Pingyang City, the capital of Xijiang Province, a neighboring province of Dongjiang Province.

A restaurant in the city.

The restaurant was bustling with customers, including knights with swords and knives, scholars dressed in green clothes, businessmen in traveling clothes, and even some people from the city came here to chat.

"Hey, have you heard? The Dongjiang Province across from us has raised a rebel army, and the momentum is huge. Now it has completely swept the entire Dongjiang River. It has also fought several battles with several neighboring provinces, and it has not lost the wind." A ranger The person who looked like said, his face was full of joy, as if he was looking forward to it.

"I've heard it a long time ago. If you want to say that these rebels are really powerful. Is the Huangshan Demon King powerful? He once swept across the entire Dongjiang Province, and the governor of Dongjiang Province, Qin Ming, had to fall, forcing the court to back down and admit that the demon king The area occupied by the demon clan is the territory of the demon clan. But such a powerful demon king has beaten the group of rebels in Dongjiang province to pieces. In less than a month, tens of thousands of demon soldiers have disappeared like this. Even a person as powerful as the Huangshan Demon King is dead. Thinking about it, the leader of the first army must be an extremely powerful adult." An accomplice next to the knight said.

"That's right! The world is not peaceful. The demon soldiers are scourges in the east, and the Jin Dynasty invaded again in the north. Now that the demon soldiers have just subsided, the rebel army has risen again. Life is getting more and more difficult. Now the taxes are higher than before. It’s several times more, and it’s hard to earn money for food.” A man dressed as a traveling merchant said, his face was full of bitterness, obviously deeply affected by these wars.

"Hmph! It's just a traitor. As long as the court is free, it can be wiped out with a snap of a finger. It's nothing to worry about." In a private seat on the second floor, a man in Tsing Yi dressed as a scholar shouted angrily.

"That's right, what Brother Chen Yan said is true, a group of rebels is nothing more than a group of rebels, what can they do? Now it's just taking advantage of the inconvenient transfer of the imperial army. When the imperial court calms down and the heavenly soldiers overwhelm them, they will immediately fly away ” The fellows who were also dressed as scholars next to the scholar in Tsing Yi all agreed, as scholars, they hated these rebels who always disrupted the existing order.

"Heh~ I don't know who it is, it turned out to be a group of scholars. The rebel army drove out the demon soldiers for our human race and restored the orthodoxy of humanity. They have a great kindness with our human race, and they are much higher than the so-called compromise court. Sure enough. , Nothing is useless is what the scholar said is very reasonable, and the experience passed down by the ancestors can be seen today." The knight who spoke first turned his head and saw a group of scholars, and couldn't help but sarcastically said.

The current world is full of wars, and the status of warriors is not as low as that of Zhong Yu's previous life. After all, if the major dynasties want to preserve themselves, they still need to rely on these warriors, especially in empires like the Great Qin that rely on martial arts, the status of warriors is even higher than that of Zhong Yu. civil servants.

However, the civil servants of a dynasty like the Ming Dynasty had an unprecedentedly strong status, and although the status of warriors was not lowly, it was far lower than that of scribes.

"You... are just a group of vulgar warriors, so what knowledge do you have? Now that you are openly promoting the reputation of those rebels, you don't mean to rebel, aren't you afraid that the imperial army will come to arrest you?" The scholar in Tsing Yi was pointed at Cursing with his nose, he immediately countered, his words were quite vicious, as if he wanted to kill these knights.

"Hey! You really hit the spot. Grandpa, I'm going to join these rebels to fight for a future." The knight smiled and didn't even deny it.

"" The scribe in Tsing Yi didn't expect that the chivalrous man would be so deadly that he would not be afraid of boiling water, so he made a mess with him, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing the group of scribes holding back, everyone in the lobby laughed.

After all, most of them are poor people here, belonging to the exploited class, especially now that taxes have been increased many times, they don't have a good impression of those high-ranking landlords and scholars, as well as the imperial court.

While everyone was laughing, a group of yamen servants suddenly came outside the restaurant, all of them carrying knives and swords, with fierce faces, and some of them were holding several pairs of shackles and shackles.

As soon as this team of yamen servants entered the restaurant, they immediately shouted loudly, making everyone in the restaurant quiet.

"My lord has just heard a report that someone in the restaurant is secretly spreading rumors. He is suspected of being a spy of the rebel army. He is here to arrest him. Who is responsible?" A middle-aged man who looked like a headhunter asked sharply.

At this time, a rather thin man with a wretched face next to the head catcher pointed at the chivalrous men who had just defended the rebels and said flatteringly.

"Lord Liu, just now these few people are here to spread rumors, constantly preaching the benefits of those rebels, and even calling those rebels rebels, it is really treasonous."

Catcher Liu turned his head when he heard the words, and stared at the knights, his face turned cold, his eyes sparkled, he was holding the big flower knife at his waist, and his behavior was quite unkind.

The group of knights saw this posture just now, knowing that what they did was leaked, their expressions tightened, they stood up from the table, picked up their swords one after another, and faced each other without showing any weakness. Those yamen servants.

When Liu Butou saw it, he felt a little nervous, these are all desperadoes!

There are seven knights on the opposite side, all of them have bulging temples, and they seem to have a little internal strength, which is different from ordinary people. And everyone holds a sword, the lethality doubles, and the 13 yamen servants he brought may really not be able to win in a fight.

At least some casualties are inevitable.

Thinking of this, Catcher Liu couldn't help but hesitate, wondering if he should go forward.

After all, for taking down these desperate Jianghu people, he would at most get credit for catching a spy, which is not very big in this period.

But if four or five people, or even more, died under his command, his foundation would be greatly damaged, and his opponent might take the opportunity to make trouble and take away his position as head catcher.

The knights on the opposite side saw that the yamen servants didn't move, so they didn't dare to act rashly. After all, they had twice as many people as the opponent, so they still suffered a lot in the fight.

The two groups of people confronted each other in the restaurant like this, and the atmosphere froze to the extreme. The customers in the restaurant were blocked in the building and dared not leave, and also sweated.

At this moment, a fast horse suddenly ran on the street outside, and a blood-red knight in armor shouted loudly.

"Urgent military situation, urgent military situation."

"The rebels from the east sent troops to attack our Xijiang Province. Huaiqing Mansion and Zezhou have been captured. At this moment, 30,000 enemy forwards have broken through Xiangling City, which is 30 miles away from Pingyang Mansion. They will be able to reach the city within half a day."

A piece of news that could shake the entire Xijiang Province came out of the mouth of the knight, causing everyone in the city to panic.

And the servants in the restaurant naturally also heard what the knight who just passed by said, and their complexions became extremely exciting.

"Those rebels are so powerful, they broke through two state capitals without making a sound, and even hit the foot of the provincial capital before spreading the news." The group of yamen servants couldn't help thinking this way, and the bitterness in their mouths was even worse.


Liu Butou drank, turned his head and took his subordinates away.

In the current situation, what kind of spies are still being caught, and it is better to think about how to save one's own life.

It can't be said that spies are caught here now, and after Pingyang City is destroyed, the rebels will come to find themselves and others to liquidate.

Liu Butou didn't have the idea of ​​being buried with the court, survival is the most important thing.

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