Following Shigetaka Matsui's departure, in the territory of the Three Kingdoms, countless bandits left the forest and came to the plain after hearing the news, pursuing the bright life they had longed for in the past.

Among them, the bandits from Deyu Country are the most cooperative.

Bandits in no other place can understand the power of the dojo and its terrifying mobilization ability better than the local bandits in Dewa country.

There are a large number of dojo disciples, each of whom is above the second level of strength, that is a powerful existence with the power of more than a dozen people!

And there is also a huge dojo guard army, each of which has the power of several people, and the number is as large as 30,000 to 40,000.

This amount made all the bandits feel unable to resist, and could only suffocate in despair.

Originally, the bandits in the entire Dewa country were filled with endless fear after the destruction of those local tyrants. I'm afraid that whenever the dojo is not pleasing to the eye, they will find trouble with bandits like them.

Originally, they were spending their difficult time in a life of anxiety and anxiety, but suddenly found that the colossal creature they feared and revered extended an olive branch to them.

They are given a chance to join this behemoth, and they also have the unique opportunity to fly on the branches and become phoenixes, becoming masters.

As for whether the promise given by the ashram is true, the bandits in these places have no doubts. After two years of contact, they have long understood that the ashram is as good as it promises, and there has never been a situation of bad reputation.

What's more, among the disciples of the dojo, many of them were originally bandits with the same background as them, and even many relatives, brothers, and acquaintances who were still bandits have become disciples of the dojo, and they still have close ties with each other.

Through the mouths of these acquaintances, many bandits immediately confirmed that the promises made at the venue were not false.

So they were overjoyed, happy, and went down the mountain very happily to accept the recruitment.

It only took him half a month to integrate the bandits in the Deyu country. All the bandits heard the news and went down the mountain to accept their surrender, and a few diehards were finally sent to beheaded directly by powerful disciples.

Then the whole Dewa country was peaceful, without the haunting of monsters, the harassment of bandits, and the oppression of high-ranking warriors and aristocrats, it seemed to be a peaceful and prosperous world, a paradise on earth.

The common people did not have such a good life in the peaceful and prosperous times, because even in the peaceful and prosperous times, there were very few bandits raging, and the landlords bullied wantonly.

Therefore, the support of the people of the entire Dewa country for the attendance rose to the peak in an instant.

In their hearts, the dojo is like a patron saint. And Zhong Yu, the master of the dojo, is a heavenly god who is lofty and generous to all living beings. He protects all living beings from being invaded by all evils.

At this moment, as long as it is an order to be present, all the people regard it as the most reasonable, and carry it out without hesitation. (For details, please refer to the people who have been brainwashed by a certain doctrine in later generations)

Then the bandits in the entire Deyu Kingdom were incorporated, Zhong Yu broke them up and reorganized them, rearranged their positions according to their different abilities, and finally reorganized an army of 10,000 people.

Although the strength of these people is weak, many of them don't even reach the first level, and they belong to the miscellaneous cards.

But there are so many people, and at the same time, compared with those ordinary farmers, they are a little more brave and cruel, so they won't tremble with fear as soon as they go to the battlefield and dare not fight.

In addition, Zhong Yu promised them that they would be granted noble status and knowledge (probably equivalent to fiefs) for their contributions, so that they would become a superior warrior lord.

For them who are eager to change the current status quo, this is an irresistible temptation like the poison of an addict.

Possessing a certain amount of strength and a usable fighting spirit, these bandits are good materials to use as cannon fodder.

The reorganization of bandits in Dewa Country went very smoothly, and this smoothness led to the surrounding two countries, which made the matter of reorganization of bandits, which had been slightly hindered, greatly promoted.

Because the local tyrants' resistance in the surrounding countries still exists, although following Zhong Yu's order, the matter of their extermination has become more and more severe.

A branch of the army is constantly sent to the battlefield, trying to use the greatest force to wipe out the remnants of these local tyrants.

But the existence of these local tyrants finally gave the bandits some confidence and made them think so.

"Perhaps, these local tyrants will be able to counterattack and come back."

This is the inner thought of most bandit leaders.

Already possessing a certain power and the people of the country follow them, although the desire to become a samurai is still hot.

But it is not like the bandits at the bottom, who regard becoming civilians or even soldiers to make contributions on the battlefield and change their identities as the only way out.

They already have a certain amount of capital, and their lives are not weaker than those local tyrants. Even because of the looting, their lives are better than those local tyrants, regardless of the development of the territory.

Coupled with the fact that you have dozens or hundreds of people in your hands, you have a certain right to speak in various places. No matter how much those local tyrants despise them, they still dare not show it on the surface, and can only respect them at a respectful distance.

The only thing they worry about is that although they are living a good life now, if one day they get old and they just can't convince the public, then their family's demise is already doomed.

Those bandits are not like those warriors, they have their own persistence in their hearts, and they regard honor and loyalty to the Lord as very important.

Daofei itself is a chaotic and disorderly camp. Among them, the strong kill the weak, the talented drive out the incompetent, and the inferior overthrow the superior.

These are commonplace, commonplace things, and will not arouse resistance from other bandits at all.

If you can become a samurai and become a local tyrant with a little influence, although the kind of thing mentioned before is still inevitable under the influence of the general atmosphere of the Warring States Period, but after all, every samurai has something in his heart. take into account.

After all, if he became a samurai and a local tyrant, then his family would have certain rules and regulations, and some necessary face-saving projects still had to be talked about.

If a samurai really succeeds in the next attack, then he is strong enough to be fearless of all challenges, that's fine.

But if the strength is still weak and they don't pay attention to protecting themselves at all, then the local tyrants around them will follow suit in order to deter their warriors and keep their inner ambitions from being ready to move.

They will definitely unite and send out troops to eliminate that rebellious plotter.

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