Yes, in this chaotic era in Japan, basically every small county has 5 or 6 Chinese shares. Their respective strengths range from a dozen to hundreds of people.

If you change to a county with a large population, the area is more complex and vast. Then there will be dozens, or even nearly a hundred, of the people in the entire county.

With such a dense crowd of Chinese people, if they really add up, then it is indeed a quite terrifying force.

Thinking of this, the faces of all the people present couldn't bear to look bad.

These Chinese people are not only numerous in number, but all of them occupy dangerous mountain forests and are very familiar with the local terrain.

If the dojo wants to send troops to destroy them, it will be far more difficult than those local tyrants who were in the plains or densely populated areas.

Although one thing is certain, as long as the dojo sends out troops, then many of these bandits will definitely be strangled at once. But the remaining people will definitely flee into the depths of the mountains and forests, relying on the advantages of the terrain to fight guerrilla warfare with the dojo.

At that time, the dojo will be caught in a long and energy-consuming tug-of-war.

Well, if this is the case, then the so-called strategy of the dojo to send troops to the central princes to spread the prestige of the dojo to the world will become a complete joke and will be put on hold indefinitely.

"That's it, it's really a big trouble!"

Zhong Yu sighed, which caused the shock of many people present, and then he looked at Matsui Shigetaka again.

"Since this force cannot be wiped out quickly, the idea of ​​being an enemy is cancelled. Matsui Shigetaka, since you can make this suggestion, then you must have a sound understanding of these people, then I will give you a task. Are you willing to accept it?"

"Yes, despite your orders, my lord, I will definitely do my best."

Shigetaka Matsui's face turned pale, and he quickly bowed down and bowed down. Although he didn't know what the mission was, out of loyalty to Zhong Yu, he answered straight away.

"Very good. As expected of someone I value, he really has the courage to take all responsibilities."

Zhong Yu is not stingy about this kind of free praise, it can not only improve the self-motivation of his subordinates, but also show his tolerance, why not do it?

"My lord is too serious, and my subordinates are only doing their due responsibilities."

Sure enough, Matsui Shigetaka below saw the man praise him like a god in his eyes, his face was flushed with excitement, and his face was as comfortable as bathed in holy light.

The other samurai next to him also looked at Shigetaka Matsui with envy in their eyes, looking as if they could not wait to replace it with their own bodies.

"Very well, since Zhongxiao you just said that these people are difficult to deal with, why should we treat them as enemies, why don't we turn them into friends, let them become our help, and together we will attack the central princes. contribute to his career.”

Zhong Yu smiled, obviously thinking of how to deal with this big trouble.

"Become friends, Taoist?"

Matsui Shigetaka looked puzzled, apparently not understanding what Zhong Yu said about becoming friends. What method can he use to make these vicious Chinese people become his loyal and reliable friends.

Others also looked puzzled.

"To put it bluntly, these Chinese people are nothing but savages who can't stand the oppression of local tyrants and hide in the mountains to live a life of fishing and hunting.

They are also extremely dissatisfied with their current life in their hearts, and they are eagerly looking for opportunities to change. he

People yearn to return to the life of farming in the fields again, and even some leaders of the people of the country yearn to become noble warriors and masters, and even go further to become those famous local tyrants.

And as long as I can give them what they need, then they will definitely use their lives to gamble everything for my goal. "

Indeed, becoming a normal person, or even transforming into a samurai master, is indeed the mentality of most people in the country.

"However, Taoist, these people are cunning and fickle, and they don't have any constraints on faith in their hearts. If they are tempted by those central princes on the battlefield and turn against us, what should we do?"

Indeed, as orthodox samurai from the central vassals, the promise they said is indeed much more useful than a dojo army composed of a group of rebels.

"Betray us, no, they wouldn't be so stupid."

Zhong Yu resolutely denied this possibility, then looked at the doubtful eyes of many people below, and explained.

"These lowly-born people, no matter how powerful they are, are despised by those noble-born local tyrants. Even if these high-ranking people hide their contempt deep in their hearts because of temporary needs, they should Bad feelings will still be revealed.

These are two naturally contradictory classes, one is the ruler and the ruled, and the other is the maintainer of order and the destroyer of order. With such contradictions and oppositions that cannot be ignored, how can they really unite.

Among the many cases in the past, there were not too many cases where the people of the country were entrapped by taking refuge in daimyo. With the reference of these things, even if those Chinese people want to seek refuge with noble daimyos, they should think about their own retreat and what will happen to them in the end!

On the contrary, most of the disciples in our dojo were born in ordinary civilians, and even many of them were originally members of those Chinese people, and they naturally have close ties with these Chinese people.

If you want to be present, there are many people who were originally famous leaders among the Chinese people!

One is a famous local tyrant who is hostile to them, and the other is a dojo disciple who is close to them. I am afraid we don’t need to say more about how to choose, as the leaders of those people will understand it themselves.

Even if some leaders insist on taking refuge in those daimyos, the followers under that leader's command probably won't follow them. "

After the large group of warriors below heard Zhong Yu's analysis, their panicked faces suddenly calmed down, and they were not as worried about the hidden dangers in the country as before.

Especially those warriors who were born in the country were nodding their heads in agreement. Obviously, they, the beneficiaries, naturally couldn't be more clear about the needs of the people in the country that Zhong Yu said.

It is precisely because they got it that they understood how attractive the things they got now are to the people of those countries.

It was a temptation that was simply impossible to resist.

"Then, Shigetaka Matsui, as the commander-in-chief of our dojo, you will lead the disciples who are from the people of the country to lobby those people from the country to join the army of the dojo.

You tell those Chinese people for me, as long as they can join the camp of the dojo, and make credit for being there. Then I will give them the land, give them the status of warriors, let them get rid of the poor and humble status, and become a master in one fell swoop.

Even as long as someone can make enough credit for me, I will canonize him as the commander-in-chief of a county, or even the lord of a country. "

The people below couldn't help but gasped.

Obviously, these conditions are not only a huge temptation for the people of those countries. Even for these dojo disciples with good identities, it is a temptation enough to make them pay their lives.

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