Seeing Yoshinari Tomita's crazy look, the surrounding people couldn't help feeling a little chilled, but the power of the bloody dragon he mentioned was a matter of life and death, and they had to be concerned.

Isn't the bloody long dragon a form embodied by the formation formed by more than 20,000 soldiers under their command?

Does this formation have a more powerful force?

Thinking that there are only 18 people on the opposite side, with the advantage of the terrain, arranging a formation is so powerful.

Thinking about the more than 20,000 people on my side, even if each person's strength is extremely weak, the combination is a huge force that can move mountains and fill seas.

Then after the transformation of the formation and the transformation, it seems that it is not impossible to surpass the opponent with the help of the terrain.

"What's more, the formation that forms the blood-colored dragon was given by that existence."

He could only think of the unfathomable strength of Zhong Yu, who was as deep as the sea, and couldn't help but feel secretly in his heart. He couldn't help but believe even more in the power of this bloody dragon.

Perhaps, there is really such a glimmer of possibility that we can successfully break through and survive.

The 17 fourth-tier masters in the army who gathered here, after Tomita Yoshinari's words, couldn't help but have the courage to face the crisis they are about to face.

"What is the solution? Is this formation really that powerful? It can break through this predicament like a sky wall."

one of them asked.

Now the situation is becoming more and more critical, and the surrounding white light curtains are gathering more and more, constantly squeezing the living space of those soldiers.

Some soldiers on the edge had no way to retreat, and they were crushed by the light mist, and they turned into a pile of flesh and blood, without even a whole body, which was extremely miserable.

The blood-colored dragon also became restrained due to the greatly reduced space for movement, and it was extremely awkward to move around. It gradually lost its ferocious power at the beginning and became a little weak.

The soldiers under the blood-colored dragon, after such a long period of consumption, all of them turned pale. Beads of sweat rolled down their blue clothes, soaking their clothes and their bodies. Thoroughly glued together.

Time can't wait for long. Looking at the state of these soldiers, we know that they can last for half an hour at most, and they will completely collapse to death because their strength is drawn to maintain the formation.

At that time, all these soldiers will be dead, even if these generals can break through, it will not have the slightest effect on the overall situation.

As the commander-in-chief of an army, all the soldiers under his command died, but the commander-in-chief is still alive, what is this but a coward?

In Japan, which advocates the spirit of Bushido, this kind of behavior is despised by everyone. As long as it is spread, there will be no place for them in the whole of Japan.

Even the side of the dojo will hold them accountable for their failure to lead troops, but they still cannot escape a death sentence.

Hearing that things seemed to be turning around at this moment, he couldn't help but not surprise them, and asked quickly.

"Actually, apart from being able to draw out the blood-colored dragon to fight, this army formation also has a form that can explode ten times stronger than the blood-colored dragon. However, this method is too insidious and requires a high price. So I didn't tell you Said, the Taoist only mentioned it to me.”

These people were overjoyed when they heard another form, which was ten times stronger than the current one.

Now the power erupted by the blood-colored dragon is terrifying enough, far exceeding the ordinary fifth rank. Although it seems that it has not yet reached the power of the legendary gods and demons, it is not far behind.

If they could explode ten times more, thinking of this, they didn't dare to think deeply.

Oh my god, it's hard for them to imagine what kind of power it is, it is definitely a power that belongs to gods and demons.

"What is the solution? Come on, it's an urgent matter, and now I can't take care of so much."

Everyone hurriedly asked, as for the infamy and the huge price that Tomita Yoshinari said just now, they had already been forgotten. Now they only care about whether they can survive, and they still live with the army.

"The method is very simple. In fact, it is to gather an army of sufficient strength, and then use the secret method to fully stimulate their potential. Gather the strength of the whole body for a single blow, and then gather and expand it through the effect of the formation, so as to increase the strength by ten times. .”

Tomita Yoshinari said slowly, his eyes were a little gloomy. Obviously, although he was very excited about this method, if he really used it, he would still be a little afraid.

"Stimulate potential and enhance strength..."

Everyone said slowly in their mouths, and they all understood at once.

This can indeed enhance a person's strength.

Many people know this secret method. Although it is not as exaggerated as the ten times that Yoshinari Tomita said, it is not uncommon to increase it by two or three times.

If it can really increase the power tenfold, it would be very appropriate to use it to break the current situation, but.

It's just that the consequences of using it in this way are extremely disastrous, and they can't even afford the price.

A person's potential is limited, and the strength that a person's body can bear is also limited. If this limit is suddenly exceeded, then a price must be paid for this transcendence.

When the potential is squeezed, the human body will be exhausted rapidly. If the tolerance limit is exceeded, the human body will quickly collapse.

And once the two are combined, it is equivalent to using a person's life to deliver this fatal blow.

But now they want to break through the obstruction of this white light curtain and break their formation in one fell swoop. The quickest and most effective way is to destroy a hill, completely cut off their foothold, and make their formation no premise.

How easy is it to destroy a hill? Even though this mountain is very small, it has a height of two to three hundred meters and a width of two to three miles around. How can it be easily destroyed?

This requires an extremely powerful force.

And to use this kind of power, even if it can be increased by ten times, it still needs a group of troops with a large number of people to display it.

And this number, at least about 5,000 soldiers with internal strength.

This is already nearly half of the strength of the entire army. If it is removed at once, the strategy of the entire Shinano country can be said to collapse, and it can no longer make progress. It can only be trapped in the north and wait for assistance.

Even if there are other forces in Shinano to support them, even the territory already occupied in the north cannot be kept, so they can only withdraw from Shinano in despair and become a bereaved dog.

If it really ended like that, even if he saved his life for a while now, he could have such a good ending.

This is a very difficult choice, and even Yoshimoto Tomita couldn't make a decision, and felt a dull pain in his heart, so he gave this choice to them, and wanted to use their hands to help him choose.

The method has been given, and it is absolutely useful. Whether it is life or death depends on how they choose at this moment.

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