Difficult since ancient times, the only death.

Tomita Yoshinari and the others understand that if they really choose to follow this method, they will definitely sacrifice many soldiers, and they are all elites.

But how could that be done?

You can't let the whole army be buried with you. What's more, it is the duty of a general to sacrifice a few to accomplish the majority.

What's more, people like Tomita Yoshinari also believe that even if these 5,000 elites die, it is not impossible to win the Shinano country with the remaining 10,000 troops.

Although this process may be very difficult, and it is full of risks, as long as the Shinano country can be captured, no matter how many soldiers and horses they lost before, they can make up for it.

It's just that I expected to make great achievements and stand out in front of the Taoist master. This wish may not be realized. He should feel lucky not to be punished by the Taoist master.

But now as long as one life can be saved, continue to sit in this high position and enjoy everything that power brings. Even if you suffer some humiliation and punishment, it is better than losing your life and everything.

"My lord is talking about the current plan, and I can only sacrifice those soldiers for the sake of the overall situation. I think they can understand us under the shadows, and they will definitely not blame us."

Said a man who looked like a general.

"Exactly, since the soldiers under my command have joined the army, they have long been prepared to serve the Daoist Lord and wrap their bodies in horse leather. Now that they can sacrifice for the great cause of the Daoist Temple, they will not only not resent, but will be happy that I gave them such a contribution This is a great merit!" Another general said.

"That's right, my lord hastened to give the order to use the formation, the time is not waiting for me."

The rest of the people around also urged in unison.

When Tomita Yoshinari heard the words, tears welled up in his eyes, he looked at the generals around him with emotion, and said with a choked tone.

"All the officers and men have such an idea, so I really don't know how to say it. Since the warriors under my command have the heart of repaying, I naturally can't refuse. At least, I have fulfilled their determination so that they can complete the task of repaying the dojo. Wish." Then he continued.

"Come here, order all the 5,000 second-tier warrior legions under your command to gather and come to the center of this army. I will cast spells to defeat the enemy at this moment."

Hearing this, the commanders of several second-tier legions who have been waiting around for a long time all have awe-inspiring faces and firm eyes. In response, he turned his head and went to summon his subordinates.

The people around also looked dignified, looked at each other, and finally fixed their eyes on the generals who left. There seemed to be emotion in their eyes, but they didn't say anything.

"My lord, I will also go to recruit my subordinates to wait for the time to change."

Another three or four people stood up, but they were the commanders of other ordinary armies, and now they were going to prepare for the matter after breaking the formation.

The army under their command will be the main force of the Shinano Front Army for a long time to come. Whether they can attack the Shinano country depends on their soldiers, and they cannot be ignored.

There are still 11 people gathered around Tomita Yoshinari. These people may have sacrificed the commander of the army before, and now there is no army commander under their command, so they simply sit in the central army as a master. Or simply it was originally enshrined with the army, as a high-level force to deter Shinano country.

Now some other masters are going to command the army, and these people gather around Tomita Yoshinari, and they will serve as the existence of vanguards charging into the battle after they break through the formation.

Time passed quickly, and under the watchful eyes of these top personnel, 5,000 second-tier elites quickly gathered in the center of the army, arranged in strict directions, and formed a new formation.

"Since that's the case, gentlemen, I'm going to start, protect the law for me."

Tomita Yoshinari had a serious face, his eyes were still so sharp, but there was a little bit of unbearable color deep in his eyes, but then it was hidden.

"I understand, please rest assured, my lord, as long as we are not dead, no one will be able to step over our body to the front of your lord."

The 11 people around nodded, and then moved, standing around Tomita Yoshinari in a certain special regular orientation, and then pinched their hands to form a small formation to protect the surroundings.

Seeing that several defensive formations had been set up around him, and there were countless troops blocking him, Tomita Yoshinari finally settled down, and began to concentrate on displaying his own formations, preparing to break the situation.

I saw Tomita Yoshinari muttering something in his mouth, and the syllables he uttered were full of magic power, and people couldn't help but be addicted to it.

The vibrations from the sound spread through the air, faintly resonating with the surroundings.

Afterwards, the world seemed to respond to this syllable, and countless golden light spots began to appear, and more and more, gradually surrounding hundreds of meters away.

After these light spots slowly gathered, they actually formed the appearance of a sharp sword.

The shape of the golden sword is vague, only the appearance of a sword can be seen, and the blade has not been opened, it just looks like a thick iron sheet, extremely rough.

But anyone can feel the sharpness of this golden sword as long as they look at it. The will to pierce through everything and kill everything in the world immediately fills the hearts of everyone around.

And after the golden sword appeared, countless light spots also appeared around the 5000 army, and the number was even larger and denser.

Countless golden light spots gathered, repeating the situation around Tomita Yoshinari just now, continuously gathering, and finally condensed into a sharp sword.

This golden sharp sword was about ten feet wide and one hundred feet long, and it was so huge that it covered hundreds of people's heads at once, blocking all the sunlight.

However, the people below did not feel a little dark, but felt more and more dazzling. The light of the golden lightsaber was far more dazzling than the sun, and the golden sharpness contained in it hurt everyone's body and mind, making people uncomfortable.

"Not good, the group of people below don't know what they are doing? The situation has changed and must be stopped."

The leader of the black fog people outside the white light curtain saw the changes in the light curtain, and was shocked. He hurriedly said to the people around him, and then quickly pinched his hands, trying to urge the light curtain to be destroyed.

Under the urging of the light curtain, there was a wave of fluctuations on the flat curtain, like waves, surging around, but with the same law.

Afterwards, countless white filaments suddenly emerged from the light curtain, searching around like a swimming snake.

These filaments swam around for a while, and then all pointed in one direction, which was the range of the soldiers below who were about to break through the formation.

After finding the target, countless filaments shook violently, as if they were excited, and then they continued to swim along the trajectory in midair like a dragon, stabbing at the person below who was concentrating on casting the formation like a sharp sword. Soldier.

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