The bloody light covered half of the sky, robbing everyone's attention, and countless people's attention was focused on the bloody light.

After half a minute, the blood light was still extremely bright, and the dazzling light took away the demeanor of the scorching sun.

At this moment, everyone thought that the leader of the Black Mist Man had been swallowed by the blood light, and when he took his life away, a smear of black burst out from the blood light.

" is it possible?"

Tomita Yoshinari opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

The power brought by the blood lotus explosion is so powerful and majestic. Even in his heyday, he could only last for two or three seconds before he would die from exhaustion.

But the loss of strength in front of him was so severe that even the leader of the black witch who had exploded his potential in exchange for strength was able to escape from it. How could this not surprise him.

A strong sense of crisis and premonition of death enveloped his heart.

A pale hand stretched out from the bloody light, and then the other hand came out and parted to the two sides, as if parting the bloody light, and then an ordinary but resolute face stretched out.

"I said, today, you will die."

An extremely dense black light gushed out from the leader's hands, turned into a black blade, and attacked Tomita Yoshinari.

"No, you can't do that, I don't want to."

Tomita Yoshinari shouted in despair.


Dewa Country Dojo.

As a Taoist temple built on a high mountain, the top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round, and the pure white mist covers half of the top of the mountain, which is a sacred place for immortals.

"What did you say that Tomita Yoshinari died in battle, and most of the Shinano army was lost, and the rest retreated to defend Iiyama Castle, surrounded by tens of thousands of enemy troops, and the situation is in dire straits."

Sitting in a high position, Zhong Yu asked the ninja below with a look of surprise, his tone full of disbelief.

"Yes, Lord Yicheng has died in battle, and his troops have also retreated. The rest have asked for reinforcements from you. I hope you will help them as soon as possible, otherwise the entire army may be wiped out."

Feeling the majestic aura of Zhong Yu above and the questioning in his words, a pressure rushed to his face, and the kneeling ninja at the bottom was sweating profusely, and his tone was a little panicked.

"Has the situation rotted to this point!"

Zhong Yu couldn't help thinking secretly.

The army led by Tomita Yoshisei is 1/4 of the 200,000 troops in the Eastern Expedition, and their strength is extremely strong, and the sum has far exceeded the entire Shinano country.

But now such a strong force is now so broken.

Not to mention most of the people died, even the coach was killed, but in the end the result was very little, how could this not make him surprised and angry?

Then he asked the ninja about the specific things in detail, and then he became more angry, especially for Tomita Yoshinari.

'This reckless man ruined my big business, I really wish I could tear his body into pieces and burn his soul for thousands of years to vent my hatred. '

The hatred for Yoshinari Tomita grew stronger in my heart.

"It was ordered that Yoshinari Tomita's family be put to death, all the previously conferred territories will be taken back, and the rest of the high-level officials will be punished according to the law."

Zhong Yu slowly issued this cruel order, which made the ninjas below couldn't help sweating more and more, and the fear in their hearts couldn't help but deepen.

"Yes, this subordinate will convey it."

The ninja retreated slowly and completely disappeared into the darkness.

This Tomita Yoshinari really did not accomplish enough and failed.

Because of his own selfish interests, regardless of any danger, he dragged the 50,000 troops present into the abyss, not to mention the loss of countless people, and also destroyed the grand plan of the dojo.

Among other things, the complete failure of the central battlefield of the Shinano Kingdom is quite serious for the morale of the entire dojo, and it can inspire the resistance of the wealthy families of other countries and make them resist themselves even more.

Just these few points, under the ebb and flow, the dojo's strategy of attacking the central countries and planning the world has completely stagnated, and it has become more and more difficult.

'But it's not without merit. '

‘Although Shinano was defeated on the battlefield, with the resources of the three unified countries in the rear, a powerful army can easily gather and once again crush Shinano with its strong strength. '

'This time, as long as we don't underestimate the enemy and advance aggressively, and fight steadily, relying on the status quo of most of the broken Shinano Kingdom, we will never be able to resist, and it is only a matter of time before we are taken down. '

'And although it failed, it hit the morale of the Dojo side, but it also boosted the confidence of the enemy. As long as those local tyrants have a stronger will to resist, they will be able to mobilize more people and soldiers to fight against themselves. '

'The strength of the enemy is stronger, and after killing them, the luck I can get will be more abundant, and the recovery of injuries can be accelerated quickly. '

"This Yoshinari Tomita barely did a good deed for me."

Zhong Yu thought so in his heart, but he didn't have the slightest sympathy for the treatment of the Tomita family.

Anyway, Tomita Yoshinari also let go of the unforgivable heinous crime. Even the subordinates and generals under his command can't say anything about his current disposal.

Going against the interests of the lord because of selfishness, causing heavy losses, has already betrayed the oath of allegiance.

Because of Yoshinari Tomita's mistakes in the dojo now, the unified strategy may have to be greatly enhanced and delayed.

It can be said that not only violated the interests of Zhong Yu, but also violated the interests of everyone in the dojo system, how could he not be hated by others.

Maybe Zhong Yu's handling now, in private, I don't know how many people want to secretly applaud and vent their anger.

"Come here, send me an order to continue to assemble a large army. The strategy of Shinano Kingdom cannot be given up. Within ten days, I want to see a 50,000 elite reappear."

Zhong Yu said to the empty hall, a figure flickered in the darkness immediately, and went to convey the order.

Although more than 40,000 troops have been lost now, there are only 5,000 remnants left in Shinano Kingdom, relying on Iiyama Castle to hold on. But in any case, the dojo is also a big prince who unified the three kingdoms, with a stone height of nearly two million stones.

Although such a small damage is not small, it is far from hurting the muscles and bones, and a group can be gathered in an instant.

Ten days later, an army of 50,000 people had been assembled. This army consisted of 20,000 cannon fodder, 28,000 first-tier soldiers, and 2,000 second-tier masters.

Another force strong enough to destroy cities and countries.

Under the order of Zhong Yu, the army was commanded by a fifth-level master named Keiji Watanabe, and the target was still the Shinano country.

This time, with the previous lessons and precautions, it is no longer possible to underestimate the enemy and give Shinano a chance to get lucky.

All of a sudden, after hearing the news, the entire Shinano country was terrified, and the princes of the whole world were even more horrified by the mobilization ability of the dojo.

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