The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1054: We also have legendary generals

For the next month, Chi Nan didn't do nothing. On the one hand, Chi Nan is continuing to study and give birth to the tree of life. There are already many trees of life in his territory, but no elves have been born yet.

On the other hand, Chi Nan is also actively participating in the counterattack of the Bugs against the Beetles. As I said before, a temple was destroyed, and then the bugs became confused.

Afterwards, hidden churches of the Beetle God were found, and the imperfect statues were destroyed, further exacerbating the collapse and chaos of the Beetle. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the plant army pushed up and defeated the beetles. Countless beetles were cleared away, and then turned into various materials and various fertilizers for cultivating plants.

Even the underground beetles were dug out one after another, and the ground was intertwined with grass roots that were later planted and completely sealed off. The beetles want to make holes in this kind of place in the future, it is not an easy task.

The beetle man with a little brain keeps retreating. However, some beetle people who were simple-minded and only knew to rush forward were solved one after another. One by one, there were those high-level beetles they led.

As a result, because of these idiots, the power of the beetles in this world was further destroyed. It can be said that after this battle, the beetle man suffered extremely heavy losses, and his vitality was already severely injured.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Alliance rushed forward without hesitation, and finally pushed the front line by a large margin. From the original corner, it advanced to a position close to the center of the mainland. Although these places are not so easy to defend because they are too big, they are still firmly anchored under the influence of the alliance army after all.

No one can occupy such a huge land now, and even farming is impossible. However, the minerals and various resources on these lands provide them with more choices.

In some places, although no one manages them, there is no problem in planting some fruit trees. With the help of Chi Nan, one fortress city was established to further curb the spread of worms.

Needless to say, the ownership of these fortress cities is definitely Chinan, which makes many people jealous. Sure enough, when the external pressure was reduced, many people once again set their sights on the inner bucket.

It's a pity that Chi Nan's prestige is very high now, and it has received the attention of the world and the blessing of plane power. These people who want to fight against themselves have been stumbled by all kinds of things, and even all kinds of bad luck. After Chi Nan learned about these things, he just smiled and didn't say anything. What he needs to do now is to develop himself.

At this time, the power of the plant army outside had been promoted by Chi Nan to a power close to what he had now. Before the improvement of this batch of plant armies, it had that level of power.

And large war fortresses have also been opened. Through the war fortress, the battlefield advancement is easier and more flexible.

It's a pity that the war fortress Chinan has no intention of selling it to the outside world. Although many people are jealous, there is no way. Who made these war fortresses, even if they wanted to **** them, there was nothing they could do.

"The next step is the establishment of the floating city. Insects like to hide underground, but the sky is our territory."

Chi Nan was thinking about various issues while specifying the next step. Now, the entire bug plane, the territory belonging to the alliance has been restored to more than one-third. As long as the Beetle God has no other moths, it may take less than two years to completely restore the entire plane and drive away the insects.

At that time, his plan on that plane was about to come to an end. So the next step is to truly give yourself the power to deter anyone else. Are there two legendary masters?

Seeing that a month has passed, the divine power crystal has finally been completely purified. The people they needed were also selected one after another. All this is done in secret, no one outside knows.

What Chi Nan didn't expect was that Olna was also selected. "Orna, you can think about it. Once you use this method, although you can break through, it will hinder you from going further."

For his friends, Chi Nan doesn't want to use these methods. Yes, even though Olna is her own subordinate, Chi Nan has always regarded her as a friend. This is not someone like Horne, it's all his subordinates.

"I have already thought about it. With my own ability, it is difficult to enter the legend. Although this is not good for the future, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to have a future without using this method. Besides, I believe in the patriarch."

This is the first time Olna calls herself the patriarch instead of her own name, and it seems that she truly recognizes herself. "Well, if you want it, use it. I will find a way to get you into the demigod level in the future."

As long as he became a true god, Chi Nan didn't think he had no chance to let Olna continue to break through.

Everyone is staring here closely. At this moment, in a magic circle, a red spar has receded its final color, completely becoming transparent. That kind of transparency, as if there is nothing in front of me.

"Then, who will try first?" Chi Nan said to the people around him.

Horn was the first to stand up: "I'll come." All the while, as the first breakthrough for the territory except for the lord, he will always be the strongest Horn, and he has felt that he is useless for a long time.

Now this time I encountered such an could Horne give up. So Horn stepped forward, grabbed the spar, and swallowed it into his mouth. The spar entered his mouth and disappeared instantly without a trace. This was an explosion of divine power, that power directly integrated into the body, and began to rush back and forth in the body of the fire man.

Horn snorted and immediately assumed a usual practice posture, and began to circulate the fighting energy in his body. The vindictive spirit is constantly flowing on the body, as if being restricted by something.

Finally, after a while, a barrier that was invisible to the naked eye was shattered. The strength on Horn's body suddenly began to rise, and this breath of strength no longer belonged to the environmental level.

"We finally have a legendary general." Chi Nan said slowly with a tick at the corner of his mouth. This is the legend, the second legend besides the lord, a legend that can truly go on the battlefield and desperately, this is their God of War, led by the sacred tree. Although I have known it for a long time, everyone still feels excited at this moment. ...


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