The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1001: It's time to launch the Totem Warrior

"The strength of the worms is somewhat beyond our expectations. The frontline has not yet completed the coverage of plant weapons, nor has it completed the long-range control. Unless we speed up the progress, otherwise such assassinations will continue and the frontline will collapse."

"No, I think it's impossible for the worms to use this method to slaughter them all the time, because their masters are definitely limited. If they keep doing this, the impact on them will be too great.

Chi Nan listened to other people's answers, and after a long time, when they raised their hands, everyone closed their mouths. "What you said is correct. It is impossible for the worms to assassinate on such a large scale, but it is possible for the Beetle God. For a god, I believe there are ways to increase the strength of some worms in batches, especially those cannon fodder-like transformations. Bug man."

"But Lord Lord, will the beetle **** do this kind of thing? This is obviously not good."

Chi Nan waved his hand: "No, it's good. Occupying a plane is the biggest gain. And I have inquired that the beetle **** seems to be a very proud and face-loving god. Do you remember the last time we fought against the beetle god? ."

Everyone remembered, and some people even touched their arms involuntarily. There is also a mark left by the Beetle God. With this mark, the beetle **** is able to find them.

As for the character of a god, since a **** really exists, it is very normal to have his own personality. After fighting the beetles for so many years, this kind of thing is not a secret at all.

And a very arrogant god, whose plan was ruined by a mortal, and left a mark, it is hard to say what the beetle **** will do. Even if they get a plane later, they will be attacked.

Chi Nan didn't know that the Beetle God was crazier than he had imagined, and even if the plane was not available, he would still catch them and mortals. If they know this, I am afraid they will have more headaches. "So now, we need to continue to improve the protection of those officers, at least not for the time being to let them lose too much."

After I set up further there, it would be a benefit for these people to die a little bit more.

Unknowingly, Chi Nan also began to disregard the lives of some people at some point. Too many people died, and it was just a bunch of numbers. Chi Nan himself hadn't noticed this change, and he didn't know if it was good or bad.

But Hemila and others found out, but they didn't mean to remind them at all. Perhaps in their eyes, Chi Nan is gradually becoming decisive, which might be a good thing.

Suddenly, Sophia said: "To improve their protection power, there are only two ways, one uses our plant bodyguards." Plants are very strong, and there is no problem protecting those people.

But Chi Nan directly rejected: "Absolutely not, they will not trust our plant bodyguards. Moreover, if our plant bodyguards have the ability to protect them, it will expose too much of us."

"Then there is only one way." Sophia and Hemira looked at each other and said solemnly: "It's time for us to launch the Totem Warrior." Totem Warrior? Chi Nan frowned and thought about it.

"What you said is not the method sent by the Beastmaster family? Isn't that method very dangerous, and the success rate is very low. Those high-level people will not choose this method, right?"

Sophia shook her head and said, "No, we are not going to use it for those high-level people, but for the guards around them. I believe their guards will be willing to try."

Suddenly Weiweisi said: "And after a lot of our experiments and the magic knowledge you left behind, we have completely perfected this method. After special verification, the success rate of this method has been as high as 70%. Even if it fails. It will not endanger life, but there will be no way to become a totem warrior in the future."

"When did you test it?" Chi Nan's eyes condensed, and this thing is definitely going to be tested on humans.

"Chi Nan, don't worry, we know your bottom line, and we definitely won't do what you don't want to do. We experimented with some animals and monsters. Later, we used wild orcs and some people who committed death crimes."

Chi Nan feels relieved now, as long as it is not arbitrarily arresting people to experiment, there will be no problem. Chi Nan didn't want his own people to become Frankensteins. There was no bottom line research at all. That was something Chi Nan didn't allow.

Some people may feel that it doesn't matter if you fall like this, but Chi Nan knows the importance of the bottom line. Once one day I completely give up the bottom line, it won't take long for me to become like a lunatic and embark on a path of self-destruction.

"If this is the case, there is no problem, immediately transfer me some people who can make totem warriors, and I will make them immediately." I lead the people, and there are many people who are willing to accept this etc. Wait, there is a problem now, that is, after all, the beasts in this world are somewhat different from the beasts of time over there. Although humans look similar, there are always subtle differences. To do this kind of transformation, the monsters of our plane may not be able to bear them, and they must use the monsters over there. "

Chi Nan was taken aback and didn't care: "That's right, then there is no problem. I have caught a lot of monsters on that plane before, and I have never known what it is. If it works, use it."

"It also needs large-scale reproduction. Once it is useful, if you want to expand the scale, you must have a certain number."

Hearing Sophia’s words, Chi Nan thought for a while and said: “Then start with small animals. The best ones eat grass and reproduce fast. I remember there is a monster like a rabbit over there.”

Seeing that Chi Nan agreed to his request so easily, Hemila and others smiled. This is what they did with great difficulty in hiding it from Chi Nan. If Chi Nan is an old-fashioned man, then this research would be completely ruined. Fortunately, Chi Nan is not a guy who doesn't know how to adapt at all.

Several other territorial leaders who participated in this matter also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. Chi Nan is the **** in their hearts. If Chi Nan is disgusted, some of them will even feel like dying.

Under Chi Nan's approval, some enchanters and wizards secretly passed through the space channel and came to this plane. As a lord, Chi Nan secretly found some people to come over, it didn't matter at all.

As a result, a group of people who voluntarily accepted the experiment soon appeared in a special underground secret base near the city. No one knows that things that change people's thinking in this world will be born from here.

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