The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 349 Simplified version of magic skills

After some analysis, things have become very clear.

Although the number of coalition forces on the opposite side is large, even because of the previous battle across the river, the number of troops present was too large, which is a bit disadvantageous compared to the number of troops on the opposite side.

But the composition of the coalition forces is too complicated, basically it can be said to be a mob.

Except for the less than 3,000 samurai who can be called elite, the rest are the regular ashigaru trained by the wealthy families from all over the country with great efforts and countless resources.

The number of these ashigaru is not large, and the entire coalition forces add up to about 8,000 people.

In addition to those warriors, it means that the entire coalition army has only over 10,000 people who can barely be called a regular army, and the rest are just ordinary farmers who have been recruited temporarily.

Under such circumstances, although there are many coalition troops, they are definitely at a disadvantage against the troops in the dojo, which are all regular troops.

"Ashigaru team, press on."

Tomita Yoshinari shouted, and then a messenger quickly conveyed his order.

At this time, both sides had already set up their formations, and a soldier arranged in different positions according to the orders of their respective generals, forming a large formation one by one.

Following the transmission of the order, I saw an array in front of the dojo army, about a thousand people, began to move forward slowly.

These thousand people are all ordinary soldiers in blue cloth without any cover.

There is only one weapon in the hands of these soldiers, and that is a long spear made of white wood with an iron tip inserted into its head. Apart from this spear, these soldiers didn't even have a single weapon.

This is the largest army in the dojo, and it is also the army of cannon fodder that is often used in wars.

All of these troops were recruited not long ago, and they were basically recruited from the farmers who used to work in the farmland, and some of the weaker members of the Chinese people were also mixed in.

It can be said that these soldiers have basically not reached the first level, and they are recruited into the army for consumption.

But in today's large-scale corps operations, it is just right to use them to test the opponent's army and consume the opponent's strategic materials and strength.

And although these soldiers are called consumables, it doesn't mean that they are really ignored.

Zhong Yu still gave them a glimmer of life, or a chance to climb up and change the fate of this kind of cannon fodder.

The exercise that Zhong Yu passed on to his disciples before was an adapted exercise given by the system to be practiced by his soldiers.

This kind of practice was originally extremely fast. Soldiers continuously absorb the blood energy of the enemy on the battlefield, and through attracting evil energy into the body, they stimulate the potential of the body and achieve a rapid promotion effect.

Originally, this kind of exercise was extremely harmful to the body. After all, everyone's potential is limited. If it is developed to the end, it is easy for people to collapse and die tragically.

Although the exercises given by the system have such defects, they also have solutions.

That is to reach the state of breaking through the current stage before the body collapses through continuous killing and very frequent fighting. Then let the body undergo a kind of sublimation during the breakthrough, and the original consumption potential of the body in life will be restored and further strengthened.

Of course, if he couldn't break through in time and restore his body's potential, death would definitely be unavoidable.

But what does it matter?

What Zhong Yu wanted was an army capable of conscripting and fighting well, as for those who died among them, they were just weak and did not deserve his slightest mercy.

Originally, the kung fu practiced for the soldiers under his command was so evil and had great hidden dangers, but the kung fu that could be broken through faster after Zhong Yu's improvement naturally had even greater hidden dangers.

This technique completely abandons the function of recovering the body's potential after the breakthrough, and completely transforms the energy used to repair the body at the time of the breakthrough into a more powerful force.

And the body suddenly gained such a powerful force, it would definitely be on the verge of collapse, but Zhong Yu changed it a little.

He used the energy used to restore his body not only to strengthen his strength, but also allocated a part of it to strengthen his body's structure, so that his body could adapt to this energy more and would not collapse so quickly.

But it's all a tightrope walk. People who practice this kind of exercise are fine in the initial stage, and hidden dangers can be ignored as long as the potential is not exhausted.

But at the later stage of cultivation, that is, after the third level, the body is completely maintained by a stream of energy.

Once there is any fluctuation in this energy, or if it is consumed too much, it is very likely that the body of the kung fu practitioner will collapse directly, and the flesh and blood will turn into countless blood, and the whole person will be completely melted directly.

Of course, with such a big hidden danger, the practice speed of this technique is naturally faster. This is only two years, why is Zhong Yu able to pull out an elite group of nearly 20,000 people in the dojo.

In addition to this magical skill of transforming blood, Zhong Yu also had a simplified version of the magical skill of chemistry.

This simplified version doesn't have much power, and even the breakthrough speed is far inferior to the original version, but it has a very special effect, which is to help him screen talents.

As long as a person can kill more than ten people in a row on the battlefield, or a person's aptitude is extremely outstanding, he can break through by himself.

With the help of the simplified version of the blood-transforming magical skill, a trace of internal strength can be cultivated.

Of these two types of people, the former is an extremely brave man who kills people like cutting vegetables and melons, and is born to dominate the battlefield.

The latter type has extremely high aptitude, and can break through with this kind of cultivation method, so they must be people who are extremely hungry for power and do not hate killing.

No matter which kind of these two kinds of people are, they are the talents that Zhong Yu needs.

The simplified version of the magical skill is mediocre, and its only function is to screen out those who are suitable for practicing the magical skill of transforming blood.

For Zhong Yu today, with the expansion of the territory and the increase of personnel, it has become unrealistic to screen and recruit disciples by himself.

Then it becomes extremely necessary to use a method to allow those who need it to emerge by themselves.

So the simplified version of the exercises appeared. As long as one can cultivate a little internal force, he will be promoted immediately, taught the next step of exercises, and become a glorious dojo disciple.

So for these cannon fodder, as long as they can cultivate a little internal strength on the battlefield by relying on the skills they taught during their training, they can immediately avoid the fate of becoming cannon fodder and become the people in their eyes. people.

The opportunity has been given to them, and whether they can grasp it and grasp it depends on their own good fortune.

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