The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 405: Soldiers Approaching the City

Just as Liu Butou and the others left the restaurant, they planned to go back and think of a way to find a way out. At the same time, the governor's yamen in the city also gathered two people with the most dignified status and power in Xijiang Province.

The governor of Xijiang Province, Li Chengnai, is a sixth-order powerhouse, and he is also a very special legal system powerhouse.

According to Li Cheng's self-proclaimed, he got the inheritance from a senior Sanren, and then went a long way in the immortal way, and now he has become famous and has a place in the forest of strong men in the whole world.

"My lord Xu, the enemy soldiers are pressing the border, what should we do?" Li Cheng, who is the governor, spoke first.

Although Li Cheng was the governor in charge of the military, he was devoted to his cultivation and did not manage any trivial affairs in the army, leaving all of them to Xu Ying, who was the governor.

Governor Xu Ying took a look at Li Cheng, and was not surprised by his question. This lunatic obsessed with cultivation, if not for the generous remuneration offered by the imperial court, would be an indispensable resource for his cultivation. I am afraid that Li Cheng would not Will take over the governor's errand.

"Now the enemy has captured the two state capitals of our province, and the vanguard is approaching the city with 30,000 soldiers. The situation is urgent. However, there are only 20,000 defenders in Pingyang City, and their strength is too weak. In today's situation, it is safe to stick to it and wait for reinforcements." " Governor Xu said with a slightly tense expression.

According to the practice of the Ming Dynasty, the standing army in a province is 50,000, and the frontier troops in various places can be doubled or several times.

As for the security and defense of the local area, militia troops like the Weisuo Army are in charge, and their combat power is too weak to use up, even barely defending the city.

This time, in order to defend against the rebel attack from Zhong Yu's side, 30,000 standing troops were stationed in Huaiqing Mansion, which is adjacent to Dongjiang Province, just to keep the enemy out of the country.

But for some reason, the 30,000 troops even stopped the enemy for a while, spread the news so that the rear could not do the early warning, and the 30,000 troops came outside the city of Pingyang without any noise, directly threatening the politics of the entire Xijiang Province center.

Based on Xu Ying's past experience, if a large army had about 30,000 vanguards, its size would often be more than 100,000, or even more.

With such a powerful army, combined with a powerful formation, even Li Cheng's sixth-level cultivation base cannot resist it. Not to mention the rumored leader of the rebel army, but personally killed the Yellow Mountain Demon King.

As the Huangshan demon king who can cause disaster for a while, needless to say about his own cultivation, Li Cheng himself has fought against him several times. During the battle, he was faintly at a disadvantage. Against the leader of the rebel army who could kill the Demon King of Huangshan, he was really eager to find death.

"Forget it, the enemy army is powerful, let's quickly ask for help from neighboring states and provinces!" Li Cheng's face moved slightly, with the intention of struggling, but in the end he sighed dejectedly and made the decision to ask for help.

"Very good, my lord's consideration is really safe, I'll do it for my brother." Governor Xu Ying was certain in his heart, and quickly agreed.

As a civil servant, Xu Ying has always been uninterested in fighting and killing. If he didn't deal with it now, his position and life under his command might be lost, so he wouldn't care about the issue of war.

Now seeing that I have persuaded Li Cheng, who is in charge of the war, to stay in the city honestly and assist in the defense, I know that I have secured most of the seat on my buttocks, and the next step is to repel the enemy.

The help messengers from Xijiang Province were quickly sent out, and there were four groups of people in total.

Three of them asked for help from the surrounding provinces of Xijiang Province, and the other went straight to the imperial capital of the imperial court, asking the emperor for rescue from the Central Army.

It was just that the whole of Xijiang Province could not have imagined that this time, the rebels they expected not only attacked one area of ​​Xijiang Province, but also successively attacked Huaixi Province and Huaidong Province, which were connected to it and also adjacent to Dongjiang Province. Province.

Each of these two provinces has an army of more than 100,000. In addition to Xijiang Province, which is the main direction of attack, they have the impression that the rebel army with only 100,000 troops dispatched a full 400,000 troops to attack the court, and every soldier There are more than three levels of cultivation.

The army was dispatched, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Xijiang Province was directly under the provincial capital. Although the other two provinces were better, the state capitals on the left and right sides of the border fell, and the provincial capital was also facing the threat of being attacked.

Three days later, when Zhong Yu led the follow-up army to the city of Pingyang, the provincial capital of Xijiang Province was already surrounded by a full 200,000 army, and it might be overthrown at any time.

Boom, drums and thunder.

Zhong Yu stood alone in mid-air, not caring about the countless eyes of fear, admiration, or hatred looking at him, and shouted directly into the city.

"Listen, Governor and Governor of Xijiang Province. Now you are surrounded. Our army of 200,000 soldiers is approaching the city. It is easy to break your small town. If you are sensible, surrender obediently. Otherwise, there is absolutely no reason to take back the sword and soldiers together."

"Don't be a rebellious traitor. Although I am small, I am strong. Although the city is small, it is enough to stop you. Let's start a war today, and I will never stop until you meet and bleed." Li Cheng, the governor of the city, saw Zhong Yu's attack. Boasting, he fought back immediately, and refused to surrender without hesitation.

Although Li Cheng didn't care much about the affairs of the Ming Dynasty, since he accepted the enshrinement of the Ming Dynasty, he had to do his duty to protect the entire Xijiang Province.

Although the enemy is powerful now, Li Cheng's duty cannot be discarded. This is his persistence as a warrior.

"Jiaoliang clown, you are stubborn, since you want to die, then I will help you!" Zhong Yu's face became angry, dissatisfied with these people's ignorance, so he gave up his plan to persuade him to surrender, and wanted to be ruthless .

With a movement of his body, he charged towards Li Cheng in the city, but before he could get close, he was stopped by the large protective formation that appeared in the city in an instant, and it was difficult to get any further.

As the capital of a province, Pingyang City's large defensive formation is naturally powerful. With full power, even a seventh-level expert wants to break it, and it will take a lot of effort. It doesn't even take a few months to even think about it.

Although Zhong Yu's strength is strong, even if he is not inferior to the seventh rank, but it is foolish to want to break this formation in an instant, and he can only stare outside the town in the end.

"Damn it, do you only rely on external things? Then I will break your fluke. The army obeys the order and breaks this city for me." Seeing that his footsteps were blocked, Zhong Yu's face was full of unwillingness, so he That is to say, the army was ordered to attack the city.

Although this level of defense is high, under the siege of 200,000 troops, even if there is a formation, the army can still form a formation to counteract it. Under the interaction, the defensive advantage of the city wall has been greatly reduced.

If the 200,000 army attacked with all its strength regardless of losses, the results would be seen within 3 days, and the city would definitely be broken within 10 days.

But for such a short time, Zhong Yu could still afford to wait.

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