The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 337 House Extinction Order

Although there were various shortcomings in this collision, generally speaking, it was quite smooth.

First of all, the dojo has complete control over the Dewa country, and even the Echigo and Mutsu countries are mostly under the control of the dojo.

Even in the more northern and wilder Ezo Island, some small local tyrants were taken advantage of by the dojo.

These small local tyrants are weak, because they are far away from the main island of Japan, they have not been affected by the trend of subjugation, and they still maintain an extremely feudal social system.

The local tyrants are therefore extremely weak, not even comparable to the original Deyu country.

Moreover, the island of Ezo is vast and sparsely populated, and the real inhabited area is only a coastal area, and the total population is only about 100,000.

Of course, these 100,000 people are talking about civilized people, that is, civilized immigrants from Japan.

In the farther north, where the population is more sparsely populated, there are still more than 200,000 local residents living there. However, they all lived a life of bare hair and blood, almost no different from savages, and they were difficult to conquer. Even if they were conquered, they would be of no use.

Naturally, Zhong Yu would not see it, and wasted his troops to take down their wild lands.

After a month of rebellion and annexation, Zhong Yu has mastered Shi Gao (a Japanese name for field output, similar to how many grains per mu in China.) a territory of about two million Shi, a population of about 1.8 million, The strength surpassed the first-rate princes in the entire Japanese Warring States Period, and few people in the world could compare with him.

And after Zhong Yu's rebellion and annexation, he absorbed a lot of wandering warriors, as well as the vassal warriors of the original local tyrants, and the number of second-tier warriors under his control directly reached 20,000.

And under this, there is a first-tier legion with a number of 50,000.

No one in Japan can match this kind of strength.

"Now that the plan has been largely completed, only Echigo and some local tyrants in Mutsu and Japan are still resisting, and I will mobilize a large army to wipe them out quickly.

Then I will raise my troops to march west, and kill all the clowns in the central part who claim to be civilized people, all in the northeast.

I want to see if the blood of these civilized people is nobler than ours, which they call barbarians. "

In Lingtian Dojo, in the main hall of the dojo, there are already hundreds of powerful warriors standing in dense rows at this moment.

All of them are the chief generals assigned by Zhong Yu, who are responsible for the strategies and assistants of the various regions, and by the way, they are also responsible for the restoration of the local people's livelihood.

It can be said that it combines military and political power in one body, and it is a prestigious and noble figure wherever it is placed.

However, these big figures who used to be regarded as extremely noble in the eyes of ordinary people were trembling in front of the man above them, not daring to take a breath, and their faces were full of respect and humility.

"Yes, Daoist."

After hearing Zhong Yu's order, hundreds of warriors below responded quickly.

In fact, for them, sending troops to exterminate local tyrants is their due obligation. Especially some samurai generals whose jurisdiction is in the local tyrant's resistance area, can't wait long ago.

The resistance area of ​​these local tyrants is their jurisdiction. If the war lasts for a while, it will consume their strength. They are more anxious than anyone else.

And some other warriors, although they don't have these worries of rebellion, but they have long yearned for a more central world, which is more prosperous than the Northeast Three Kingdoms.

Not to mention, those local tyrants in the central region of Japan used to dare to kill the disciples of the dojo without authorization, and then obstructed the spread of the dojo in every possible way, which aroused the anger of the people present.

These warriors and generals in the palace have long hated those stubborn local tyrants in the central region, and wished they could send troops to kill them now and cut off their heads.

Well, whether it's for revenge or for any honor, it's all vain.

The real reason why these people are so eager to attack the local tyrants in the central region is because of what Zhong Yu said before.

"After sending troops to the west, none of the local tyrants will be left behind, and everyone will be killed. I will share the land left by these local tyrants with you. To conquer an area, you only need to hand over half of the territory, and the remaining half belongs to the person who conquered the area. .”

This commitment is what really matters.

Raising troops to advance westward, in addition to helping them avenge their shame, can also obtain a large amount of territory, which is why they are so active.

Every male samurai in the Warring States Period has the ambition to make military exploits, be entrusted with land by the lord, and become a daimyo.

Therefore, when Zhong Yu directly put their inner desires in front of them, he told them clearly that as long as they complete the tasks he assigned, then they could take away the rewards they deserved.

Under this kind of encouragement, these warriors never thought about going to the central region or even further places, to fight a good fight, to set honors for their military exploits, and to get rich land wealth by the way.

For Zhong Yu, he doesn't care about the land at all, it's just a dispensable thing.

He came to this world with only one purpose, and that was to heal his injuries and continue his journey.

And the only way to heal his injuries is to have enough luck. As long as he has enough luck, he can quickly recover from his injuries.

There are two ways to obtain luck. The first is the long-term method, conquering a territory and slowly extracting luck from the people in the territory.

However, this method took too long, and Zhong Yu couldn't wait. He still had a lifespan limit that he hated so much, and he would not do it if he wasted too much time just to raise an injury.

Then there is only the second way, to kill directly.

With this kind of crude method, even if he does not hesitate to lose a lot of luck and damage the foundation of this world, he must directly plunder enough luck from these creatures.

And this is why Zhong Yu agreed so readily, and gave the territory to the warriors under his command.

Aside from what motivated those samurai to fight for themselves, there was an even more important one.

On top of the previous order, there is one point directly marked.

That is to attack the local tyrants on the territory, no matter whether they surrendered or not, no matter whether they have done right with the dojo or not, and no matter whether they are powerful or not, none of them will be left behind, and everyone will be killed.

Under this threat of death, those local tyrants knew that even if they surrendered, they would not be spared.

Not to mention his own death, the whole family will also be destroyed, and even the entire family will also be destroyed.

In such a situation that was pushed to the extreme, it would be strange that they would not fight to the end and mobilize all the forces they could mobilize to fight to the death with the army present.

Needless to say, the bloodiness of each of these local tyrant families in the Warring States Period in Japan, after all, they have experienced nearly a hundred years of turmoil.

Even though Japan's Warring States Period was mostly blown out, the scale of their wars was small. But the bloodyness contained in it cannot be ignored.

Among the families that have survived the long war to the present and have developed to a certain extent, which one has not grown up from the bloody storm, stepping on the corpses of their enemies.

After falling into desperation, they still have the courage to fight the enemy to the death.

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