The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1000: More than one of me was assassinated

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"Asshole, you dare to do this kind of thing to Lord Lord, give it to me and catch them."

Horne who finally reacted was angry, and the others couldn't suppress the anger in their hearts at all. Even if it was not Chi Nan, it was a piece of wood, but in their view it was also their own negligence.

The object of protection was assassinated, and the object had exploded. If it weren't for Chi Nan's own special abilities, the incarnation had been assassinated just now. Even if it's just an incarnation, being assassinated under his own protection, for the guards, there is no greater shame than this.

I still remember that a long time ago, someone had done this in front of themselves, and now their entire family has been annihilated.

And this time, except that Chi Nan is not the real body, the performance in front of the guards is simply worse than last time. But even so, Horn still forced himself to remain calm, ready to capture prisoners instead of killing.

But Chi Nan is different. Chi Nan knows that these people who have beliefs are not of the same race, and there is no need to capture the prisoners at all.

Even if it is really caught, it will be the same as the result of the previous experiment. Even if they use their own special method of reading memory, these worms will destroy their own spirit and brain in an instant, and they will get nothing. This is the method of the gods, which is not something that he can contain now, and it will not work if he breaks through the legend.

Hearing Chi Nan's words, Horn and others took their orders loudly, and even the last scruples were let go. In the face of a group of almost crazy guards attacking, this desperate method of attack makes the insects very uncomfortable.

As a result, these worms were torn to pieces in just a moment. Only the one who just attacked from behind Chi Nan still persisted. Chi Nan didn't make a move, but stomped his feet, and a large number of dandelions appeared in an instant.

Dandelions rise with the wind and surround a large area. At this time, Chi Nan sneered and pointed to the other side: "There are two more over there, don't let them escape." Two invisible bug men were discovered.

I don't know what methods they use to hide their breath and weight coming to them, but no matter how much they hide, as long as they don't blend into the space, they are all tangible. As long as there is a physical body, it can be discovered. Since being almost assassinated for the first time, Chi Nan has carefully studied how to counter stealth.

The guards didn't care about this, and after seeing the figure exposed among the two dandelions, they immediately swarmed up. At the moment they attacked, the two worms could no longer hide, and they were quickly killed.

"My lord, what do these people do." Although they wanted to cut it into eight pieces, Horn and the others still resisted, leaving a relatively complete body. At least the face of the corpse was free of scars.

Chi Nan waved his hand: "Let the worms sneak in, or so many all at once. This should be found in the Alliance. Send these corpses to the Alliance and let them give us an explanation."

Chi Nan waved his hand. Although the guards were not angry, they still did. Now that he hasn't fully integrated into this plane, many things still have to be done according to other people's rules. But it's coming soon, and soon, he will be able to truly control the world. Chi Nan is very confident about this.

Only two days later, Chi Nan received a report from the Alliance. Seeing this report, Chi Nan looked strange. "It turns out that I wasn't the only one being assassinated." The report was a **** fact.

Unexpectedly, although some of the worms who assassinated him were the most powerful, they also had the most gold masters. However, the person who was also assassinated was not the only one who was assassinated. The previous alliance had been overwhelmed.

If it were not for the assassination of some small officers on the front line, they would not divert their attention, let alone let off so many bugs easily. Of course, these are their own statements.

But Chi Nan believed that even if they knew in advance, they might not be able to stop the insects from infiltrating. You can't even feel the area covered by your own plants. This is obviously the method of the beetle god, and the method of the **** is far from being able to resist human beings.

But I'm not the real body here, what can I do even if I get killed, just change another one.

The reason for doing this is just to show my attitude. "This is really miserable. If Chongren did this long ago, the world would have been unable to hold on any longer."

Looking at the report, the officers in the middle and lower ranks on the frontline had suffered a brutal blow. Fortunately, now the main battle on the front line has been handed over to one's own plant weapons, otherwise the army on the front line will be confused for a while.

And those unlucky alliance high-levels in the rear, as well as some nobles in special territories, suffered heavy losses in the assassination. Today, sixteen territories have lost nobles and these nobles have not left any offspring.

Or, the heir was also killed during the assassination. This result was very embarrassing, and these territories immediately became the land of no owner. If it's good to say, then those high-level alliances killed by the assassination are completely different.

The deaths of these high-level coalitions caused some troops to find their masters, and the deployment of troops in the rear was somewhat chaotic. Even the front lines have been affected. It's just that I don't know if the insects made a profit or lost by doing this. A large-scale assassination will cost a lot of the insects.

Insect people are not bugs, they are not so easy to be born, even if they are transformed into insect people. Especially for those who can reach the golden level, every loss, even the high level behind the insects, will feel distressed.

It happened that Chi Nan, the most valuable, was not assassinated, but was completely wiped out by Chi Nan. But at this time, the league's senior finally remembered that Chi Nan himself was also a master. And Chi Nan's subordinates actually have so many existences that have reached the golden level. In the rear, apart from a few high-levels, there are no yellow-level masters around everyone else, and all those at this level are on the front line.

The power of Chi Nan suddenly gained a huge elevation in the eyes of others. Being able to have so many golden warriors to protect shows that the power behind Chi Nan is definitely not as simple as they had previously guessed.

But in any case, the alliance still put forward a proposal to strengthen the protection of Chi Nan.

Looking at this proposal, Chi Nan refused without even thinking about it. A joke, there are so many secrets on my own side, if I find out in advance, that would be fine. He still wants to riot in secret, bit by bit to let others adapt.

As a result, because of whether to increase the protection power, the alliance's senior officials began to wrestle with Chi Nan again.

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