The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 350 Ashgaru's First Step

The first batch of ashigaru teams have slowly pressed forward, and as they moved forward neatly, when they were more than 30 meters away from the ashigaru team in another phalanx at the rear, the ashigaru team behind them also followed slowly. go ahead.

Frontal battlefield decisive battles have never been all swarming all at once. They are constantly adjusting the formation and slowly using fueling tactics to continuously find flaws on the entire battlefield in order to break through the enemy's formation.

Now these thousand ashigaru are the first wave of temptation, followed by the second wave, the third wave, and even more.

And the entire battlefield will slowly expand as the number of people continues to increase, and finally form a vast area covering everyone.

And the clever commander is in this vast area, looking for the enemy's flaws due to the fighting. Then send the elite in their hands to break through, so as to achieve the purpose of disrupting the enemy's existing formation.

Because the battle is fought in a formation, the scene of two people fighting against each other on the battlefield rarely occurs.

Most of them form a joint attack with their comrades in arms, and then cooperate with each other to attack the person opposite them.

And this kind of cooperation relies on the formation of countless people connected together.

If this formation is broken, the situation where you are surrounded by comrades in arms will disappear, and you will fall into the situation where you are being attacked by countless enemies around you.

Think about it, if you are fighting with others, and suddenly one or two spears come by and stab yourself coldly, what a terrifying situation it is.

When desperately focusing on their opponents, they have no spare time to pay attention to the situation around them. Therefore, people who are alone often cannot escape death in the face of this kind of cooperating army.

This is why the so-called martial arts masters in ancient times avoided the army, even if the army was weak.

Because even if he is a master of martial arts, if he really lets go and kills, he can kill dozens or even hundreds of people.

But what he can really notice and focus on every time he kills is the three or four people in front of him.

But there were more people around him, hiding in the dark and giving him a chill or two, how could these people stop him.

As for the ones mentioned on TV, the siege by dozens of people can also perform some fancy moves, and then choose to avoid it dangerously. That is completely an artistic act, and it cannot be believed to be true.

The thousand people in front walked for more than ten minutes, and soon approached the enemy formation on the opposite side.

At this time, the enemy's formation had already been arranged neatly, and countless archers behind them had already drawn their bows and arrows, and their targets were pointed at the thousand cannon fodder in front.

The gleaming arrows were extremely dazzling under the sunlight, and the thousands of cannon fodders walking in the front all turned pale, with cold sweat dripping down their foreheads.

They could faintly see a sneer on the face of the archer who was one or two hundred meters away from them, his indifferent eyes were like a god of death, and he kept shooting at them, as if he was thinking when to draw his sickle and hook away their lives.

They are also human beings, even if they are soldiers now, it has only been half a year or even less since they became soldiers.

And even a veteran, in the face of this situation of constant death, can't say that he has no fear at all.

Knowing that he might die if he continued to walk, the pressure in his heart was extremely huge. For those soldiers, it was like a weighty stone was pressed on a thin thread. will break.

This is why often during wars, soldiers wantonly tortured and killed captives, and even harassed the common people.

It is really that their psychological pressure is too great and they urgently need to vent.

And those captives who have lost their ability to resist, or ordinary people who are too lost to face the army, are the best targets for venting.

Because torturing these weak people can make these psychologically scarred soldiers have an illusion, making them think that they are extremely powerful, so as to cover up the fear in their hearts and get a kind of perverted comfort.

"Archer, let go."

Vaguely, it seemed that they heard such a voice coming from the opposite side, and then the pupils of all the walking ashigaru suddenly constricted, their eyeballs enlarged, almost protruding, and their complexions became even more frighteningly pale.

But the footsteps under the legs continue to walk forward like inertia. This is an instinct that has been trained under countless sticks in the past period of time.


The arrows shot by the 3,000 archers in front fell, and more than a hundred people who were walking forward fell down at once, and more than a hundred of the remaining people also suffered some minor injuries.

Casualties were high, and the bows and arrows fired were very weak and too far away, and most of them were weak when they hit the soldiers.

The reason why this effect can be achieved today is probably because many excellent archers were concentrated among the first batch of archers to achieve this effect.

The purpose should be to deter the advancing soldiers and create a kind of psychological pressure on them.

Sure enough, the enemy adopted a three-stage design. After the first wave of arrows fell, the second and third waves sounded continuously.

However, the power of these two waves was indeed much smaller. When they shot at the remaining 800 ashigaru, only those in their early 100s fell down twice, not even as good as those who died in the first wave.

But after so much shooting, half a minute had passed.

From the beginning of shooting, this thousand foot light was about 200 meters away from the opponent's camp.

For such a short distance, for an adult, it takes about a minute or two to walk normally.

Nowadays, in order to maintain formation, it is impossible for these soldiers to run and move, but it is also possible to walk quickly.

So when the second round of shooting was over, the remaining nearly 500 soldiers had already approached the enemy's camp, and soon slammed into them fiercely, resulting in the first hand-to-hand combat.

In order to cross this line of death, nearly half of the thousand people were killed or injured. It must be said that the damage was heavy.

But this is the first time, with the mine detection of these thousand people, and then joining with the enemy, the energy of the coalition forces on the opposite side was restrained, and their formation was slightly disturbed.

When the people behind moved forward again, the resistance they received was already very small. At least the formation of bows and arrows shot over was not as tight as before, and the number was much smaller.

So when the second thousand-man team joined the battlefield where the first thousand-man team was about to disappear, there were still more than 600 of them left, nearly a hundred more than the first wave.

Afterwards, ashigaru continued to join the battlefield, and gradually, a total of eight groups of ashigaru, a total of 8,000 people, had already entered the battlefield under the order of their chief general.

It is said that thousands of people fill the city and ten thousand people fill the wild.

Now the dojo army that is participating in the war, although there are not 10,000 people, even after the consumption just now, there are only about 5,000 people left.

But there are more enemies on the opposite side, adding up to more than 10,000. This is spread out in a vast expanse, and it is connected to the sky from a distance, especially the continuous sound of shouting and killing, whoever can see When you get there, you have to be intimidated.

Up to now, the first batch of probing and disrupting troops have all been dispatched.

The first step of this decisive battle is over.

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