The shrill and terrifying scream of the dryad's grandmother came from the depths of the woods. Because of his incomparably strong mana, the sound could be heard by people for nearly a hundred miles, and it was extremely penetrating.

"Who are you? Why are you targeting me like this." The voice of the dryad's grandmother was full of resentment.

"Humans and monsters are different. You, a tree demon, are rampant for hundreds of miles. I don't know how many people have been killed by you, causing the people of Guobei County to live in poverty. Today, our army is encircling and suppressing, just to return the world to a bright future." Zhong Yuyi said righteously.

No matter who they are, all politicians in ancient times will find a name that looks very tall and good-sounding for their actions. It is not only to win people's hearts, but also to make the people under his command feel that what they do is righteous, which is of great help to morale.

"Those people I killed are all damned, why are you making things difficult for me? Everyone wants to reduce the number of evil people in the world, and they all want to benefit the people." The voice of the tree demon, male or female, was extremely strange. .

"Whether you should die or not is up to you, and even if those people deserve to die, they will be dealt with by my human race, and the court will prosecute them according to the law. Why did you, a mere monster, dare to kill my human race? Some villains have also committed serious crimes, and ten thousand deaths are hard to redeem." Zhong Yu sneered, but he did not have the sophistry of Yan Chixia in the original book.

Even though the tree demon grandma killed people with evil intentions, and those people were more or less guilty, but as long as they were all human races, there would not be a monster to judge them.

Under the great righteousness of the two races of humans and demons, no one can find a thorn in this reason.

Because this is maintaining the orthodoxy of the human race, it is commendable, and there is no way to refute it.

"Well said, what the emperor said just now is inspiring. Since hundreds of years ago, humanity has declined, and these monsters have gradually ravaged the territory of my human race, but no one can rule it.

For example, the version of the tree demon found a high-sounding excuse for his crime, but in fact he was just looking for a reason for his crime. His heart can be punished. "Yan Chixia laughed a few times and cheered happily from the sidelines.

"So, you guys are going to fight me to the death, and the net will be broken." The tree demon's grandmother understood at this time that the two sides had no way out, and the only way to find a chance was to fight to the death.

"It's true that you can't die forever, but it's not necessarily broken if the fish dies and the net is broken, but a mere tree demon can be destroyed with a flick of a finger, so it's nothing to worry about." Zhong Yu said.

"Then you all have a try." Grandma Dryad said bitterly.

Afterwards, the forests with a radius of tens of miles filled the sky with trees and vines flying, constantly swaying in the air, creating whirlwinds.

Under the howling of these strong winds, the fire that had burned nearly 1/3 of the forest area was gradually blown to other places, leaving the support of the trees, and gradually extinguished.

"You dare to be presumptuous even if you have a small skill." Zhong Yu snorted coldly when he saw the tricks of the tree demon, and said with disdain.

"Give me the upper wind spell, overwhelm the struggle of this tree demon, and see how he can treat it?"

With Zhong Yu's order, the tens of thousands of mystical masters below once again pinched the seal formula, slowly gathering the energy of the world, and started another wave of spell accumulation.

It didn't take long, only a few minutes, these mysterious arts legions gathered together an incomparably violent storm.

The air of these storms turned into an extremely strong wind between the sky and the earth, which caused the human body to ache, and the skin and flesh on the body had a tendency to break away from the skeleton and be blown away by the wind, which was extremely severe.

Then, under the control of the Xuanshu Legion, these strong winds slowly pressed towards the entire forest. The fire around the forest, which was originally only on the periphery, became extremely majestic in an instant under the drive of this strong wind. flame storm.

This flame storm is boundless, directly covering the sky, and within a hundred miles, it is the color of a burning cloud. This is a real fire, extremely scorching.

The storm slowly burned from the edge to the center of the forest. Driven by the storm, even if the tree demon grandma waved her vines desperately, she couldn't stop it at all, and the fire became stronger and stronger.

Within an hour, the entire forest was on fire. At this moment, even if the tree demon has the power to reach the sky, it can't prevent the fate of the entire forest from being burned.

There was a more shrill scream, and the whole forest trembled. Countless trees vibrated and swayed rhythmically with the screams, and countless burning leaves fluttered. There was a rain of fire, full of beauty and destruction.

"Damn it, you forced me. If you want me to die, then you have to be prepared to lose a few teeth." The tree demon grandma finally stopped screaming. Although her body was full of pain, she was not there. Instead of howling, he uttered cruel words in a painful voice.

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding forests of dozens of miles shrank rapidly in an instant.

It was the tree demon that was rapidly absorbing the life force of those trees. The original green trees, under the extraction of the tree demon's monster power, rushed away with vitality at an extremely incredible speed, and the withered and yellow leaves fell one after another. One by one, the branches of the whole tree spread, and then the branches became dry and dead one by one.

In the end, the whole tree turned into dead wood that had been dried for several years and was easily ignited by the fire at once, and finally turned into ashes.

And after absorbing the life force of an unknown number of trees in the entire forest, a tree tens of meters high grew rapidly at an incredible speed in the center of the forest.

In just two or three minutes, it grew from a body that was tens of meters high and ten meters wide to a thousand meters high and hundreds of meters wide. It was almost shocking from a baby to a sky-reaching giant.

"Interesting, so this is your method? Fight to the death." Zhong Yu's praise was a bit playful, and it seemed a little admirable, but in fact it was not the slightest bit nervous, full of calmness.

"You can be proud, it will be your time of death later." The tree demon said with a heart full of death.

This trick is not without any side effects. The Dryad's own potential is put there, and all the clones are taken back at once. How can his body withstand the life energy of tens of millions of trees?

Up to now, his main body looks huge, even if he shakes the branches, there will be a gust of wind blowing, full of power.

But in fact, he was already extremely weak. Although his strength was strong, it couldn't last long. Now every moment of delay was consuming the life force he had sacrificed.

Wait until the moment when the life force is completely exhausted, that is, the moment when the dryad runs out of fuel and faces death.

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