The abnormal behavior of the black fog man in front of him aroused Tomita Yoshinari's great sense of crisis.

The red light of the blood lotus guarding around him in front of him became more and more intense, and the little internal energy left in Yoshinari Tomita's body continued to flow into it, doing everything he could to increase the defense of the blood lotus.

"General, you still can't get rid of the matter of life and death? There is no need to struggle anymore. Today, you cannot escape the fate of falling."

Seeing Yoshinari Tomita's actions, the leader smiled faintly, as if he couldn't see the stronger defense in front of him at all.

No, or just don't care about it.

It seems that he either gave up the assassination act, or he must have some kind of stronger hole card, so he is not worried at all about Tomita Yoshinari's actions.

Because he was sure that he was next, even if Tomita Yoshinari added a few more defenses, he would definitely be able to take his life and complete the task.

The two guessed that Tomita Yoshinari naturally believed in the latter, and the people in front of him sent out the few remaining masters under their command.

He does not hesitate to use the secret method, sacrifice his life and potential, but also in exchange for powerful power as the price to block the rescue of his subordinates for a moment, just to buy time and opportunities for the people in front of him.

How could the leader of the Black Mist people with such determination and sacrifice easily give up such a god-given opportunity.

It was also the only and last chance to assassinate himself.

If he really gave up, wouldn't it mean that his countless previous actions were useless, and those sacrifices were all in vain?

So he must have a back move. Wait, thinking about it, Tomita Yoshinari seemed to realize something.

"Damn it, him, does he actually think that he is really a madman, and he doesn't even care about his own life?"

A guess suddenly surged in Tomita Yoshinari's heart, and it grew vigorously like a newborn seedling, and the root system spread to her entire heart, which was difficult to pull out.

To cast the secret technique means to die.

Could it be that the black mist man in front of him wanted to use a secret technique, just like his subordinates just now. It's a lunatic to kill himself by burning his life and potential in exchange for powerful power. He really dares to do this.

Tomita Yoshinari finds it difficult to understand that a high-ranking man like him is now the coach of a party, and countless people under his command work hard for him.

Normally, no matter what kind of difficult task he needs to take risks to do, as long as he moves his mouth and lifts his finger, countless people will rush to finish it with all their might. He just wanted to use this as a step of promotion, so that he could gain a future under his command.

So he hadn't encountered anything that required his life for a long time now. Usually, if there is any troublesome matter, the subordinates will do it for them.

After a long time, the ferocious aura in his chest and the determination to dare to fight for his life have long faded, and he has become timid instead. He has to look forward and backward in everything, especially when it involves his own safety.

This is a common problem of people. When you have nothing, you don’t have all these things. Those who are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes have the courage to work hard to win wealth.

But when you really get rich and have a lot of things, you will turn to worry, for fear that one day you will abandon these wealth and fall into the mortal world again.

Thinking of such a terrible thing, Tomita Yoshinari was even more horrified, his face turned pale and panicked.

The little internal energy left in the body was exported more and more, and poured into the blood lotus, doing everything possible to strengthen its defense.

At the same time, he began to squeeze the flesh and blood in his body, trying to extract more internal energy from it, transport them outside, and strengthen his life support. For this reason, he did not hesitate to waste the potential foundation that he had valued so much in the past, everything was for his life.

"It's useless, no matter how you save it, it won't change your fate of death."

The leader of the black fog people looked at Tomita Yoshinari, who was already a little frightened in front of him, with a slight look of disappointment in his eyes, and then his tone became more determined.

A frightening aura erupted from the body of the black mist man in front of him, and then his cultivation quickly broke through at a visible speed all the way, the middle stage of the fifth level, the late stage, the peak, and did not stop until endlessly approaching the sixth level.

In this instant, the cultivation base of the Heiwu people has increased seven or eight times abruptly, which is really unbelievable, and the despair in Tomita Yoshinari's eyes can't help but become more apparent.

"Damn it, you die as soon as you want to die. Why do you have to drag me. I still have a bright future, and I will enjoy endless glory and wealth. My reputation has not yet spread throughout the world, but everyone is revered. How can I die here? .”

Tomita Yoshinari's expression panicked, he completely lost his former calm and majesty, and became like a mortal, crying here.

"Well, it seems that the long-term wealth has corrupted your mind and made you lose the willpower possessed by the strong. You can't resist even a small wealth. It's really useless to be at the same level as me."

The black fog man sighed softly, as if he felt extremely sad about the fall of the strong man with the same cultivation level as himself, and even more infinite indignation.

This is the disadvantage of Tomita Yoshinari taking a shortcut to quickly break through his cultivation base. The whole person's emotions and desires are infinitely magnified, and the negative emotions are particularly prominent, which is why he has this gaffe.

"No, I don't want to die. I haven't enjoyed enough. If you want to kill me, I'll kill you first."

After panicking for a while, Tomita Yoshinari slowly put away that bewildered expression and regained his composure. At the same time, his face became ruthless, as if he had made some kind of determination, and he looked ruthlessly at the leader of the Black Mist.

With a thought in his mind, the blood lotus that was protecting him from the black fog man's attack and was fully deploying the red light defense suddenly floated out from his seat, stopped defending, and quickly attacked the black fog man go.

Suffering such a sudden change, the Heiwu man was also stunned for a moment, just in such a moment, the blood lotus floated in front of his eyes, his whole body glowed red with blood, and an extremely dangerous aura burst out from the snow lotus, making him The mind of the leader of the Heiwu people was cast in a haze.

In the horrified eyes of the leader of the Heiwu people, the bewitching red light on the blood lotus became more and more intense, and then the body swelled and condensed extremely, and finally an earth-shattering force burst out from its body.

This blood lotus blew itself up under Tomita Yoshinari's urging.

In the endless blood light, the dazzling sunlight was suddenly taken away, and he became the focus of attention of everyone present.

I saw the figure of the black mist man gradually being swallowed up by the surge of red light, and then disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, and he didn't know how to live or die.

When Tomita Yoshinari blew himself up, a mouthful of rich blood essence spewed out from his throat, followed by several mouthfuls. The whole person's complexion became paler, his breath was extremely weak, and he almost breathed a sigh of relief.

The original cultivation base in the middle stage of the fifth level also skyrocketed and fell, and fell to the early stage, and even faintly fell out of the fifth level.

However, even though he was in danger of falling due to such a serious injury, Yoshinari Tomita breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as I can kill the enemy in front of me and save my life, the magic weapon and cultivation base can be recovered and cultivated again gradually, it is nothing.

But he didn't let go of it.

Although the self-detonation power of the blood lotus is powerful, there is no guarantee that it can really kill the black mist man in front of him. It is necessary to have some precautions.

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