"Taoist, sending troops to attack the local tyrants in the central region is naturally a matter of no slack, but with the unification of the three kingdoms in our dojo, although most of the local tyrants have been wiped out, there is still an extremely large force scattered in the wild. If they are not wiped out, the army After staying away from the country, there will be changes later.”

In the main hall, a warrior standing in the front suddenly spoke.

The warrior's words caused everyone in the hall to change their colors one after another, and they all looked at him with unfriendly expressions.

What he said was terrible, and it immediately cut off their ambition to become the lord of the daimyo.

Although it is impossible to really extinguish their ambitions, the time to realize their ambitions will be forced back by several months or even a year.

"Matsui Shigetaka, what nonsense are you talking about? Our Daoist army has suppressed the entire Three Kingdoms. Wherever we go, all those who resist will be wiped out. Where is the hidden danger?"

"That's right, could it be that you, a weak person, are afraid of the power of the princes in the middle of the country, and feel intimidated!"

"Those who are greedy for life and afraid of death dare to rank with us warriors."

All of a sudden, in the hall, everyone accused him one after another.

Coughing heavily, Zhong Yu glanced majestically across the hall, and said to everyone below:

"Okay, let's all be quiet. In a solemn place, where is such a quarrel!"

With this order, the quarrel that was originally like a vegetable market suddenly disappeared, and it became extremely quiet, and everyone's face became a little pale.

"Matsui Shigetaka, you just said that there are hidden dangers in the country. Why did you say it? If it is true, I will reward you a lot. If it is just fabricated for grandstanding, then..."

Zhong Yu stared at the man coldly, with some caution in his eyes.

The decision to send troops to the central area is related to his recovery from injuries afterwards. Only by sending troops to the most populous area in the central area, using killing to gain enough luck for himself, can he quickly recover his strength before his time is running out.

For such a critical decision, Zhong Yu naturally attached great importance to it. He thought of many elements in the details, for fear that any accident would happen and ruin his plan.

Now Shigetaka Matsui said that there were omissions, which would affect the army's expedition, which naturally attracted Zhong Yu's attention.

"Yes, Taoist Lord. Although my strength is extremely powerful, I am also ranked first among all the princes in the world. But there is a force that cannot be ignored in our country. If they can unite, then a force of tens of thousands Human force can appear in our country in an instant. However, they are usually scattered in all directions, have no connection with each other, and their individual strength is extremely weak, so they were ignored by everyone present."

Matsui Shigetaka concentrated his attention, and said slowly with a serious face.

"Hahahaha, it's alarmist. If you really say that there is such a powerful force, why didn't it show up when we annexed those rich families? Don't they have a smart person who knows the truth of cold lips and teeth?"

On the opposite side of Shigetaka Matsui, a rather high-status samurai sneered a few times, picking out the loopholes in his words.

Regarding the samurai's disrespect, Zhong Yu didn't blame him for interrupting his order to let Matsui Shigetaka speak, because he was also puzzled by Matsui Shigetaka's loopholes, so someone needed to find out.

"Well, Lord Meiji, it's not that the power I'm talking about has not appeared. In fact, he has already appeared on the battlefield to help the local tyrants resist us, but you have ignored it."

Shigetaka Matsui was not angry at other people's doubts, he smiled and turned back.


The samurai named Meiji wanted to say something, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by a voice.

"A single force is weak, scattered everywhere, appearing on the battlefield, but being ignored."

The words that Zhong Yu kept chanting were mentioned by Matsui Shigetaka just now, but he was not the one who noticed them sharply.

"Are you talking about the bandit country people in the local area?"

Suddenly, Zhong Yu seemed to understand something, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he looked at Shigetaka Matsui with a serious face.

"Yes, Daoist. What I'm talking about is indeed these bandit country people. Before I came to the meeting, I deliberately collected the strength of the bandit country people in the Three Kingdoms, but the result surprised me.

The number of Chinese people in the Three Kingdoms is large and small, and there are as many as five or six hundred shares, which are distributed in various parts of the Three Kingdoms. If all these people add up, they can gather an army of as many as 20,000 to 30,000 people.

They occupy dangerous places and haunt deep mountains. Constantly came out to plunder the food of those farmers and disrupt the law and order of the territory.

In particular, these people have gained the support of the remnants of the local tyrants we eliminated, and their strength has become stronger, and the number of crimes has become more frequent. They have been dispatched several times within one month, which is shocking. It has deeply threatened the dojo's rule over the Three Kingdoms. "

Matsui Shigetaka said this fact in a heavy tone that made everyone's faces change.

"Have these thieves become so powerful?"

"It's impossible to be a mere lowly thief, not even a farmer's status, how could he have such a powerful strength."

"Matsui-kun is not deliberately scaremongering and exaggerating the facts!"

In the main hall, many people also ignored their fear of Zhong Yu, looked at Shigetaka Matsui in shock, and chattered.

This couldn't help but shock them, because the news was too sensational.

On weekdays, in the eyes of these people, those bandit country people are just some clowns who can't get on the stage.

Not only are they weak, but they are all composed of some farmers. Moreover, there are very few real warriors in it, and most of them are second-tier low-level warriors. Those whose strength has really reached the third level or above are almost rare.

In the usual days, when the disciples of the dojo saw these robbers and people, they would often hunt them down together with the monsters, so as to spread the prestige of the dojo.

In their past experience, a bandit group of dozens of people can often be defeated by only a second-level dojo disciple.

In Matsui Shigetaka's mouth, it has become a force powerful enough to threaten the dojo's rule. How can it not make them feel ridiculous.

"However, gentlemen. Please think carefully about the number of bandit groups you have hunted down in the past, and the density of their frequency distribution. This is such a probability."

Matsui Shigetaka said in a deep voice.

The expressions of the others changed involuntarily when they heard the words.

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