On the second day, Zhong Yu took Yan Chixia, who was impatient and eager to kill Lanruo Temple immediately, and led ten thousand imperial guards towards Lanruo Temple.

The army moved very fast. After all, they were all successful practitioners, and they could no longer use ordinary people's reasoning. In less than half an hour, tens of thousands of people traveled more than ten miles and arrived outside the forest of Lanruo Temple.

Around the woods, 90,000 soldiers had already been stationed, firmly surrounding the woods.

The army's banners and flags were uninterrupted, and the surrounding dust billowed into the sky, showing a majestic and majestic style.

With such a big momentum, even if the tree demon couldn't move, he could sense it right next to him.

This made the dryad's grandmother nervous, wondering what the purpose of this army that suddenly appeared was.

Looking at the attire of these troops, all of them are well-armored, full of energy, and breathing deeply and continuously, obviously they are all people with a certain level of cultivation.

This kind of army generally exists as a regular army of the imperial court. Other people or forces do not have this condition, nor do they have the courage to gather such a large scale.

An army of nearly 100,000 people, according to the court's past practice, usually has a seventh-rank commander, coupled with two or three sixth-rank lieutenants, this is the standard configuration for a 100,000-strong army.

Such a force is nothing compared to the whole world, and many people can deal with it at will.

But also for many people, this force is so powerful that it is difficult to stop, and they can't even stand in front of him for a little confrontation.

Unfortunately, the tree demon grandma belongs to the latter category. Although he can fight against the death of anger, his own strength is naturally far inferior to this army, so it is nothing.

Facing the danger, the dryad's grandmother chose not to shrink back, pretending that she didn't know anything, and this forest looked like an ordinary forest.

Now the situation is unclear, and the purpose of this army is also unknown, it is wise to hide for the time being

But how much he wants, Zhong Yu will not follow his wishes.

"Come here, prepare fire starters for me, and the mystic army prepares fire spells. I want to burn this demon forest." Zhong Yu directly ordered, preparing to give this old demon a drastic measure.

The tree demon grandmother's body is huge, forming a forest of tens of miles around. If a person really goes in to deal with the tree demon alone, he will definitely suffer a big loss and fall into heavy siege.

Even if Zhong Yu had an army of 100,000, if he really threw it in rashly, he would definitely suffer heavy losses, and he didn't know if he could survive with 30,000 in the end.

In this kind of war time, every power is precious, how could Zhong Yu consume it at will, let alone the meaningless consumption caused by such mindless behavior.

As His Majesty's order, it was quickly carried out by his subordinates.

After a while, the fire starter prepared by the army, that is, unrefined black powder, was packed into tens of thousands of barrels, and all of them were mentioned in front of the forest with a radius of tens of meters, and were held by soldiers one by one. , ready to throw over at any time.

"Action." Zhong Yu only said two words, but it represented the outbreak of a great war.

"Throwing hands ready, throw!"

A famous general kept shouting at the soldiers under his command, and those soldiers quickly obeyed the order, lifted the sealed wooden barrels the size of buckets in front of them, lifted them up, and then walked towards a group of people in the woods. Throw.

At this moment, the benefits of cultivating the extraordinary power of internal force are manifested.

Ordinary people have not undergone any supernatural strength enhancement, and how strong their strength can be. Lift a wooden barrel weighing nearly a hundred catties, and then throw it far away. It is not bad to be able to throw it ten meters away.

But for these soldiers who have reached the third level of strength and have a certain amount of internal strength in their bodies, it is no problem to lift a wooden barrel weighing a hundred catties and throw it far away, even a hundred meters away, or even worse. Far is not impossible.

No, there are more than 20,000 wooden barrels filled with black fire oil, which have gathered almost all the black fire oil reserves in the area ruled by Zhong Yu. into the woods.

Because the soldiers threw out the wooden barrel with great force, and the wooden barrel was made in a hurry, and it was not made very strong, but it was only enough to ensure that it could be filled with black fire oil without showing it.

As a result, when the black wooden barrel was thrown into the woods, it exploded all of a sudden, and the black fire oil filled in the wooden barrel was splashed in all directions, and a black rain really fell. The black raindrops hit the leaves, making the leaves crackle.

Just like that, the entire outer area of ​​the forest was drenched with black fire oil, and black stains appeared on the emerald green leaves, which looked extremely ugly, and the gloomy forest became darker and gloomy.

At this time, the dryad grandma who was hiding in the depths of the woods, although she also felt the state of some branches of her own, was drenched with a layer of dark water, which was extremely sticky, which made him feel the sun and the sky. The absorption of aura has become blocked.

But he had never seen black fire oil before, so he didn't know what it was, but he felt uneasy in his heart, but for the sake of safety, he still didn't dare to show his head.

In the center of the army, Zhong Yu, who was surrounded by everyone, saw that his first step of the plan was successful, and a tricky smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This dryad grandma is indeed an old demon trapped in place and unable to get out, she has no knowledge. Compared with the big demon king who played thousands of miles across the mountains and forests like the Yellow Demon King, he was no different from the old hat in the mountains.

Now he can't even recognize the tree nemesis like black fire oil.

"Everyone, since the master is still unwilling to come out to welcome the guests, I will knock on the door and let the master know that there is a visitor! Mysterious art army is preparing, and the fire magic is projected on the target. There are dozens of miles of forests around Lanruo Temple." Zhong Yu smiled. Said to the generals around him, his face was full of joy.

"Your Majesty is holy." Some of the generals around him complimented a little, and then they took their orders and went to the front line to personally command the soldiers, ready to punish Grandma the Dryad.

With the urging of these generals, the Mysterious Art Legion, which had been prepared long ago, threw out the fire spells that had been condensed and issued in their hands one by one.

One by one, fireballs, fire dragons, birds, fire swords, and even other fire attacks of various shapes and powers swept towards the forest.

In an instant, the sky was filled with fiery red, and the scorching heat was rolling in. As the heat wave hit, many soldiers couldn't help sweating.

Among them, the most luxuriant burning place is the outskirts of the woods that have just been contaminated by black fire oil. The flames are so strong that the fire is as high as 100 meters, which is daunting.

Just like that, the dryad's grandmother was severely injured, and his wailing sounded from the depths of the forest.

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