The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 333 Frustrated Footsteps

After annexing the dojo shares of the two countries, the resources and support Zhong Yu received greatly increased, which was seven or eight times larger than the annexation of Deyu Country.

Judging from the support received, one can understand how backward and barren Dewa country is.

Although the population is not much different, the degree of affluence and the overall potential are really far apart, and they are not at the same level at all.

It is no wonder that Dewa country has been regarded as a barbaric land by all the people in Japan since ancient times, and it really deserves its reputation.

After annexing Deyu Country, Zhong Yu's dojo disciples totaled 3,000 people, and the other peripheral personnel numbered four to five thousand.

All the strength added up, can almost be said to have overwhelmed the entire Izumo country.

Of course, this is only secretly. On the surface, there are only three or four hundred people in the Taoist temple, and the rest of the disciples are secretly hidden in the powerful families in various places and disappeared.

This is also a method of protection for Zhong Yu.

If all these nearly ten thousand people gather in the dojo, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the local tyrants in the entire Dewa country, and by the way, the local tyrants from other countries will also resist and stop the expansion of the dojo.

Therefore, some hiding is also very necessary before deciding to officially start an incident.

No, because of Zhong Yu's inappropriate concealment, the local nobles of Deyu Kingdom didn't find anything, and continued to be immersed in the surprise of their greatly increased strength.

Even the powerful families from other countries didn't find any problems, but happily accepted the expansion of the dojo and continued to provide help.

After completely annexing the dojo shares of the two countries, the number of Zhong Yu's dojo disciples has expanded to tens of thousands, and there are also 20,000 to 30,000 other peripheral personnel.

That's not a small amount, nor is it a force that can be casually ignored.

One must know that to become a disciple of Zhong Yu, one must at least be a powerhouse above the second rank, even among the powerful clans, they belong to the elite force.

In fact, the earlier batch of these disciples had already broken through to the third level. There are even a few people with outstanding qualifications, they are art investment teachers, and their strength has reached the level of the fourth level.

The strength of Tier 4 is already very strong in this island country.

Among other things, even before the arrival of Zhong Yu in the entire Deyu Kingdom, there were no more than five or six masters with fourth-level strength, and many of them were wandering swordsmen who lived in seclusion.

However, in other regions with more prosperous populations and stronger martial arts, there are often no more than a hundred fourth-tier masters in a country.

It's like Echigo country next to Dewa country.

The Echigo Kingdom is considered a very famous country in the entire Japanese world. Among them, the local tyrants are famous for being brave and good at fighting, and the folk customs are even more sturdy, so many strong men were born.

But even if all the fourth ranks of the entire Echigo Kingdom are added up, according to Zhong Yu's knowledge, there are only more than 70 people.

This also confirms the decline of Dewa country from the side.

Moreover, the peripheral personnel of Zhongyu Dojo are not simple stuff.

Most of these peripheral personnel have the first level of cultivation, and some of the more prominent people even have the second level.

And the strength of the first level, in a powerful country like Echigo, already belongs to the category of elite soldiers.

As for Tier 1 and Tier 2, no matter which country in the Japanese world, they all belong to samurai, but the status is also differentiated according to the overall strength of the country.

The strength of these disciples is getting stronger and the energy is expanding, which further confirms a fact.

That is, Zhong Yu has unknowingly mastered an elite army of 30,000 to 40,000.

Moreover, these armies don't need Zhong Yulai to pay for food and money to support them. There are local tyrants in the three countries who are under the radiation range of the dojo.

This has two advantages, the first is to avoid a lot of expenses and management problems. The second is that when you start an incident, you can make these soldiers turn against you at the first time, and quickly disintegrate the resistance of local tyrants from all over the world.

"It's been two years, it's time to start taking action, and it's time to show the world what I can do."

Sitting high on the main seat in the main hall of the dojo, Zhong Yu stood up suddenly, looked directly at the wind-blowing mist outside the hall, and said.

With the expansion of the dojo's power, it has gradually moved out of the northeastern region of Honshu Island, Japan, and expanded towards the central and southern regions.

During these expansions, the originally extremely smooth pace suddenly stopped and became extremely difficult.

The reason is ultimately inseparable from a regional discrimination.

Dewa country is located in the northeast of Japan. It has always been a barbarian country and is not accepted by people in other parts of Japan.

Echigo and Mutsu, which border Dewa, are much more civilized, but after all, there are deep differences in culture and customs from other regions in Japan that have been civilized for a long time.

These differences cause them to have conflicts with the cultures of various places in Japan, and then discrimination occurs.

So when Zhongyu's dojo completely annexed the entire northeastern part of Japan, that is, Dewa, Tsukigo, and Mutsu Three Kingdoms.

Immediately afterwards, it expanded to the central and southern regions, but great setbacks occurred in these two regions.

The local powerful and famous people, and the warrior people at the bottom, have a great rejection of the disciples of Lingtian Dojo from outside.

Even though these people understood the strength of Lingtian Dojo, but out of contempt in their hearts, they were still extremely xenophobic, and refused to enter the place without hesitation.

And with the support of the local tyrants and the people, the local dojo began to attack extremely violently, making it difficult for the expansion of the Lingtian dojo, and there was no progress for several months.

Among them, in order to cope with this difficult situation, Zhong Yu did not fail to make other efforts.

Send people with money to lobby the local powerful families to win their support, and even send elite warriors to help these powerful families win on the battlefield.

But these aristocratic families were very welcoming at first, and even happy to have someone help them.

But once it comes to the matter of spreading the orthodox traditions of the dojo, they all change their faces.

Some aristocratic families who pay attention to demeanor avoid seeing them, and they simply don't give the disciples of the dojo a chance to speak.

Some wealthy families who are irritable, lack manners, and don't pay attention to etiquette at all, don't care about helping them before, and directly expel the disciples from the dojo.

What's more, they carried out besieging and killing, and their attitude was extremely bad.

Faced with the provocations of these people, Zhong Yu once organized a group of elite troops with 300 people to retaliate.

This group of elite troops directly slaughtered those local nobles who were ungrateful and surrounded and killed the disciples of the dojo. Letting all these powerful families leave no one behind, it can be regarded as maintaining the prestige of the dojo, and by the way, avenging those who died.

Zhong Yu tried to deter those local tyrants with great strength and force them to accept the presence.

However, this aroused the disgust of these tyrants even more. Not only did they not cooperate, but they connected with each other. For these 300 dojo disciples who went to revenge, they were besieged and killed.

In less than one month, these elite disciples were all killed and injured under the siege of these local tyrants, and only 3 or 4 escaped back.

At this point, Zhong Yu also understood that the expansion of the dojo had reached a limit, and the next step would be to ignore this almost peaceful expansion model, but to accompany the army's war.

It is necessary to use a powerful army to invade those countries that resist the dojo, massacre the city and exterminate the clan, and forcefully use thunder to crush all the obstacles.

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