Zhong Yu's dojo plan proceeded smoothly, with the strong support of Zhong Yu who didn't know Zhong Yu's real goal.

But in just three months, the main hall located on the top of the mountain stood tall.

The main hall is very majestic, and the most important main hall can accommodate hundreds of people. In addition to the main hall, there are eight other side halls. This is a palace complex built on the mountain.

The name of the dojo was named Lingtian Dao Palace by Zhong Yu. The school of swordsmanship he created is also known as the Lingtian Sword School.

The swordsmanship that bullies the way of heaven, the name is so rampant, and the owner who named it is so arrogant.

But correspondingly, to be able to name this kind of name, at least this school of swordsmanship still has a little foundation, and it won't be those appearances, which are specially used to deceive people.

So after the name of the Sword Sect was announced, it immediately attracted many passionate young people to come to study.

For these people who came to study, Zhong Yu did not directly accept them, but went through a strict selection process to pick out some qualified people, or those who have the heart to become a strong person.

The exercises bestowed by Zhong Yu do not impose age requirements, let alone any heaven-defying aptitude.

The only requirement is a heart, with the capacity to become a strong man.

That's right, the kung fu bestowed by Zhong Yu is the magical kung fu that he adapted from the battlefield kung fu practiced by his troops.

This skill was named by Zhong Yu as the blood-transforming magic method.

The reason why it is called this name is because the best way to practice this technique is to cooperate with the magical weapons forged by Zhong Yu.

The master who practices this technique uses divine weapons to absorb the blood and souls of those enemies he beheaded.

After these absorbed blood and souls are filtered by the divine soldiers, they will obtain a stream of pure soul and blood energy.

Then the person holding the magic weapon can absorb these energies, so that his internal strength and physical strength will be greatly increased, so as to achieve a rapid breakthrough in cultivation, and possess a powerful technique that is incredibly powerful.

This kind of skill that completely plunders the life of living beings to make up for oneself can indeed be called a kind of magic skill.

This method has the advantages of heaven and earth, and it is not something ordinary people can do.

Only those who are tough enough and indifferent to life can possess this kind of magic weapon, practice this kind of kung fu, and become a real strong man.

On the other hand, for people with this kind of mind, the temptation of ordinary money and status will be at the lowest point, which is not enough to shake their will.

What they really pursue is enough power to allow them to control their destiny. And Zhong Yu happened to be able to give them this kind of power.

So as long as Zhong Yu remains strong, strong enough to suppress these strong men, then they will truly and unhesitatingly serve Zhong Yu, and there will be no rebellion at all.

Because these people, those who pursue power, will only be loyal to the real strong.

And those aristocrats with weak bodies and decadent wills, no matter how much power they have and how many strong men they have, they cannot really make these people succumb from the bottom of their hearts.

If it is really oppressed by force, it will only arouse their resistance, and then they will make dangerous moves to deal a fatal blow to these powerful nobles.

There are thousands of people who come to study, most of them are locals from Yamamoto County.

Only they, who have heard of Zhong Yu's name and felt his great strength, will come to study.

Among the thousands of people, there are nearly a hundred of them alone, and many of them are retainers sent by various families to study in this newly built ashram and spy on news by the way.

However, no matter how they were born, no matter what their identities are, if they want to truly enter the core of Zhong Yu's dojo, they must pass his xinxing test.

On the square in front of the main hall, there is a huge area paved with stones, which is enough to accommodate thousands of people, and there is still a little leftover.

Zhong Yu stood at the entrance of the hall, and there were 99 steps under his feet. The steps were stacked one after another, and the hall was more than ten meters higher than the square.

Standing at the gate of the hall, Zhong Yu could directly look down on all the students studying below.

At the same time, you can keep a certain distance from them, so that they can have a sense of mystery to themselves in their hearts.

Where there is mystery, there is awe. With awe, then they will have obedience to themselves.

And when they become obedient to themselves, then they will have a subconscious obedience to their own orders in the future.

This was something Zhong Yu had already considered during the construction of the dojo.

In fact, this is not a consideration, it is just a subconscious behavior of Zhong Yu.

Before, as an emperor, he often kept a sense of mystery in his actions to make his subjects obey.

As for keeping a distance, Zhong Yu has already mastered such a knowledge.

Now it just came in handy, so that my disciples could show off their power and give them a sense of awe from the bottom of their hearts.

Zhong Yu looked at the humming heads below, and those people whispered to each other, opening and closing their mouths one by one, making the whole square look like a vegetable market.

Zhong Yu frowned involuntarily.

He felt very uncomfortable about this noisy scene, and thought it was the reason why he was not dignified enough.

"I am very happy that you can come to study, but there are too many people, and it is impossible for me to teach so many disciples. So you have to pass some tests, and I will teach those who pass. If you fail, then you can Continue to study here and become my registered disciple. But it is destined to only learn some superficial aspects of me. And the living expenses of the registered disciples will not be borne by the dojo."

In order to maintain his majesty, Zhong Yu used his internal strength to shout violently, and through a mysterious method, he clearly transmitted the sound to the ears of each of the thousands of people below.

In an instant, thousands of people heard thunder and thunder, which shocked their minds to go blank, and they couldn't hear the words of everyone around them, leaving only the voice of Zhong Yu admonishing them.

Seeing those people below being shocked by his hand, they were all shocked and quieted down.

Zhong Yu couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, quite satisfied in his heart.

However, his face was a little pale, and the move just now was a lot of consumption.

It was just a little sound, but more than 80% of the internal force in his body was consumed, which put a heavy burden on his body for a short time, and his whole body felt a little achy.

But the goal was achieved, and the people below were all shocked by his miraculous magic, and thus felt the fear of himself from the bottom of his heart.

And, also because of my own hand.

These people who come to study are more eager for the magic method they want to teach.

With these, the basic cohesion of a dojo was quietly formed.

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