The Rise of Plants

Chapter 998: Even the clone was assassinated

A group of worms secretly approached the place where Chinan was located. It was a small town on the edge of Chinan's territory. The rest of the land was wasteland. So it’s no surprise that Chinan lives in this place.

It is impossible for Chinan to live in the wilderness, otherwise it will definitely arouse people's suspicion, so Chinan usually lives in surrounding towns. Although the city I built has basically grown well, there are too few people living in it. Even if the place is very convenient, the time is not long enough after all.

It is precisely because of this that Chinan has not yet managed to get into that city, but lives outside.

"I've inquired, their plant lord will patrol here every three days, and he must pass by this place, so we just have to wait here." The lead worm man whispered.

This person has a cold face, his eyes are faintly shining red, but he is not very eye-catching. Those with thin arms and legs seem to be stunted, their skin is pale white, and even their hair is gray and colorless. At first glance, he thought that this guy was very sick and not far from death.

But for this worm, the other worms seemed very afraid.

After a long time, someone from behind dared to speak: "You said, would the plant lord be the one who wanted to find under the crown of beetles? Didn't the high priest say that he felt the mark planted by the crown a few days ago? ."

A woman next to her shook her head and said, "Impossible. The plant lord has been here for a long time, but the imprint only appeared a few days ago. Either they blocked the imprint, or just arrived."

Block the imprint? How could this be possible? It was performed by a **** and could not be blocked by mortals. And even if it can be blocked, why not keep it blocked, but instead open it again at this time? This is unreasonable.

Although they were all modified insects, they were all humans and orcs before, and they couldn't be so idiots. They could think of them under normal circumstances. So the result is only the latter one.

"I just don't know who came, but to be able to come to our world, I believe it should be a very important person. If he can be caught, we will definitely be rewarded under the crown of beetles."

"Shut up, don't talk too much, just wait here. What Mianxia wants to do is Mianxia's business, and we can do it ourselves. Also, although Mianxia says that he doesn't value the world, as a subordinate, We must do our best. To catch those who blaspheme spirits, and to take this world down."

"Yes, boss, what you said is too right, we have to find their space channel, then fight over and take down that plane as well. At that time, hum..."

They took down the planes that other people couldn't take down. What a great credit. Especially being able to show his face in front of the gods, this is something that I didn't even dare to think before. Thinking of this, many people feel enthusiasm.

These worms didn't wait too long, because Chi Nan's clone came out early the next morning. Sitting in his carriage, he began to patrol around the periphery of his territory according to the established route.

This is not to express yourself, but to calm people's hearts. Every few days, Chi Nan will patrol here. Not to mention, the people in the territory will be more enthusiastic about their work and attract more people to come here. In a short period of time, the three surrounding towns were full. Had it not been for a city, someone would have begun to build a new town.

But today, things are obviously not the same as usual. As soon as Chi Nan walked not far away, he felt the signs of someone approaching. Originally, this was nothing at all, and it was normal for someone to come close by.

But Chi Nan felt that the person was different this time because he didn't even show his face. When there was no crowd around here, someone was sneaking in, even the satellite didn't notice it.

If it weren't for stepping on his own grass and trees, Chi Nan really didn't find these people. "Damn it, is it an assassin? I don't know who sent it. Low-altitude satellites, use other methods to observe."

With Chi Nan's order, the low-altitude satellites began to move. From the previous line of sight observation, it was replaced by thermal energy detection and acoustic wave detection. If there are other detection methods, perhaps Chi Nan has already used them all.

Now, Chi Nan finally found these people. "Hehe, there are really people. Let me take a look. There are 14 of them. I really don't know how so many people came here, but since they are here, don't go back."

Chi Nan was talking to himself while these people were already close to him. Chi Nan gave Horn a color, and when these people approached him, Horn suddenly rushed out with several guards. A powerful vindictive burst out and completely exploded the surrounding area in an instant. On the ground, those quiet plants began to entangle.

Those worms who thought they were hiding well, now found that they couldn't hide it anymore.

"Damn it, I was found, kill it." The pale, thin man shouted. Others can only rush forward as soon as they gritted their teeth. They are not real worms, but transformed worms.

Originally, the position of the insects was not very high, otherwise it would not be their turn for such a dangerous task. If this fails, they will definitely not end well after returning, and they know this well.

Knowing this a long time ago, they shouldn't have betrayed at the beginning, and they all regret not falling.

Hearing the order, a group of people rushed out even though they were reluctant. Suddenly, there was a scream around him. Looking back, an arrow sank into a companion's eye and went straight to the brain, obviously unable to survive.

Suddenly there was another strange sound, and another companion was hit by an arrow in the throat. "Be careful, the plant lord is a sharpshooter." Someone finally discovered the reason. Chi Nan was holding a bow and arrow in front of him, and he made the two attacks just now. After so long of practicing bow and arrow skills, now it is finally able to come in handy.

Killing two enemies in a row for the first time made Chi Nan's confidence begin to swell.

Those guards rushed and swept across with the long sword in their hands. They attacked the insect man with one sword on the spot, and they were all gold level masters. Only the thin man could block Horn's attack.

The skin on both hands was broken, the hard shell appeared, and the red light flashed on his body, which was able to block the gold-level vindictiveness. It was obvious that he was also a gold master. Those who died, are flowing green blood.

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