Dewa country, within Yamamoto County.

As the first place where Zhong Yu came to this world, and also the headquarters of the Lingtian Dojo he built, the importance of Yamamoto County naturally goes without saying.

As more and more people came to apprentice, Yamamoto County also benefited from it. The population of the county surged to 50,000, and most of them were young and strong men with a certain degree of force.

Moreover, the number of business travelers providing services to these people has gradually increased, making Yamamoto County extremely prosperous, with shops everywhere.

Now that two years have passed, Toshi Yamamoto has a faint tendency to become the center of the Three Kingdoms in Northeast China.

Similarly, as local tyrants in Yamamoto County, the power of these powerful families has expanded more than ten times that of the original.

But now, the daimyo of Yamamoto County, Yamamoto Yoshiyasu, who is becoming more and more powerful now, is sitting in his castle tower, looking at the several samurai in front of him in panic.

"Song Yi-kun, what are you doing? Do you want to take the next step?"

Yamamoto Yoshian's face was full of anger, and his eyes were full of uncontrollable fear.

Inoue Matsuichi, Yamamoto Yoshian's most capable assistant, is very powerful, and has a great reputation in the entire Yamamoto County and even Dewa Country.

On weekdays, for this Inoue Matsuichi, Yamamoto Yoshian can be said to be more wooing, not only marrying his most beloved daughter to him, but also giving him several villages as his fiefs.

After doing so much, Yoshian Yamamoto's purpose is self-evident, that is, to put Inoue Matsu and his party on the chariot of the Yamamoto family, charge for the great cause of the Yamamoto family, and wipe out all enemies.

But Inoue Matsuichi, besides being a general of the Yamamoto family and his son-in-law, also has a rather prominent and noble status, that is the first batch of disciples of Lingtian Dojo.

As the first batch of people who were accepted as disciples by Zhong Yu himself, after two years of teaching and continuous training by himself, Inoue Matsuichi's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has become a very outstanding person among a generation of disciples.

Up to now, Inoue Matsuichi's strength has broken through to the fourth level, and he has become one of the few top powerhouses in Deyu country, which can be said to be extremely respected.

However, as such a strong man, he condescended to the nobility and took refuge in a local tycoon in a small county, and even married the daughter of that local tycoon, which can be said to have fallen through the eyes of everyone.

It was precisely because of Inoue Matsuichi's grievance that Yamamoto Yoshian would try to win him over more, for fear that he would leave if he was dissatisfied with his family.

But what Yamamoto Yoshian didn't know, even if he had a bad attitude towards Inoue Matsuichi, he would not leave Yamamoto's house.

Because Inoue Matsumoto was carrying an important mission, he came to serve in the small local tyrant family of the Yamamoto family. Before he completes this mission, he is impossible to leave anyway, and he dare not leave.

"Master Yi'an, I'm sorry, although you have been very kind to me, but God's order cannot be violated, and I can only send you and your family to see God Amaterasu."

Inoue Matsuichi sighed, the person in front of him is not only the monarch he is loyal to now, but also his father-in-law, the two care deeply and cannot be separated.

Not to mention Yamamoto Yoshian, who also took good care of him, not only gave him 1/3 of the land of the Yamamoto family, but also gave him most of the family's military and horse power, which can be said to rely heavily on trust.

Now that he really wanted to betray him, even with Inoue Matsuichi's cold heart, it was quite unbearable.

"My life, do you still serve someone else? Who is it? Is it the best family? Is it the Onodera family, or the Tozawa family?"

Hearing Inoue Matsuichi's words, Yoshimoto Yamamoto's face changed steadily, several family names popped out of his mouth, and he asked Inoue Matsuichi.

In the entire Dewa country, Yamamoto Yoshian thought about it, and only these three big families occupying one or two counties have the strength, and it is possible to drive Inoue Matsuichi to betray him.

"With these few weak families, how could it be possible for me to betray my loyalty!"

Inoue Matsuichi curled his lips in disdain, and seemed quite disdainful of the families mentioned by Yamamoto Yoshian.

"Could it be that the daimyo from another country meddled in the affairs of the Dewa country? How dare they?"

Yamamoto Yoshian's expression was even more unbelievable. He was extremely puzzled by his guess.

You must know that although Deyu Country is a barbarian land, its strength is extremely weak compared to other countries. But now with the appearance of Lingtian Dojo, the force of Deyu Kingdom has increased dramatically.

Now that my force is not weaker than that of other countries, if there are really foreign daimyos interfering in the internal affairs of the Dewa country, then out of fear and xenophobia, the entire wealthy family of the Dewa country will definitely unite to fight against those who dare to The person who stretched his hand into the country of feathers.

This is the wrath of all the powerful families in the country, and it is not something that any big name can bear.

"Don't guess, there is only one master for me, and that is the master of Lingtian Dojo, and only someone who is as strong as him, who is close to a god, is worthy to be my master. As for the others, they are just pigs. A thing to be slaughtered."

Inoue Matsuichi was already impatient, and he didn't want to talk so much with the dying man in front of him. Now he felt a kind of sadness in his heart, which made him feel very bored.

Ever since he worshiped Zhong Yu as his teacher and learned the exquisite exercises present, his life has undergone earth-shaking changes. He is no longer a humble and humble wanderer in the past, but has become a powerful and powerful man now. warrior.

Huge changes have changed his character, and now he has never experienced this kind of sad and not cold feeling since he became the address of the dojo.

Because he once heard a sentence from his teacher.

"Only the weak will feel sad because of boring feelings. The strong will only use these redundant feelings as a sharpening stone, and then crush this stone at the right time, so as to achieve their peerless edge .”

As Zhong Yu who gave Inoue Matsuichi everything now, he has long been gratefully worshiped by Inoue Matsuichi from the bottom of his heart, and Zhong Yu is regarded as a high god.

What's more, Zhong Yu's powerful strength also made Inoue Matsuichi feel fear from the bottom of his heart, which resulted in almost deformed worship.

Take any word Zhong Yu said as the truth between heaven and earth, listen to it and execute it without any doubt.

This is also what the many warriors who have been accepted as disciples by Zhong Yu in the dojo are thinking in their hearts.

It is precisely because of these thoughts that Zhong Yu's control over these disciples can be said to be incomparably powerful, because every disciple regards Zhong Yu as the god they believe in in their hearts.

And these believers' belief in God is extremely stable and reliable, basically there is no possibility of betrayal.

Unless someone stronger than Zhong Yu appears and will finally defeat them in front of them, they will not betray anyway.

This is the deformed worship of the strong in the island nation.

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