The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 361: Breakthrough Proposal

After the white light curtain appeared, all the troops wrapped in it felt that the surrounding air was stagnant, no, it should be said that the space was stagnant.

Inside the white light curtain, everyone felt that it was extremely difficult to move their bodies, as if there were countless huge forces squeezing them around them. This huge force was so great that they were a little out of breath when they moved their fingers.

Not long, just ten minutes.

When the white light curtain appeared, even with the protection of the blood-colored dragon, all the soldiers felt uncomfortable for a while, and their physical strength was exhausted, and it seemed that they could not last long.

Gathering the strength of the whole body, it turned into a red blood blade, and then fiercely slashed towards the white light curtain in front.

The light curtain blocked the oncoming blood blade light for a while, but in the end it was defeated, and a small wound was cut, but then it was quickly healed, and it returned to normal.

Tomita Yoshinari frowned, seeing that his blood blade, which contained 50% of its power, could only produce such a low effect, he couldn't help feeling extremely anxious in his heart, so he opened his mouth and said to the surroundings.

"We can't go on like this, otherwise, we will be trapped here sooner or later, and we must find a way as soon as possible."

Tomita Yoshinari's words aroused the approval of everyone around him. It's just that everyone frowned, sent out two attacks from time to time, went to test the toughness and defensive power of the light curtain, and did not speak.

"I know everyone is worried, but there are only 18 enemies. No matter how strong they are, if they want to maintain such a huge magic circle, with their cultivation base, it will definitely not last long."

Tomita Yoshinari was even more dissatisfied.

He knew that these people in front of him were blaming himself for blaming himself, and they shouldn't have taken the enemy so lightly, causing the army to die too much and damage too much.

Then it easily advanced into such a vast territory, and finally attracted an ambush, falling into a huge dead end.

Before, Yoshinari Tomita insisted on attacking the coalition army regardless of the cost. Not everyone agreed, but he suppressed it by relying on his highest cultivation and his status as the chief general.

Before, with the victory of the war, coupled with the continuous indulgence of the soldiers to gain the morale of the army, all the opponents were silent and did not dare to say anything. Now it is facing difficulties, and there are signs of an outbreak at this moment.

"Now it's the time of life and death. It's meaningless to care about the previous grievances. The most urgent thing is to break through this formation and rush out with the army. If not, when these soldiers are all dead, don't you think Is there any reason for us to be spared? Even if we escape, all the troops are dead, do you think Master Daozu will let us go? Now the only way to survive is to fight to the death."

Even though he was extremely dissatisfied with the people who opposed him in front of him, the disgust in his heart became more and more prosperous.

But now it is indeed at a critical juncture, and Tomita Yoshinari has to convince them that he still has a bright future and a bright future, and he doesn't want to just be buried with the troops below.

"Now that you have such a bald head, is there anything else you can do? Is there a way to break through this magic circle?"

Finally, beside Tomita Yoshinari, a general who didn't deal with him very much asked.

Seeing someone answering him, Tomita Yoshinari looked happy, knowing that he had finally convinced them. All of a sudden, I didn't feel so scared about the current crisis.

"From my perspective, these formations seem to be so powerful by drawing on the power of the surrounding mountains. Otherwise, with the strength of those people who are only four or five levels, how can they be more terrifying than the power of gods and demons?" I am afraid that the energy of these formations will be exhausted at once, how can they last for so long. To break this formation, we must first cut off the power channel that their hills provide."

"Even if you know the principle of their formation, so what? It doesn't help the current situation at all. Can you still destroy these hills?"

A person beside him suddenly asked, he was not very interested in Tomita Yoshinari's words, thinking that he was perfunctory them.

When the people around heard it, they all looked in agreement. Apparently they had the same thought about this person's questioning, but they didn't say it out loud.

The surrounding formations are based on the mountains. This is not only clear to Tomita Yoshinari, but those with a little cultivation and vision can know it at a glance.

But know what you can do.

Although the surrounding hills are not high, they also have a height of one or two hundred meters. And each hill is connected with each other, and more mountains are connected further away. The surrounding area for dozens of miles is covered by these hills, which can be said to be a small mountain system.

So many mountains are connected together, and the power of the leylines contained in them is extremely thick, which is not something that people like them can destroy.

If you have enough time, prepare some necessary things for them and arrange them slowly, it is not impossible to break the formation. But the current situation obviously does not meet this condition.

So in this urgent situation, even if they can know the flaws of the formation, what can everyone do, there is no time to make preparations to break the formation.

Time is too urgent, every second counts. Every moment of delay, they are one point closer to the footsteps of the god of death.

"No, we have this power, cracking the formation is enough."

Tomita Yoshinari said with a confident face, he didn't care about the man's questioning at all. In other words, I secretly remembered it in my heart and planned to give him small shoes to wear in the future.

"Enough power, huh!"

The person who just questioned him sneered, his face full of distrust and suspicion.

Now everyone is trapped in this formation, and it becomes very difficult to get out. The power of this formation is unexpectedly strong, even with Tomita Yoshinari's fifth-level power, it is very difficult to get out.

Therefore, judging from the experience of these people watching Tomita Yoshinari in the past, many people think that Tomita Yoshinari wants to use their power to break through this ambush.

As for the enough strength mentioned now, it is just an excuse to achieve his goal. They even suspected that Yoshinari Tomita would kill them in the process, and then blamed them all. After all, the dead would not justify themselves.

"No, I know you don't believe me, but look at the dragon below, how majestic and mighty it is. He is full of power to destroy everything, but he still doesn't know how to use it to stimulate it. And I can help him develop himself A power that will not be used."

Tomita Yoshinari had a secretive smile on his face, his expression was crazy, and he seemed a little crazy already.

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