The Rise of Plants

Chapter 999: 1 light, 1 dark, and 1 wave

"Golden Wormman? It's not a grudge or magic power, but a power that I don't recognize, but it's somewhat similar to my magic power. No, this power can be released outside, not the same as mine.

Chi Nan found that the opponent's red light could be released, forming a very powerful attack, and his complexion suddenly changed. If you see this speed of face change, you might be surprised if you see it.

Without thinking about it, Chi Nan shot another arrow. There was a little green light on the arrow, which brought a huge threat to the golden bug man. At the moment when he almost felt the danger, this person gently dodged to the side. But Chi Nan's arrow technique is so fast, even if he dodges in advance, the worm man only dodges a small step.

The left arm was hit by an arrow on the spot. In front of the golden level power with the nature of legendary power, this worm man has no resistance at all. In an instant, it was pierced by an arrow.

The arrow penetrated the person's left forearm, leaving a black hole in the ground. "Perhaps, I should learn some other arrow techniques." Chi Nan suddenly discovered that he still has a lot of deficiencies in bow and arrow.

This time it caused a penetrating injury, and most of the damage did not show up. If you have other skills, you can definitely get rid of this guy at once. In the past, with the help of Slinkaye, Chi Nan was only practising the accuracy and speed of ordinary bows and arrows, and other various skills were deemed unnecessary by both of them.

But thinking of Slinka Yee's training method, Chi Nan shuddered. It seems that it is better to find these skills by yourself and figure it out for yourself. Sure enough, genius is different from other people's learning methods.

As Chi Nan thought, he wanted to give that guy another arrow. But just when Chi Nan was about to do it, a gust of wind suddenly heard in his ears. "Why there is, how did he approach me."

Chi Nan was surprised, and instantly he knew that he had been attacked. However, there was no sense at all before. It seems that these people are only using bait to entice the guards around them. The real lore attack comes from these worms who have always been hiding in the dark. Before they attacked, they really didn't notice it.

It's a pity that these guys don't even know that their body itself is not the deity, and they have broken through the legend. The clone cannot use all its power, but there is no problem with perception.

Without even thinking about it, Chi Nan condensed a substantial magic power in his descendants. The green light clings to Chi Nan's clothes behind him, forming something like a protective mirror.

A wave of ripples flashed through the void, and a dagger seemed to suddenly appear behind Chi Nan. It was able to form a circle of faint ripples on his magical barrier. You must know that your magical power is legendary.

"This is definitely not the ability of these worms themselves, it seems that the beetles behind them should have made the move. The power of the gods is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people." Chi Nan thought silently in his heart. Faced with a god, it is indeed good for him not to let the deity come here. Otherwise, he has been discovered now.

Chi Nan didn't think that a mere mortal of the legendary level could survive in front of a god. Even if the **** didn't come to this world, he just sent some power down.

Just blocking the assassin's attack, Chi Nan's reaction was much faster than other guards. The wounded bug man tightly restrained Horn and the other golden guard with his remaining arm. Even though his whole body was scarred, he didn't give up.

At this time, Chi Nan was about to turn around and attack the guy behind. His fighting skills and strength can definitely kill him instantly.

But just when Chi Nan made the move, a huge threat came to his mind. "Where does this sense of danger come from? No, it's not the guy behind." Chi Nan couldn't feel the source of the danger.

However, the increasingly dangerous feeling in his heart made Chi Nan no way to relax. The body formed by the wood tightened. "Don't worry, get out of the way first."

"Puff", a dagger without a hilt appeared in the void, with only one tip.

The sword sank into Chi Nan's chest fiercely, where the heart was. A powerful force burst out from the middle, and the red light expanded rapidly. Suddenly, Chi Nan's figure turned into a piece of debris and exploded.

"The mission is complete, let's go back." A voice suddenly uttered under a tree.

If this person is silent, there is really no way for people to find out. But after he made a sound, he was caught in the position.

What happened before was so fast that the guards hadn't reacted yet, Chi Nan's body had But the next moment, the bug man who made the sound was shocked to find that a green blade had penetrated through it. Own body.

Coming from behind, directly penetrated his chest, revealing a section. Worm people are not insects. Although their vitality is much stronger than ordinary people, it is obvious that they can't survive such a serious injury.

"Can you tell me how you concealed my perception?" Chi Nan's voice came from behind.

"No, that's not the target, it's just a piece of wood." The insect man who had just attacked Chi Nan finally reacted. At this time, this person was surprised to find that the pieces of wood on the ground were completely different from Chi Nan.

Take a closer look, isn't it just a large number of pieces of wood. Just when Chi Nan didn't know where the danger came from, Chi Nan chose to exchange positions with a tree spirit warrior. Phase shift, this is one's own natal ability.

Because it happened so quickly, all people are still stunned. "You, you can actually avoid it, how did you do it?" The worm man said dryly, and he could feel the vitality passing by in his body.

"I am asking you now, not you asking me." Chi Nan said coldly, twitching the wooden long sword at the same time.

"Hahahaha, you definitely don't want to hear any news from me. The great beetle **** is with me, you will definitely be punished by the god." The worm man fell silent for a while and suddenly shouted loudly.

Chi Nan found this person's attacking thoughts and disappeared instantly. After the attack, the worm man ran out of strength and fell to the ground. "I'm dying to fight back, but it's not a self-destruction, bad review." Chi Nan said in another position.

"It seems that this assassination of me was not done by people from other forces, but by these worms. It is normal for these worms to assassinate me."

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