The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1055: 6 births at a time

I don't know how long it has passed. When Horn's breath slowly calmed down, an invisible force spread out and affected the surroundings. "This is the domain, I don't know what it is."

Feeling this power, Chi Nan couldn't help but feel a little envious. No way, who will let himself have no domain. At least in my own impression, creatures that have reached the legendary level and have no realm are very rare.

Unexpectedly, this is the case with me who has always felt good about myself. Perhaps this is the drawback of relying on external forces to improve it. But there is no way, Chi Nan also wants to practice, but the exclusivity of life magic is too strong. Regardless of whether it is magic or vindictiveness, as long as you gather yourself, it will be completely swallowed in the first place.

Now the territory has its own legend, although it is only man-made, it is the same as the real legend. My sense of security has finally improved a bit. With six legends, there is no need to be afraid of anything in the future.

The Cthulhu Empire can come up with four legends, but they are supported by the Cthulhu. The dragon clan behind the Holy Dragon Empire and the elven clan behind the half-elf empire, I am afraid that there are more legendary masters than you have.

But anyway, with these six legends at once, he was finally able to be at the peak of this world. As long as the demigod doesn't appear, then he is truly stable on this plane.

"Lord Lord, his subordinates have made a breakthrough." Horn knelt on one knee with an expression of excitement.

Chi Nan raised his hand: "Get up, tell me what is your domain."

Chi Nan was very interested in this, but Horn did not answer immediately, closing his eyes and perceiving little by little. Whether there are special attributes in the field, this is not easy to study, sometimes there is really no way to find out.

When he opened his eyes again, Horn firmly said: "My domain possesses the characteristics of destruction, which allows my grudge to have the ultimate destructive power and can destroy everything."

Chi Nan nodded. Although this domain is only improving his own combat effectiveness, it is more suitable for a fighter. As for other capabilities in the field, only the basics are left.

"Very good, then, Carol and Galio, you two go and try."

Both of them and Horne were the first followers to follow him. They were absolutely loyal, and Chi Nan trusted them very much. The two nodded, and walked forward with excitement, just like Horne. He picked up a purified divine power crystal and ate it. After that, the two people put on a cultivating posture and began to absorb the strength.

After the two people broke through, Chi Nan found that although the domain abilities of the two people were not disillusioned, they were very similar to disillusionment, both of which increased the destructiveness of his own grudge. It's just that Carol is more changeable.

"Perhaps, this has something to do with their cultivation of non-attribute grudges. It is a pity that Silinka is not here, and there is no way to understand it." Such a big thing, Chi Nan would not let Silinka be here.

It doesn't matter whether you trust it or not, and Chi Nan doesn't want Silka to do it at night. If you find that there are so many legends on your side at once, they are all made with the crystallization of divine power, who knows how the elves will react. After all, for the survival of the entire race, sometimes the elves will do things that violate their own ideals.

When the three guard leaders broke through, Olna was next. It is very safe to use divine power to crystallize breakthroughs, and the success rate is guaranteed. There will be no problems at all.

So soon, Olna broke through to the legendary level. An elemental shooter with two attributes of wind and fire, after the breakthrough, the domain is also very special. The field of entangled wind and fire attributes gives Orna the attribute of wind and fire explosion.

The two forces of wind and fire can explode in the field, or they can be blessed to explode above the arrow. That kind of destructive power is far more powerful than what it manifests itself. At this time Olna alone could easily destroy countless airship formations, and she left as long as she wanted to leave, her airship formation simply couldn't keep Olna.

"Really worthy of being a legendary shooter, this is simply the nemesis of the airship formation, so the last two places are left."

Chi Nan looked around, there was no suitable mage quota, so he could only use fighters. In the end, Chi Nan could only use two selected guards to make a breakthrough. Chi Nan didn't know the names of these two guards.

After all, in the guards, Chi Nan is only familiar with Horn and the three at ordinary times, so he can give all orders to them. Chi Nan actually didn't know the names of most people in the guards.

But these two are also for experimentation. The two of them cultivated the light attribute vindictive energy and the wind attribute vindictive energy. After using the divine power crystal breakthrough, you can also see their performance.

What disappoints Chi Nan is that after these two breakthroughs, although they also have domains, they are both the most common domains. Only the most common ability to increase basic attributes such as strength and speed, which is found in all fields. Because there is no other special domain ability, the combat effectiveness shown is just like that.

This kind of legend is the bottom of the legends and the worst in combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, no matter how bad it is, it is still legendary, at least temporarily enough. Seeing that the mental state of these two guards has not changed, it seems that they are not so obsessed with whether they can have a strong field.

"Very well, this time we have added six legends in our territory, and many things can be prepared. For the time being, don't expose this matter. Externally, only Horne has made a breakthrough."

Horn bowed slightly to show that he understood.

"On the bug plane, we need two legends to sit in. Galio and Carol, you two will go over. For the remaining two, you will go to the undead plane after a while, and there seems to be some trouble over there. Be careful yourself."

Everyone bowed to express their understanding, and Chi Nan looked at the last Olna. "Well, you can do whatever you like. How about staying here for now." Chi Nan asked Olna instead of ordering.

"I'd better go to the bug plane, the strength there is a bit weak. Moreover, I also need some masters to hone my strength." Olna directly asked to leave the plane and go out to hone herself.

This is also good for him, Chi Nan thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement. "Well, the commander of the air force will keep it for you. You should find a deputy to control it temporarily." As for the position of the commander, no one cares much. ...


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