The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 327 The Considerate and Gentle Master

Originally, the magic method that their family explored was far inferior to that used by Zhong Yu, which made them secretly envious.

Now hearing that this person of noble origin is willing to pass on his wonderful method, how can these families not be surprised?

So with the full support of these families, thousands of workers quickly gathered. And countless materials were quickly transferred to the bottom of the mountain after Zhong Yu Sanjin.

Ever since, a vigorous construction project began.

That's right, Zhong Yu intends to build a dojo here, to pass on his life's cultivation, so as to attract enough heroes to join him.

In this world, Zhong Yu doesn't have the slightest background after all, although he is guessed by countless people as aristocratic.

But only he knows in his heart that in this world, he has nothing to do with anyone.

And at this time, the most effective way to let yourself take root in this world, and let countless people pledge allegiance to you, spread your wings, but it will not arouse the vigilance of the surrounding tyrants.

There is nothing better than opening a school of swordsmanship, establishing a dojo, and spreading swordsmanship.

And the reason why those tyrants are so determined to support themselves is that they want to get their own magic method.

It is also because if I open a dojo and inherit the school of swordsmanship, it will definitely attract many wandering warriors.

Under the lure of their open and inherited magic method, countless strong men will definitely swarm like flies that smell fishy, ​​and they can't be driven away.

And those powerful families can also select some strong people from these people to join their families. Let the strength of their family become stronger and more substantial, and have greater self-protection power in this troubled world.

As for the strength of the dojo, whether they will annex and control these tyrants in turn, those people have never had this worry.

Because in the whole of Japan, dozens of schools of swordsmanship have been opened up, and countless dojos have been built.

But without exception, in addition to making the local martial arts more intense in these dojos, the masters of the dojos have never oppressed the powerful and controlled them.

Therefore, for the opening of a dojo, the most important powerful support, among the customary rules of this world, was unknowingly settled for Zhong Yu.

However, with these powerful names, I am afraid that Zhong Yu's real purpose has never been thought of, which is not to spread his swordsmanship.

Instead, they set their sights on the land owned by these powerful landlords.

After establishing a dojo by myself, many warriors will come to seek refuge and ask them to learn various magical methods from their disciples.

And I can also choose some reliable ones from these warriors, teach them the core secrets, and impose some control methods, and then these people will be my foundation.

As for some other warriors who are not very credible, but still study under their own.

You can let them serve as wings and unite with those warriors who have been smacked by you, so that the power you can control becomes stronger and stronger.

While studying, they can be continuously sent to perform tasks.

These missions are not other than going to kill demons, pacify the place, and restore peace to the people everywhere.

During this process, the reputation of one's dojo will continue to accumulate, and it will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and one's admiration and gratitude for one's dojo will increase.

It doesn't take long, as long as the business of slaying demons and demons is persisted for a year or two, the entire Chuyu country will be infiltrated by his influence.

All the people will be grateful to me for helping them, and thus have a deep recognition of myself from the bottom of my heart.

And those who started from their own schools acted as samurai under the command of various powerful names in the Deyu country, and controlled the real power of those powerful names.

When the time came, in the name of their teacher, they gave an order, and they didn't change their banners one after another, leaning their heads under their own banner.

At that time, the accumulation has been completed, and if you do something big, you can use the power of thunder to quickly wipe out all dissatisfaction, and in one go, the entire Chuyu country will be under your control.

"But everything now needs to be accumulated."

Zhong Yu stared at the workers who were busy building the hall, his eyes were full of hope. What they did was to lay a solid foundation for their future reign over the entire Deyu Kingdom!

"My lord, you have been standing here for a long time, it's time to go back to rest and have lunch."

A soft and pleasant female voice sounded from behind Zhong Yu, the tone was full of concern and admiration, after listening to it, the whole body and mind softened.

Turning his head, Zhong Yu focused his eyes on the woman behind him, and saw that this woman was wearing a light yellow kimono, dotted with red petals on the dress, which looked really amazing.

This woman is the first woman Zhong Yu met in Shanxia Village, who once planned to seduce him in order to seek blessing.

After leaving Shanxia Village, Zhong Yu walked all the way, constantly running around, and went back to this small mountain village several times during the period.

I met Kamiko several times in the village, and saw that their life became more and more difficult after I left.

However, considering the possible relationship between themselves and Kamiko, those villagers didn't do too much, it's just that there is a shortage of living materials.

But if I really don't care about it and leave it behind, I think her end will be extremely miserable.

Thinking of the first-hand information I learned in this world before, it was provided by this woman in front of me. In addition, I also vaguely hinted before that I would provide them with some shelter.

So all of a sudden, Zhong Yu couldn't help being moved with a little compassion, and brought him here to become his personal maid, serving his daily life.

Of course, Zhong Yu did not deny in his heart that the most important reason why he brought Kazuko here was that she was an amazing beauty.

Of course, this astonishment is compared to those women I have seen in Yamamoto County.

I didn't know it when I first came to this world, but after I really got in touch with many women in this world, I felt more and more how beautiful Kazumi was to such an extent.

During this period of time, Zhong Yu has come into contact with many powerful concubines and concubines, but without exception, apart from their fair looks, these women can only be considered delicate, far from being beautiful.

There are even many people who simply have ordinary faces, but because of the gorgeous decoration and pampering, they are fairer and smoother than ordinary peasant women.

Even the daimyo of Yamamoto County, several princesses of the Yamamoto family met once, and that time was also the head of the Yamamoto family. He wanted to see if he could pick a daughter for himself, so that the entire Yamamoto family could also spread a little noble blood. .

It's a pity that Zhong Yu was disappointed after seeing it.

These women can't be said to be unbeautiful, they look a little bit beautiful, but they are not so beautiful that people feel heart-wrenching. Compared with Kazuko, they are still a little bit worse.

So although Zhong Yu didn't have any feelings for Kazuko, but compared to these women he had seen, he was already much better.

What's more, Kazumi also has a 13-year-old daughter who is in her prime.

Although the girl's father doesn't look very good, it's just an ordinary face, not ugly.

But her mother is a real beauty, inherited from her mother's genes, this girl's beauty is also quite amazing.

Although she is a little worse than Kazuko, she is much better than the daughter of the Yamamoto family daimyo.

With the advantages of being a mother and daughter, Zhong Yu will never abandon them and turn to pursue those so-called famous princesses.

Ever since, on a certain moon with few stars and a pleasant night.

In Zhong Yu's luxuriously decorated and comfortable room, he warmly invited the mother and daughter to rest here.

The reason is that they are used to living a hard life, but now that they are with me, they want to let them experience the life of aristocrats.

And he was afraid that they would catch a cold while sleeping at night, so Zhong Yu thoughtfully warmed the quilts for Kazumiko, mother and daughter.

Although Kazuko and her daughter were a little shy during the process, especially her daughter, like a green apple, couldn't let go of many things.

But under Zhong Yu's thoughtful teaching, the two of them quickly adapted to this luxurious life, and were intoxicated in it, and gradually responded.

Zhong Yu couldn't help but sigh, women's pursuit of these enjoyments is engraved in their blood, regardless of age.

Ever since, one night passed, a young girl became a young woman, completing her transformation of style.

Suddenly, I found that if the writing train of thought was broken, and some women were ambiguously written, the flow of words would be like a spring, and the train of thought would not be broken. What do you think?

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