the boy who swallowed wine must be here, and he hasn't moved the nest for decades, which shows that the boy who swallowed wine is in love with his family.

The alcohol-swallowing boy still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, thinking that the thick smoke would not hurt him, and the cave had vents.

"However, he never thought that this vent was blocked by me!"

Zhong Yu looked at the black smoke that was getting more and more lingering, and looked at the entrance of the cave and couldn't help laughing, feeling more and more proud of the boy who swallowed wine in his heart.

Soon, it was as expected by Zhong Yu.

A loud roar came from the entrance of the cave, mixed with shrill screams, and the voice of the boy who swallowed wine was getting closer and closer to the entrance of the cave.

It seems that the wine-swallowing boy also found out that the vent was blocked, making the smoke quite painful, and he wanted to come out.

"Stop fanning you guys, get ready for me, the monsters will come out soon, and I won't take care of you when there will be a fight."

Seeing several warriors at the entrance of the cave still vigorously fanning the wind with plantains, Zhong Yu shouted sharply.

Several samurai came back to their senses immediately after being shouted, and responded one after another, now is the time to desperately. All of a sudden, he threw the banana leaf in his hand on the ground.


The four samurai drew out the sharp samurai swords at their waists, and pointed the tip of the katana at the entrance of the cave. The samurai stared nervously at the entrance of the cave without blinking their eyes.

Finally, a figure slowly walked out of the cave entrance.

The figure is very small, about the size of a six or seven-year-old child, about 1.2 meters in size, and looks rather thin compared to the two-meter-high entrance of the cave.

When the child walked out of the cave and appeared in the sight of the five people, everyone couldn't help but be taken aback.

I saw that the child's whole body was covered with red hair, densely covering the whole body, the hair on the face did not grow, but there were red circles painted on the cheeks, and the corners of the mouth were also red and white, looking like a ghost .

What's more, the wine-swallowing boy's hair was green, and it was three meters long when it was dragged directly to the ground. There were ten centimeter-long fangs in his mouth, shining coldly in the sunlight.

The fingernails of both hands were also not human-like in length, and they were extremely hard. Looking at the clinking metal sound made by the nails colliding between the boy's handshake, it could be seen that the fingernails of this finger were sharp and strong.

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