The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 364 Breaking the Formation

The white filaments came very fiercely, carrying incomparable strength, stabbing forward like a sharp sword.

Its speed is so fast that it can't melt countless spaces at once, and it arrives in front of the army below in an instant.

Seeing that when countless soldiers' widened pupils couldn't hide their fear, the sharp sword had already pierced to a place less than ten meters away from them, and the incomparably sharp aura had rushed towards their faces with the sound of the wind, piercing their faces faintly. ache.

It seems that if there is no accident, the next second will be the death of these soldiers.

The dense silk thread is hard to count, just a little estimate, there are thousands of them, which is almost the number of soldiers below.

If the silk thread sword is really stabbed down, most of the 5,000 people below will be killed or injured, and they will be completely wiped out.

And the soldiers below thought the same way. Many of them couldn't hide the fear on their faces, their expressions were desperate, and their whole bodies were trembling.

However, because of the constraints of discipline, and because the time was too short to react, no one ran around and shouted to disrupt the army formation.

If they really messed up, I'm afraid that the golden sword that was condensed above their heads just now would collapse in an instant, and all the hard work would be wasted.

However, their conjecture is destined to be impossible to succeed, and Tomita Yoshinari will naturally not be unprepared when he proposes this plan. Now this situation has long been within his expectations.

I saw that just when countless sharp swords were about to stab down, a pair of red sharp claws suddenly attacked with incomparable power, the surrounding air seemed to be cut through, and there was a humming sound, which made the ears scream pain.

This sharp claw is like an eagle's claw, vigorous and powerful, and the sharp fingers on the tip of the claw are shining with cold light, extremely sharp.

The sharp claws slid across quickly, with such a speed that people almost thought they had never appeared. There were bursts of shattering sounds in the air where the sharp claws passed, like glass shattering, bringing bursts of teeth-stinging cracking sounds.

The soldiers who couldn't bear to close their eyes and wait to die heard the sound, and felt a burst of shock in their hearts, thinking that it was the sharp white arrow that shot down.

But after waiting for a few seconds, he didn't hear any screams, and there was no pain on his body, so he couldn't help but feel strange, opened his eyes slightly, looked up to the sky, but was stunned.

I saw that the sharp sword originally composed of silk threads with unparalleled power in the sky had all broken at this moment, turned into pieces and danced in the air, and then fell.

In the center of the broken silk thread, a red sharp claw was continuously sliding, causing more silk threads to be broken, and at the same time, roars were heard in midair. It's not a human voice, it seems to be animal language, but it's more majestic.

These people realized that it was the long dragon formed by the remaining army outside that protected them.

"Don't be stunned, continue to release your power according to the instruction just now, this bloody dragon won't last long, if you still can't complete the task at that time, then wait to die!"

While the soldiers were stunned, a roar came from the air. It turned out to be the voice of a senior general in their army. At this moment, he and several generals around him were driving the blood-colored dragon to resist the white silk threads that were constantly shooting down from the sky.

It's just that the situation is very bad. The blood-colored dragon's original strength was not as good as that of the white light curtain. Now that they have tested their main force, their strength has dropped by half abruptly, and their size has shrunk a lot. It is becoming more and more difficult to resist the erosion of the light curtain.

Fighting against it now is even more disadvantageous than fighting with supernatural powers. Although it looks very powerful now, I don't know how many attacks of light curtains have been repelled while rolling in the clouds.

At first glance, it seemed unstoppable, and no attack could beat him.

But in fact it consumes a lot. It can be seen from the paler soldiers below. The generals who controlled the blue dragon were also trembling all over, obviously this caused great harm to their bodies.

"We don't have much time left."

All the soldiers couldn't help feeling secretly, and quickly circulated the true energy in their bodies according to the instructions just now, and then drew it out of the body by virtue of the power of the formation. They quickly released strands of not-so-strong auras in their respective directions, and finally joined together to form a monstrous force.

This force is indescribable, so powerful that it is unimaginable, and the power that can be released in it can even horrify people to death.

Now, this power that does not belong to mortals is not far away, and is closely protected by 11 masters. Tomita Yoshinari, who is within several formations, quickly mobilized.

Due to the characteristics of the technique, the appearance of this power is still red, but it is a strange red mist. Compared with the black mist in the distance, it is full of an indescribable feeling.

Under the mobilization of Tomita Yoshinari, these red mist slowly surged under the influence of a certain special law, but the direction was rushing toward the golden long sword tens of meters above their heads.

After just a few breaths, the nearest red mist had already surged to the side of the golden long sword, and it was swallowed by the golden long sword as soon as it touched it.

Afterwards, the body of the golden long sword did not grow stronger, but it became a little more solid, and it was even mixed with a strange red color, adding a sense of sinisterness.

After the golden sword absorbed the mahogany around it, it seemed unsatisfied. Instead, it burst out with a strong suction force, and quickly attacked the distance, quickly absorbing the red mist that was farther away.

Just like swallowing a whale, you can see hundreds of square meters of red mist being swallowed into the sword body in just one breath.

It didn't take long, about half a minute, the red mist that covered several miles around was swallowed up and incorporated into the body of the golden long sword.

And the golden long sword has completely turned into a golden red color.

After inhaling all the red mist, the golden long sword trembled all over, as if he was full and belched.

Then there was a violent earthquake, which directly expanded several times, and its power looked even more frightening.

Not far away, Tomita Yoshinari, whose face was extremely pale, saw the appearance of the golden long sword, his face was full of joy, and he couldn't feel the pain of his body, and all his attention was focused on the golden red long sword.

"It's done, it's now, disease."

Under his command, the golden long sword moved slowly, and then slowly accelerated. However, the three breathing speeds have already crossed the distance of space, and broke through in front of the light curtain in an instant, and then stabbed forward.

The sharp golden-red sword tip was paired with the white flat light curtain, and a monstrous force swept across the sky, bringing gusts of wind and blowing towards the surrounding area. Many soldiers were blown upside down by the wind for more than ten meters. hold the body.

Then, under the tense eyes of everyone on both sides, the white light curtain seemed to make a click, but there was no movement after waiting for a few seconds, which seemed to be an illusion.

But then, a louder sound came.


This time everyone heard it, and they were absolutely convinced that it was a real voice.

Looking up, I saw a crack appeared on the flawless white light curtain, and it continued to expand, eventually sweeping the entire light curtain.

Then, under the upward thrust of the golden-red long sword, it seemed to have reached a peak, and the white light curtain suddenly shattered.

The light curtain that shrouded the surrounding area for several miles with terrifying power and shattered the minds of countless soldiers was actually broken just like that.

All they could see was the golden-red figure standing proudly in the sky, and they were speechless for a long time.

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