"You... all... die!"

The wine-swallowing boy walked out of the cave entrance, glanced at the five people, and said these five words word by word, his tone full of coldness and resentment.


The four warriors were frightened by the appearance of the wine-swallowing boy. When they heard the words of the wine-swallowing boy, their hearts trembled, and the corners of their mouths could not help but gasp.

This wine-swallowing boy, since he is so frightening.

"Hmph, it's just a small monster with low strength, but he has just cultivated monster power, and he dares to say such wild words, I really don't know what to say."

The four samurai were frightened, but Zhong Yu had gone through strong winds and waves, how could he be frightened by such a small ant.

With a cold snort, he cursed on the spot.

The boy who swallowed wine was stunned for a moment when he heard the angry scolding. Since his debut, everyone who has seen his face was terrified and dared not resist.

Now that he suddenly heard that someone dared to insult him, he couldn't react in time and froze.

But then the wine-swallowing boy became furious, and turned his eyes to the source of the scolding, which was Zhong Yu's direction. The eyes are full of cold and murderous intent, and the resentment contained in them is getting deeper and deeper, making people feel chills down their spines.

"It's you, I remember your voice, you probably wanted me to come out just now. This time the crusade was also advocated by you, a human being who can't control himself!"

The wine-swallowing boy stared at Zhong Yu for a while, then suddenly said.

The reason for this judgment is mainly because of the gorgeous clothes, even if the wine-swallowing boy has lived for more than 30 years, he has never seen it before.

And looking at the four people around him faintly centered on him and guarding him, it can be seen that Zhong Yu is the leader and has a noble status.

In addition, Zhong Yu was the first to ask him to come out just now, and he was the one who spoke from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even dare to intervene as a human being, so it can be confirmed that he is the initiator of this time.

Thinking of this, the wine-swallowing boy's resentment towards Zhong Yu became even more frightening.

"So what, you are already dead, you should return to the underworld, and you are nostalgic for the prosperity of the world and refuse to leave, causing disaster to the world. Today, my lord will kill you here, let your soul fly away, and you will never be reborn forever. This deters other monsters from making trouble."

Zhong Yu sneered a few times, looking at the wine-drinking boy who was putting on airs in front of him and engaged in such supernatural tricks, he was quite disdainful.

It's fine for him to deal with ordinary people like this, but it's a complete joke for a powerhouse like himself who was once a sixth-level powerhouse.

Just like a carpenter fiddled with his craft in front of Lu Ban, it was completely ridiculous.

A shrill scream sounded.

The wine-swallowing boy didn't answer any more, but suddenly rushed towards Zhong Yu beyond everyone's expectations.

This action was so fast that the four surrounding warriors couldn't react in time, they could only watch helplessly as the wine-swallowing boy approached Zhong Yu more and more.

"I've expected you to come to this move a long time ago, how can I believe nonsense."

Zhong Yu sneered, directly pulled out the samurai sword worn at his waist, moved his steps lightly, and performed a magical step to avoid the attack of the boy who swallowed wine.

Then with a twist of his wrist, the long knife in his hand stabbed at the wine-swallowing boy at a strange angle, and pierced into his body under his unbelievable eyes, almost stabbing his chest, where the heart is. .

"How is it possible that you were able to hurt me? I don't believe it. Luck, it must be luck."

Looking down at the dark red blood left by his uncle on his chest, the wine-swallowing boy's face was horrified, his painful and distorted face made people feel horrified, and screams came from his mouth.

He couldn't believe that he, who had never been injured for decades, would be injured by this weak man in front of him in the first meeting today, and he was seriously injured.

He didn't believe it, he just thought it was luck.

Then the wine-swallowing boy roared again, his footsteps became more and more swift, and he rushed towards Zhong Yu.

When Zhong Yu saw the boy Tunjiu coming, he didn't dare to turn him down, instead he went one step further to meet him, fighting back and forth with boy Tunjiu.

As time slowly passed, after two or three minutes, Zhong Yu was still more than flexible under the attack of the boy who swallowed wine. The wine-swallowing boy's countless quick and fierce attacks did not even touch a piece of his clothes, which is quite shocking.

Suddenly, Zhong Yu kicked his footsteps, and the whole person floated backwards lightly, like an exiled immortal in the mid-air, so unrestrained.

After leaving the battle circle, Zhong Yu stopped in front of the four warriors, staring sharply at the boy who swallowed wine.

"It's time to end this farce. After probing for so long, you are nothing more than that. Let me send you on your way!"

Zhong Yu said in a rather arrogant tone, which aroused the surprise of the four warriors behind him.

You must know that just now Zhong Yu seemed to be able to fight the Jiuzi boy with ease, but overall it was still evenly matched, and no one could do anything to the other.

Now that Zhong Yu withdrew from the battlefield, he suddenly told them that he could easily kill Tunjiu boy, so how not to surprise them.

"Don't you just talk big? Rats running around, I want to see how you come to kill me."

The wine-swallowing boy was driven mad by Zhong Yu's words. During the battle just now, Zhong Yu kept dodging, avoiding his attack and not daring to face the enemy head-on.

It made him, who was not very agile, feel more and more uncomfortable when he was punched on the cotton.

Now this mouse that can only run away dared to boast that it killed itself easily. How can the boy who swallows wine feel contemptuous and become even more angry.

Immediately, the wine-swallowing boy put away his stance, stopped on the spot, looked at Zhong Yu with a vigilant look, and wanted to see him kill himself so easily.

"I'm here, you see exactly how I'm going to kill you."

Zhong Yu spit out this sentence, and then moved his feet, his figure rushed forward at an extremely incredible speed.

In the eyes of Tunjiu Boy and the four warriors behind him, only a flash of purple light and shadow was seen, and Zhong Yu rushed to Tunjiu Boy in the blink of an eye. Then the white light came on, and the wine-swallowing boy's head fell to the ground slowly.

The wide green eyes on the head were still curious, as if they wanted to see how Zhong Yu would kill him.

Fine, all was silent.

Behind them were the four warriors with shocked faces, the corners of their mouths were still wide open, and they seemed to be extremely surprised by this powerful boy who swallowed alcohol, so he died like this.


That was the sound of a long knife returning to its sheath.

"Let's go, the mission has been completed, it's time for us to leave this place of right and wrong."

In the ears of the four, Zhong Yu's voice sounded slowly, waking up those who were immersed in shock.

The four warriors looked at each other, and each could see their horror.

The faces of the four were a little pale, looking at the thin purple figure in front of them, deep fear and admiration flashed in their eyes.

This is an unbelievably powerful adult, a strong man with the power of gods and demons, not the kind of cowards they thought they were born to be noble.

The four warriors couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat because of their previous disrespect to Zhong Yu, and they blamed themselves deeply.

Offended a strong man. For the island world that worships the strong, it is a matter of extremely disrespecting their beliefs.

"It seems that we can only find a chance to remedy it in the future."

Several samurai thought so in their hearts.

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